project water-noob

thats a great first effort. much better than my first watercooling attempt.

how are your temperatures?

has it made much of a difference?

you noticed much noise reduction?

thats a great first effort. much better than my first watercooling attempt.

can i haz ur job then plix :D .. seriously though, thanks for the approval, it means a lot to me :)

how are your temperatures?

my idle temp for the cpu is 39 , havent ran prime yet .. dunno how long to let the cooling "bed in" ?
after playing ten mins of bad company 2 , temps increased to 49/51.

gpu idles at 31, rises to around 48 max after 10 mins of bad company.

do these temps sound about right? not sure if ive tightened the cpu enough ?

has it made much of a difference?

does a bear sh .... hell yes :D, i used sit idle @ 45 , max was around 69/70
major difference in gpu cooling, almost halfed the temps .. i played bad company the other night , temps went to almost 80, ...havent seen it reach 50 on this setup yet.

you noticed much noise reduction?

yes, mainly becouse i dont need the fans even half way now, but i may get some of that dampening kit :D


the clock im running now is one set by , well prob you , seeing as it was originally one of your pre-builds ... i was having a lazy time last year so i got ocuk to take the strain :p

however if you have another pre-clock you could send over, id be happy to use it ;)
tbh, before the water cooling i tried to get it to 4ghz but it just couldnt do more than 5 mins of prime, didnt try again since becouse i was not fully sure of the correct settings to try.
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Looking very nice mate :) Will be interesting to see what kind of clocks you can hit on your i7 now :p

And get clocking that GPU! :p All this watercooling talk is making me impatient! Wish I could start my build!
Perry if you wanna know if temps are fine, run prime for 15 mins, to let it heat up, post screen shot of coretemp or realtemp. That way we can let you know, but from that set up i don't think u will have to worry about temps to much.

Congratz on the build, certainly looks nicer then mine, but i just went for cooling over looks, thank god i have no side window haha.
Looking very nice mate :) Will be interesting to see what kind of clocks you can hit on your i7 now :p

And get clocking that GPU! :p All this watercooling talk is making me impatient! Wish I could start my build!

thanks for your kind comments.
i intend to, but ill need to ask a few questions regarding upping the cpu to 4ghz and the gpu.
i thought id give everyone a break, and get a good nights sleep first
.... then i intend to unleash the beast :p
Looking good! One gripe, I know the plastic hoses were probably a bitch to fit but I just don't like seeing cable ties on them! Scares me! Go out and buy some thin jubilee clips. Would be safer and would probably look a lot nicer too! Get some gold ones! lol
Perry if you wanna know if temps are fine, run prime for 15 mins, to let it heat up, post screen shot of coretemp or realtemp. That way we can let you know, but from that set up i don't think u will have to worry about temps to much.

Congratz on the build, certainly looks nicer then mine, but i just went for cooling over looks, thank god i have no side window haha.

thanks for the gratz ;)
i ran prime earlier today for around 30 mins .
iirc max temp was 59 , and the idle was 38.
when i was using the H50 , i idled around 45 and maxed around 70/72

masssssive drops on the gpu though , much better than the standard cooler :eek:
Looking good! One gripe, I know the plastic hoses were probably a bitch to fit but I just don't like seeing cable ties on them! Scares me! Go out and buy some thin jubilee clips. Would be safer and would probably look a lot nicer too! Get some gold ones! lol

tbh, based on what quite a few have said on here, i was gonna use clips, but honestly, after experimenting, i found ties much stronger as others have said .. and in the flesh , so to speak, the do look neater imo , than clips.
will prob end up using compression fittings eventually anyway, but happy as it is atm.
i just wanna max the biaach now :D
Im guessing thats the max core temp, if so, nothing to worry about at all, especially considering you have the gpu in the loop too, those temps are excellent.

And don't worry about the overclocking part, you know we will help you with that when u recover from this.

With reference to what you said earlier about " trainee " water-cooler, no longer a trainee, welcome to the club.
Im guessing thats the max core temp, if so, nothing to worry about at all, especially considering you have the gpu in the loop too, those temps are excellent.

yea, those readings was from coretemp.

And don't worry about the overclocking part, you know we will help you with that when u recover from this.

OMG .. i hope you know what you are letting yourselves in for :D

With reference to what you said earlier about " trainee " water-cooler, no longer a trainee, welcome to the club

stop it, you are making me blush again :o.
thanks for the gratz everyone, so pleased everyone is impressed.. its made it even more worthwhile ;)

... incidently, ive got on order some nuke and a kill coil (should be here in the morning) it ok to use both of these together, or just 1 or the other, if just 1 , whats the best to use ?
didnt try again since becouse i was not fully sure of the correct settings to try

ill tell you what,

if you want to bring it to the shop then i will clock it as high as it will go :)

ill need a few hours with it, but dont mind seeing as you have done such a good job

email my trust if you are interested :)

[will have to be after the end of the month as we are really busy at the moment]
ill tell you what,

if you want to bring it to the shop then i will clock it as high as it will go :)

ill need a few hours with it, but dont mind seeing as you have done such a good job

email my trust if you are interested :)

[will have to be after the end of the month as we are really busy at the moment]

:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: WOW !!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

...... email already sent, i really dont know what to say , im speechless !!.

thank you very very much,

..... do i get OCuk tea and biccies too :p
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