Project: ケイ - Watercooled Threadripper

Got some sleeving done this afternoon. Takes quite a while, so i imagine this is going to be a long winded job.

I tried to sleeve the front panel USB cables but they are just a tiny bit too thick for the paracord to fit over so I'll probably have to use ordinary sleeve for them. (several failed attempts and one ruined length of sleeve) I've now sorted the D5 pump power connections and a short molex extension for the xonar sound card. (Which i have done as sleeveless)

The molex on the D5 won't be on show so i used sleeving on it. (Going to do the fan speed wire next)

The 24 pin ATX, 8 pin EPS and both PCIe connections will be done like this, however i need to buy some extensions/molex sockets first.

I absolutely hate sleeving cables. I will never forget the pain i went through sleeving an old ocz psu a few years ago :D

I tend to go for extensions now much less hassle, but you have my respect that sleeving looks great!

I've never tried paracord before so if i ever decide to self harm again i must try some of that :p
Sadomasochism at it's best. Tips of my fingers are starting to come apart and i haven't even started the 24 pin atx yet. (still got the 8 pin eps and 8 pin pcie left) I'll be glad when i go modular as there will be less cables to sleeve and hide.

The D5 pump is now finished, speed wire and LED for the tank all sleeved up.

I've done the first 6 pin pcie connectors. Cable ties seem to be essential to keep the wires in order else they go all over the place.
Finished the 24 pin connector. Fingers are feeling slightly raw now. Doesn't look too bad considering the lack of control i have over it.

This is how things look so far. EPS left to do and i need to source some SATA extensions and a pcie 8 pin extension. (can't do heatshrinkless sleeving with corsair's "daisy chain" bit) I'm not bothering with some of the components as they are going to be changing. (it'd be a waste of good sleeving that i'd need later) I also found out after doing some measuring that cooler master changed the size of the cable routing holes as the grommets for the usb 3.0 version are a different size. :mad:
I got the EPS sleeved last night and the system rebuilt this morning. Very pleased with the appearance inside with all the case lighting on. The colours are exactly what i was after. Blue tubing, green coolant in the res and blue/green accents. Just need to sort the other pcie connector with an extension and unify the fans and it'll be finished up until upgrade time.

Looks fantastic Kei :)

I like how the project is self titled as well hehe. Have you considered having the katakana lettering engraved on the system somewhere?

A nice custom side-window with it engraved in the corner, and some subtle white lighting would look stunning in my opinion ;)
Missed this bit of your post first time around. (probably skim reading on my phone) I'm considering it as i'd like a window again as i miss not having one like my old superflower case. Problem is, I really need the side panel fans to keep the case airflow up. Quite like the standard coolermaster window with the fan fitting, but i'd have to choose a decent looking fan to go into the side panel else it'd look a bit pants.
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yea the sleeving looks great mate! very original :) It looks almost uv reative under lights, or maybe it is ? or probably i missed that part reading through :o
Some more tidying work sorted today. The deepcool and amber fans have moved to less obvious positions, replaced with matching fans that suit the colour scheme. I've taken out all but one of the amber sata cables and replaced them with black. Sadly i haven't got any more in black. I haven't sleeved the cables for the old enermax fan controller yet as i'm not certain about it's fate due to a damaged pot. (making it a 3 channel controller) I'm looking for a suitable replacement alps or bourns part. I need to take it apart and suss out the actual resistance of the pots in there. (will probably replace the lot to ensure it's all the same)

The back of the case isn't perfect yet, but miles better than it used to be. Once i sort out the fan controller, I can get rid of most of the messy molexes down the bottom right. (7V adaptors)

The master plan for the future:
1. Fix or replace fan controller and sleeve the cables
2. Split fan channels so i can control 2x fans from a single channel (2 channels to control 4 fans for the radiators)
3. Replace 120mm fans with scythe AP-15's
4. Replace 140mm fans with ....?
5. Replace XSPC EX240 with alphacool UT60 <- not sure it'd be worth the expense though?
6. Replace XSPC D5 reservoir with a tube res and separate top
7. Replace corsair PSU with a seasonic gold or platinum
8. Replace ram with matching pair, probably more corsair dominators now i have the space.
Thanks guys.

Made some more progress today. The enermax fan controller has undergone some surgery to remove the damaged pot so i can source a new part. (for anyone that may also need one, it's a 5Kohm part that can be replaced either with an alps RK09K1130AU2 or a bourns PTV09A-4015F-B502) I also took the opportunity to examine why the blue LEDs had stopped working. Nothing obvious wrong but I reflowed the solder joints as they didn't look great. I'll be ordering the parts next week and will also sleeve the cables at the same time

Upon reassembly, ta-da, blue LEDs working again. :) (the green on the top right is off as the pot is out on my desk)

I also added an additional fan to the drive bay to increase the number of intakes, which seems to have helped case airflow. It's an 80mm panaflo that was salvaged from something about a decade ago. Was the quietest fan i had that fitted (My 80mm nidec beta V, 92mm beta SL and 80mm papst vario were all too loud even undervolted) I've also noticed a distinct ticky noisy coming from the akasa amber fan, glad i planned on replacing it. (had a good innings though as i've owned it for 9 years. Fitted it to my old athlon XP barton system in 2004.)

Also got a good picture of how the coolant looks when well lit with the system is off. Almost colourless, it's really amazing how it takes on such a vivid green colour when illuminated with the XSPC blue LED.

Got carried away with the camera and took an arty shot of the GPU block. I liked it so much, it's become my new wallpaper.
I've ordered 4 new fans so I can sort out the case. 3 more scythe gentle typhoon 1850rpm and a 140mm enermax to replace the noisy yate loon inside the corsair. (Psu warranty is probably already void as I've sleeved the cables) I'll be visiting my local radio spares outlet to pick up 4 new pots for the fan controller this week too. I'm also considering a bitspower G1/4" temperature sensor to use in the fillport on the reservoir with an M20 G1/4" adapter. This would then get displayed on the enermax controller.
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God damn that looks so good!

I am jealous, not only of your PC, but also your photography skills and your camera! :)

Slightly off-topic perhaps, but how often do you have to dust the inside of your case with all of those fans & radiators?

My PC looks dusty almost immediately after I dust it :( Even with dust filters... So annoying! :mad:
Thanks :) Inside the pc doesn't seem to get particularly dusty. Filters do get quite dusty but they are easy to hoover each week.
Thanks :) Inside the pc doesn't seem to get particularly dusty. Filters do get quite dusty but they are easy to hoover each week.

Do you turn your PC off at night though? A contributing factor to my problem is that my PC is on 24/7 :rolleyes:

I'll get a new dust filter for the front :)
Yes, can't live with the noise and I'd probably get a large bill dropped on me if I did. I'm working on making it quieter with all the new fans. TBH, the psu fan is the biggest cause of noise. (Corsair tx supplies aren't quiet)
Yes, can't live with the noise and I'd probably get a large bill dropped on me if I did. I'm working on making it quieter with all the new fans. TBH, the psu fan is the biggest cause of noise. (Corsair tx supplies aren't quiet)

Fair enough. I have had my PC on 24/7 for so long (folding at night) that I find it hard to sleep without the noise hehe. The power usage is an issue but its not too too bad. The only thing under strain is the GPU, everything else is idling.

I fitted some 7v resistors and such in my case recently to reduce the noise (and dust buildup) but I think the PSU fan might be the cause of a fair bit of the noise. Im sure your PSU is probably quieter hehe, my PSU is a piece of ... rubbish. Sirtec OEM I believe..
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