Took some doing, but Finally worked out a way to keep the matrix LED's
14/04/2014 - Just noticed i forgot to add the fan photos, so here they are
CM Jet Flows - plane black no LED's
Nice to have 2 speed controllers included with the fan, 1200rpm & 1600rpm
forgive the sawdust didn't look that bad without the camera flash lol
removable rubber ends!, if i had not already cut the wood i would have removed the four fan ends and cut circles not squares as the fans are about the same thickness as the wood and would have looked great.
14/04/2014 - Just noticed i forgot to add the fan photos, so here they are
CM Jet Flows - plane black no LED's
Nice to have 2 speed controllers included with the fan, 1200rpm & 1600rpm
forgive the sawdust didn't look that bad without the camera flash lol
removable rubber ends!, if i had not already cut the wood i would have removed the four fan ends and cut circles not squares as the fans are about the same thickness as the wood and would have looked great.
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