Ahh those fans i use are scythe gentle typhoons very good at pushing air through radiators (gonna be a pain to paint though). If its any use atm not really pushing the kit hard enough, Its meant for my next system which has been delayed a year now (new 2011 socket gonna be pretty epic). But my fans are covering a quad radiator and really in watercooling u need a least one side full of fans sometimes both to make it effective (u would need to buy a passive radiator if u didnt want fans). Mind u with my wc setup its planned to take everything in one (will be having the mb, cpu and gpu in one loop using the more powerful d5 pump). But hey the cool thing about my fans is cause i have them connected to a auto fan controller, means my pc barely makes any noise

(they only spin up when it gets hot).
my aim is to have a 4gig quiet running pc so this thing is gonna be a beast

(haha but hey was gonna be a 5870 but then cause i have to wait till next year im just gonna have to live with just a 5770 instead(mind might buy a waterblock though for it

Hehe gotta remove about 100 rivets before the inside are anodised

(gonna be making a brushed aluminium look so gonna need a lot of sanding). let me know how the painting of the silent eagles go cause planning to paint my old ones to go inside the case that case

p.s the transformers badge are a nice touch