Project: Soul Junky and a BIG Thank You :')

I'll have a bash it at tonight, theres not that many wires tbh and like you said aslong as i know which is the live wire and which is for temp sensing etc i'll be fine.

The T-balancer is a nice piece of kit! Not quite sure how it works actually just reading through it on OC'ers shop but for that price its gotta be good!

Did you heatshrink wrap the ends aswel? With what diameter?

The ATX 12v is the one i wanted to do in the first place but worried about warranty issues if i do. Still haven't confirmed anything yet but hopefully get a reply from corsair soonish.

it does void the warranty with coarsair. I wanted to change the braid over on my HX1000W but any removal of pin connectors, braiding or screws voids the warranty :(.

Shame really as there great PSU's but they just need that better cable braiding...
Yea mind u it is a bit bull considering its a modular power supply but hey only bad thing i can say about corsair. Glad i did just braid a extension cable instead though as thinking of upgrading my psu soon anyway.
it does void the warranty with coarsair. I wanted to change the braid over on my HX1000W but any removal of pin connectors, braiding or screws voids the warranty :(.

Shame really as there great PSU's but they just need that better cable braiding...

It's alright i ordered an extension cable thats already braided yesterday, should be here by tomorrow or saturday latest. I wanted a white braided 24pin cable but they dont do one D:

Yea mind u it is a bit bull considering its a modular power supply but hey only bad thing i can say about corsair. Glad i did just braid a extension cable instead though as thinking of upgrading my psu soon anyway.

Thats exactly what i did, your advice was very very helpful tbh :').

Nice cable management, very clean tidy looking system :cool:.

Thanks man :'), should have more bits and bobs coming soon. I really do fancy a new cooler but might just head towards watercooling if im going to spend again.
Nice photo-guide; turned out really good looking, none of the regular cable-web that most people get. Lol, makes me wish I had gone for an mATX board now, I rather fancy one of these little beasties :)
NZXT Individually sleeved extension cable came today :'). Makes a hella difference imho!



All thats missing now is my gfx card D: which i sadly dont have money for right now. Although i thought to myself today if i'm going for a long term long use card i may aswel get the 5870 as i know this will last me at least 3-4 years easily right?
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Nice cable, looking even better now. 5870 is a nice card.

To nathwraith the reason he has got 2 fans on there is that one is attached to the case and he dosent want to. know how to remove it.
Haha Jay i see you went the easy man's way :D (hey i cant blame u :D).

Haha yea be crazy like me u know u want to :D.

Yay another Mini P180 owner! :cool:

Here was my thread/build - I really want to do a rebuild now though so everything is colour coded. ;)

The Sharkoon silent eagles go really well with this case. :D

I swear to go i have seen your build on youtube? And on closer inspection of the thread it is the one from youtube!! haha! I was looking for Mini P180 videos before i made the purchase, yours did inspire me to get it. It just looked so compact and had plenty of potention for a good gaming case.

Love your build btw, still looks fresh :'D!
Why have you got a fan mounted onto another fan? This will show no benefit and will impead airflow.

Nice cable, looking even better now. 5870 is a nice card.

To nathwraith the reason he has got 2 fans on there is that one is attached to the case and he dosent want to. know how to remove it.

What DotA said i still havent managed or had a play with the fan cables yet but will do soon once i get everything else sorted out first. I'm pretty sure what i need to do for a tidy up in that corner now, just awaitin for my bits and bobs lol.

a nice tidy build gratz :)

Thanks man :') more to come soon. Keep watch!
Haha Jay i see you went the easy man's way :D (hey i cant blame u :D).

Haha yea be crazy like me u know u want to :D.


Thats a beast and a half! If i was to take the crazy root i would probably more than likely get the watercooled 5870 and watercooled CPU running 2 loops with 2 pumps! Although im not sure if i have the space lol, will have to do some designs and see what happens i guess :').

Thats a crazy excess of fans there on the bottom! Do they help? What fans are they?

Right i've been wanting to do this for awhile now and today i made the step to finally paint my fans! Well im test painting one first at the moment before i paint my Sharkoons. I'm doing the fan surrounds in Gloss Black and i might do the blades blue... or leave them white? Not decided yet but we'll see how it looks :').

I also painted 2 transformers badges (deceptacons - Yes prefer them :'P), a small one for the Rig front door panel and the big one for the interior section. This will be an ongoing project so will be updated as i go along or have the time to continue.

On with the pictures!

I skipped all the boring stuff of me masking the fans and taking them apart! Straight to the Primer base first. 2 coats have already been done so tomorrow morning i can start applying the Gloss black paint.




Also the transformers badges:




Pictures of where i placed the badges, i know this won't be to everyones taste but its different i spose and i've always wanted a transformers case! lol





As you can see aswel, i removed the double fan sandwich on the rear fan setup so now there should be no airflow restriction. I opted to use the motherboard controlled fan rather than the standard case fan on a switch. Still debating whether to change it back though.
Thanks, i always thought that the slanted shapes at the front of the case looks somehow transformery... I'll update tomorrow now once i get the fans painted up.
Ahh those fans i use are scythe gentle typhoons very good at pushing air through radiators (gonna be a pain to paint though). If its any use atm not really pushing the kit hard enough, Its meant for my next system which has been delayed a year now (new 2011 socket gonna be pretty epic). But my fans are covering a quad radiator and really in watercooling u need a least one side full of fans sometimes both to make it effective (u would need to buy a passive radiator if u didnt want fans). Mind u with my wc setup its planned to take everything in one (will be having the mb, cpu and gpu in one loop using the more powerful d5 pump). But hey the cool thing about my fans is cause i have them connected to a auto fan controller, means my pc barely makes any noise :P (they only spin up when it gets hot).

my aim is to have a 4gig quiet running pc so this thing is gonna be a beast :p (haha but hey was gonna be a 5870 but then cause i have to wait till next year im just gonna have to live with just a 5770 instead(mind might buy a waterblock though for it :D).

Hehe gotta remove about 100 rivets before the inside are anodised :P (gonna be making a brushed aluminium look so gonna need a lot of sanding). let me know how the painting of the silent eagles go cause planning to paint my old ones to go inside the case that case :D.

p.s the transformers badge are a nice touch :P
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