So progress is still happening whilst busy with life in general, much of the pipe has now been bonded together bar one section and one which was the only one to
**** up... I say I was to blame but this stuff is not forgiving and you have a working window of about 5 seconds before its never coming apart again.
I might remove them all and clean again while testing with the Dr. Drop (yes I ordered it...) but some polished and bonded sections. Let me just say this stuff bonds incredibly strong, once its bonded you can't twist/move it within about 5 seconds at all. 10 seconds you can't prize it apart even with tools. Some snaps of the finished sections, mostly they've gone well:
Section om the right is one which I didnt succeed with, basically it bonded so fast I didnt full turn the 45 degree the right direction. Thus rendering that part useless... Also have no more 45s so either order more or i'll be remaking in 90 elbows later so the bit on the 480mm is not polished.
Rear of the case almost completed...
Properly mounted the pump this time at 8 points, mounting much more solidly with some extra padding. In order to mount like that I have it mounted a little narrow so it bows out causing it to be much more rigid...
And thats it for now, more cable and sleeving on order to do the custom cables but ahead of that i'll probably be testing it dry (no pumps obvs) just to power on and check all fans spin before its filled (cannot get to the fans cabling after its filled). Getting close now... Hope it all still works