Project Reality v1 finally here

One more thing mate, What is the max widescreen resolution I can run it at, set it to 1920 x 1080 @60 and it crashed so running at 900 wide just now but still in 4:3.

Thanks for the help guys, really appreciated..
I know nothing about the technical stuff. I was even scratching my head when you asked to seek out my profile.

But with my limited know how, you should be able to smash this game on highest settings with that system you've got.

I'm sure one of the geeks will be along to advise soon.
Got it

+menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +szx 1920 +szy 1080

In the start up properties :)

Even remembered my old password, original account and everything, dancing about the room when the theme tune came on :)
Some good rounds tonight. It works so well when people in your squad actually do as the squad leader says. Rifleman stays with MG'er to supply ammo, MG suppresses, rest of squad moves up and clears the compounds = Winner.

Cheers for putting in AAS into the rotation, Toejam.
Was working ok while we were on last night? Had the usual squad bug issue that needed a server restart start but that's about it.
You download the updates through the PR launcher mate. Will auto detect the patch and download/install itself.

Either click Play and it will do it or click the small blue chevron next to it and select Check for Updates.
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Ah, well all servers i went on before 8pm had same problem, and was told yes, mumble server was down, must have got fixed later then, anyone tested the +10% and -10% volume binds work, as that was what patch was for also.
I dont know who did it today guys as I've not been online to do it but thanks for seeding the server, already 20 people on.. totally didn't expect it! :D
Oh yeah..

Joined the server for 5 minutes there, everything works 100%... Amazed to see how good a job they have done with the graphics..

99 players :)


Just to get my keys sorted :)
.34 is now out.

Must have launched in the past half hour or so.. (2013/08/07)
- Fixed PRLauncher closing PRMumble on map change, and preventing restart.
- Fixed PRLauncher losing team/squad/commander state resulting in you being stuck in the Team2/No Squad channel.
- Added optional (default on) radio transmission audio cue to PRMumble transmissions. This does not apply for local chat,
and only you hear it when you transmit. Beep :).

- Updated Leclerc with further fixes.
- Updated the Water Container Victim-Operated IED's selection icon to imply it works on both vehicles and infantry.
- Reduced C4 radius to destroy weapon caches from 0.7m to 0.2m, to prevent blowing up caches through walls.
- Reduced Mk19 deviation from 0.9 to 0.3. It was 0.5 in v0.98.
- Fixed armed UAZ jeep crashing when bots use its gun.
Went on for twenty minutes there..

Created a squad, a couple of good guys joined, then a couple of loud screamers, got killed and had to leave.

Off until Sunday, hopefully squad up with a couple of guys form here at least.


If I start a server for myself, how do I allow myself to fly a heli?

Start a local server, select a map which isn't infantry only. Run up to the heli and there should be a weapon cache very near it. Go up to it and press/hold T and select Request kit. Select pilot, press G to swap kits (pilot kit will be under your feet), hop in and prepare to crash!
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