Project: Rad In Mi Kitchen

ah thats pretty sweet tbh

not my cuppa tea but for ten quids it aint bad.

fits the look of the case well too imo

finger prints on lian lis are unfortunatly like flies on..... well you get the idea.

i use a microfiber cloth on my tj07 but brushed alu has a nasty tendancy of only looking amazing for the first 20 minutes of its life out of the box :(
Well I suppose people won't notice it. They'll look at what's inside the case and say "wow".

Then when the're about to look at the exterior, I'll put crysis on to distract them, and they'll say "wow".

So in the grand scheme of things it won't matter too much
Hi guys

I've just noticed a few radiator fins are bent:



One of them is almost starting to peel off a bit. Will this be okay? I'm not going to continue flushing it, as I'm a little afraid that something might be wrong
Well it's been... an interesting day.

Here's the rad mounted:


And here's the reservoir mounted:

I've realised why I was skeptical about using a GPU waterblock. I removed all the screws from the back of the 480 and I look at the last screw and guess what? The thread is awful, it looks like it's been broken. It might have been me, it might have been crap already. Either way, I can't remove it and therefore, I'm unable to install a waterblock, as I can't get the huge cooler off this thing now :(
I've just managed to drill the stripped screw out. But I'll have to wait until tomorrow to install the waterblock. I'm getting compressed air tomorrow to clean the pcb of all the remnants from the drilling
I almost got one of the new d5 tank reservoirs, bay res looks good as well. Is that a sr1 you got in the end?

I tried this bay res the other week in my 700d. It looks really good and is a great sapce saver but the niose it made drove me insane. I can only imagine being worse in a full alu case.

Good luck though tis a nice build.
Well noise is subjective I'm quite sensitive to resonating cases and the like so couldn't stomach it. You may be different.

I presume the pump is a vario? If so its just bearable on setting 1 but this means you sacrificing flow rate. On 5 you would be able to sit on the case and get a free thrill:)
It depends how you orientate the pump when you put it in. One of the holes you have to use to screw the pump in can be used with a slimline screwdriver to change the speed of the pump.

It's a pain but can be done. Either that or get hold of a 90 degree screwdriver, i.e. something like an allen key with a straight head on it.

ps whatever you do you probably want to have it on setting 5 when you first fill up your loop. It helps with bleeding the loop and the res can be real pain to bleed.
Okay that's good to know. It was an absolute PITA to get in, but it looks like I'm going to have to take it out again, but then again, if I bleed th system on 5, how will I change it back to a lower setting?
You can fill it and bleed it using setting 2, it will just take longer. Personlly I wouldn't but maybe that's me being over OCD.

I see what you mean about changing it now, I guess you have it fully screwed into your case?

I just placed my res where it needed to go so I could pull the res out of the front of the case for filling. If you do this then as I mentioned in my previous post you should be able to access the red twisty thing by using the bottom left hole on the res. Once it is bled choose the setting you want and screw it back into your 5 inch bays.

Hope this makes sense!
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I don't think I've screwed it in, but it's in pretty tight, so I'd have to put extra long tubing when wiring it up so that I can safely pull it out to change the fan speed. Should be okay though, I might change it to 3 for general use anyway
Nah you only need an extra inch or so on the inlet and outlet. Alternativily you may be able to make the changes by pushing it back into the case?
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