Project: Soul Junky and a BIG Thank You :')

That is one seriously cool looking setup.

About the Coollaboratory Liquid Pro you are using, isnt it a big no no for long term rigs? AFAIK its only supposed to be used for benching and short term stuff like that because after a while, it starts to weld
Ahh those fans i use are scythe gentle typhoons very good at pushing air through radiators (gonna be a pain to paint though). If its any use atm not really pushing the kit hard enough, Its meant for my next system which has been delayed a year now (new 2011 socket gonna be pretty epic). But my fans are covering a quad radiator and really in watercooling u need a least one side full of fans sometimes both to make it effective (u would need to buy a passive radiator if u didnt want fans). Mind u with my wc setup its planned to take everything in one (will be having the mb, cpu and gpu in one loop using the more powerful d5 pump). But hey the cool thing about my fans is cause i have them connected to a auto fan controller, means my pc barely makes any noise :P (they only spin up when it gets hot).

my aim is to have a 4gig quiet running pc so this thing is gonna be a beast :p (haha but hey was gonna be a 5870 but then cause i have to wait till next year im just gonna have to live with just a 5770 instead(mind might buy a waterblock though for it :D).

Hehe gotta remove about 100 rivets before the inside are anodised :P (gonna be making a brushed aluminium look so gonna need a lot of sanding). let me know how the painting of the silent eagles go cause planning to paint my old ones to go inside the case that case :D.

p.s the transformers badge are a nice touch :P

Thats pretty damn amazing! What new case are you getting? I've been thinking about watercoolign myself but CPU only for now! What pump would you recommend for a single loop with the cpu? I shall definitely keep you updated with the painting, can't touch it now though until the primer dries tomorrow :').

That is one seriously cool looking setup.

About the Coollaboratory Liquid Pro you are using, isnt it a big no no for long term rigs? AFAIK its only supposed to be used for benching and short term stuff like that because after a while, it starts to weld

I have no idea, i've read reviews on it before but its very mixed. Some say its good and better than AS5 but then some say its rubbish cos its not usuable with Aluminium heatsinks. I haven't seen underneath though since i put it on but if it really is that bad then i shall get some AS5 to be on the safe side...
Hmm i just realised my CPU cooler is aluminium but the base is made of Copper! Am i safe or do you think i should remove it ASAP and replace it with some AS5?
Hmm i just realised my CPU cooler is aluminium but the base is made of Copper! Am i safe or do you think i should remove it ASAP and replace it with some AS5?

Note: Do not use cheap aluminum coolers. Their quality is not very high, and aluminum is not resistant against our Liquid Metal. Aluminum could form an alloy with "Coollaboratory Liquid Pro" which would react with the surrounding air's humidity. A black stain forms after a while, showing insulating qualities. ' Therefore: No contact of "Coollaboratory Liquid Pro" with aluminum. NO ALUMINUM COOLERS!
Note: Do not use cheap aluminum coolers. Their quality is not very high, and aluminum is not resistant against our Liquid Metal. Aluminum could form an alloy with "Coollaboratory Liquid Pro" which would react with the surrounding air's humidity. A black stain forms after a while, showing insulating qualities. ' Therefore: No contact of "Coollaboratory Liquid Pro" with aluminum. NO ALUMINUM COOLERS!

Thats exactly whats happened, i just had an hours worth of struggling with it. It has stained my cpu and cpu cooler, only lightly but i can't get it off! The stuff also dribbled so to speak onto my motherboard but managed to get all of that off. Is there a way to remove this browny stain on my cpu?

I'm going to get some AS5 tomorrow cos this stuff has literally gave me a heart attack!
But also, the base of my cpu cooler is copper so i dont understand why it has done this? I'm running without any form of paste right now so bare metal to metal contact and temps have only gone up by 2-3C! I guess this stuff is not right for my cooler at all then :L.

I'm just glad i got it off before it did more damage.
I'm not certain but the stuff seems to be very reactive, it could be traces in the heatsink base of aluminium or something else it reacts with (oxygen?); I wouldn't go near it myself.


I think it vaporises as well as flows too.

If you're looking for a high-performance TIM you don't mind paying a little extra for try Indigo Extreme, it's a "phase-change metal alloy", it doesn't eat your coolers and comes with a specially designed shim so it doesn't leak. It's got an involved 'baking' installation process but it's not hard.

There are UK suppliers that I obviously can't link here.
Luckily mine doesnt look like that, mine was just dull and looked like there was a stain on it. I'm going to try and polish it today and see if that works, hopefully it will get rid of the stains.

I think i want to avoid all metal alloy based thermal conductors tbh, i'll stick with the original good stuff from now on until i feel confident enough to use those again.
I want this case but OCUK dont ship it :( very clean/nice build!...

I wonder if it can support 2 470gtxs. From what i can see it can, just need a motherboard what uses the top PCI bracket.
All is well again, i couldn't get a hold of the AS5 at my local store and didnt have time to wait for shipping so i went ahead and bought some Akasa 455 thermal paste. Very good stuff btw, temps are about the same as before with the liquid pro stuff. Also came with a bottle of TIM heatskink cleaner (Y).

I also made up some WHITE LED's to shine onto the transformers badge inside the case. I have to say it looks well! Will post pics tonight when its darker :').
I want this case but OCUK dont ship it :( very clean/nice build!...

I wonder if it can support 2 470gtxs. From what i can see it can, just need a motherboard what uses the top PCI bracket.

Thanks mate, i think the MSI board can do this utilising the top mount and have crossfire support but the lanes only run at x8.. not that its noticeable apparently.
WHITE LED's that i made up in the workshop :'). Sorry about the blur, my camera phone is a bit poo.



UPDATE: 18/06/2010

The fans have been painted and are fitted to the case :), at night you can't even see that there is a fan in there cos its so dark! The gloss black i used reflects beautifully with light shining down onto it but with no light its literally stealth!

I also opted to remove the top cage and place my remaining sharkoon SE modular fan into that bay and i saw a temperature drop by 2 degrees on the CPU :).

As mentioned before i have also made up and fitted some WHITE LED's which i made at college. I have the light shining down onto the transformers badge and its looks beaut! I'm actually swaying more towards the White light than the blue. It kinda reminds me of the HID kits you can get for cars, it's quite intense.

Anyway enough of me rambling on, time for some pictures!


The fans were actually abit troublesome to spray even though i primed them before spraying they still eneded up abit patchy in some places but i did in the end add a couple of layers of lacquer to give that extra shine :).





Spot Lighting:



And finally how it stands now until i get my new components!


Sorry about the lighting, my camera goes abit crazy when bright LEDS are shining straight at it lol.
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Wow! man awesome. The cpu cooler looks brilliant and the lightning looks awesome. Also very clean interior. Your rig looks just futuristic! especially with lightning enough to impress the PC world executive to hire you in his position :D
Be aware you can just sand a few layers off the top of the cpu if you still have that staining.

Thats pretty damn amazing! What new case are you getting? I've been thinking about watercoolign myself but CPU only for now! What pump would you recommend for a single loop with the cpu? I shall definitely keep you updated with the painting, can't touch it now though until the primer dries tomorrow :').

Ah gonna be using the same case (this case will probably be used for years Lian li cases rule :D (v2110B btw for anyone else)). What's planned is a heavy mod anoidsed black internals, super neat cabling etc. Mind you also think of removing the 5.25 drive bay completely and making my own custom one :D (want to do this cause i want to mount my res against my side panel so i can see it :D).

Well for watercooling just the cpu u can use anything any Laing pump is good

those two are really the only ones i would only ever use. However i use a Laing D5 cause im using a quad rad and it will be fully watercooled at some point. However the smaller pump is more than capable (especially if just a cpu) and some come with a resivoir attach on top. But if you do get the 18w version as its a lot more capable. Also keep compression fittings in mind there is a massive benefit about not being worried about your pc leaking when your away from the pc :D.

Also you mind find using heatshrink better for covering links etc makes a much tidier surface and can deal with heat a better than tape can :D. But hey it works so it doesn't matter just found it easier myself when im making cables :P. other than that keep up the good work.
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Wow! man awesome. The cpu cooler looks brilliant and the lightning looks awesome. Also very clean interior. Your rig looks just futuristic! especially with lightning enough to impress the PC world executive to hire you in his position :D

Lol thanks mate, i'll take that as a compliment haha! White LED's do look the biz though, might change them all to white :')

Be aware you can just sand a few layers off the top of the cpu if you still have that staining.

Ah gonna be using the same case (this case will probably be used for years Lian li cases rule :D (v2110B btw for anyone else)). What's planned is a heavy mod anoidsed black internals, super neat cabling etc. Mind you also think of removing the 5.25 drive bay completely and making my own custom one :D (want to do this cause i want to mount my res against my side panel so i can see it :D).

Well for watercooling just the cpu u can use anything any Laing pump is good

those two are really the only ones i would only ever use. However i use a Laing D5 cause im using a quad rad and it will be fully watercooled at some point. However the smaller pump is more than capable (especially if just a cpu) and some come with a resivoir attach on top. But if you do get the 18w version as its a lot more capable. Also keep compression fittings in mind there is a massive benefit about not being worried about your pc leaking when your away from the pc :D.

Also you mind find using heatshrink better for covering links etc makes a much tidier surface and can deal with heat a better than tape can :D. But hey it works so it doesn't matter just found it easier myself when im making cables :P. other than that keep up the good work.

I still do have that staining ontop of the cpu, can't get it off no matter what i use. Although i still havent tried polishing it though. Is that even advisable to polish your cpu using car polish? I bought a bottle of TIMS but no good either. I asked my local computer hardware man and he says the staining won't affect the performance of your cpu or the temps so i've left it for now.

I have been hearing that swiftec is one of the best for watercooling products right now and i have been looking into them but they are so expensive! But i spose when you're going watercooling you can't cut corners or like you said in the long run you'll run into major problems.

Where are you going to get your custom made drive bay from if you dont mind me asking?

I still do have that staining ontop of the cpu, can't get it off no matter what i use. Although i still havent tried polishing it though. Is that even advisable to polish your cpu using car polish? I bought a bottle of TIMS but no good either. I asked my local computer hardware man and he says the staining won't affect the performance of your cpu or the temps so i've left it for now.

I have been hearing that swiftec is one of the best for watercooling products right now and i have been looking into them but they are so expensive! But i spose when you're going watercooling you can't cut corners or like you said in the long run you'll run into major problems.

Where are you going to get your custom made drive bay from if you dont mind me asking?


Not sure if its car polish you should be using but

theres a link that should help should just be able to sand that sucker out. But u can try it out just be careful and dont use lots. You might also want to think about getting some of this for a later date.

Well its not really swiftech who make those pump its actually a different company but anyway. Yea about 300 quid for my full set once its done but it will last a lot longer than my main parts :).

Well for the drive bays i'm not sure how im going to construct it yet but im lucky in that there are many laser cutters and metal workers living near by :D. But aiming to completely cover the drive area so it isn't exposed. More than likely though its just gonna mean a lot of work for me either in cad design or making it myself.
With sanding, i think you'll want me to use the finest grit paper right? Won't pushing down onto the cpu damage it though? Just with sanding, you need to give it some elbow grease to get any where especially if the paper is so fine.

I have a little update coming soon hopefully, getting my side panel done soon with a specific design :'). Some of you may guess it if you've followed this thread :'D! Got a decent price aswel for the mod, but we'll see how good it is when it comes.
Its important that u apply no pressure at all but no u dont really start with high grit paper first more like 800 grit at first (until the stain is removed and the copper is showing). Then moving to a higher grit after.

here is a good link so u can get a better idea

Essentially what u do is start with 800 grit and sand in one direction once then rotate 90 degree then repeat until it looks even. Then slowly moving up the scale till ur at like 1500 to 2000 grit but that can be overkill and then if u want to u can then use polish as that will turn the cpu into a mirror finish (if u do it to ur cpu cooler as well u get such a tight fit that the cpu can actually be picked up by the cooler :P).

Ah jay u getting it cut by someone else what did u decide on cutting medium (as in did u choose laser / water cutting or c&c milling ?). Just need to see myself how good laser cutting is cause i was thinking of that for myself but not sure if it will have scorch marks round the edges :P. Fans are looking great btw also dont suppose u have any idea where u can find the clips that hold the fan to the casing ?
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