Welll wasn't too pleased with how the tubing routed on the first go, the two loops going over looked good but the final tubing between the mosfet and NB didn't look "right" so have given this one a go which i think looks much neater:
The final 45 on the mosfet will route under the other tubing, left at the PCI-E slots into the the res/pump top in the front drive bays
Have now got the PC up and running on my desk, still waiting for my case to come back. Won't be any more pics until then as this is just setup in a barebones setup at the moment to get me back up and running! Will be posting overclocking results later on tonight once i have tweaked it some more
Cheers Dom, no more pics yet but will try sort out the ones I have of it in bits and upload, will try get some pics of the case how it is at the moment sent over
Sayso - dropped you a mail mate
Have just released I got one problem though which is the RAM gets quite hot so have ordered the Dominator RAM cooler for it, will strip that down and probably paint the fans white to keep to the theme of white highlights here and there. However the RAM cooler being in there now will mean the 45 might not clear it so might need to re-do my loop order
Will have to wait and see once it gets here..
Anyway, here are my first results, 4ghz 20x200 @ 1.248v load. Haven't fully run Prime on this but survived a 5 run at max memory (10gb!) which took an hour to do
Might be able to tweak the VTT lower but haven't tried yet as will be pushing on for 4.2ghz
are those photos you've taken or the person who's powder coated/painted the case? Cos if its you who took them you need to get sharing your cases round haha, all quality!!
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