Project Whurple - White/Purple Watercooled Build - Changes to 3d printer build!!

I was browsing away tonight and have found a little something for the build. Might take a while to get here but should be a nice little finishing touch :)
Yes, the build needs a friendly pale person or a curlew in it to finish it off nicely :)
Yes, the build needs a friendly pale person or a curlew in it to finish it off nicely :)

It's neither of those things but given you named the build I shall tell you, I was sat there for hours looking at it and playing last night then I had an idea so I've cut away a section of the case this morning with an angle grinder and the dremel, touched up the edges and am mounting 2x 2.5" hard disks in view. I have then found something that I tried to buy but the dude didn't listen when he started telling me he won't do it in white even though that's one of the colours he lists as available... Anyway I thought do I know anybody who can do it and I do so i've mocked something up and sent it across to a friend with a laser cutter, 3d printer and all that jazz. So we should get 2 hard disk covers one with the name Whurple, will probably have to spray em up or hand paint them but hopefully I can do this idea some justice :D

Have also spent more time on the card finishing that.
Good thinking
Was going to mount couple ssds on my psu shroud
And make couple holes with a step drill
And shove some grommets on the holes
Too busy right now though
Finally got round to trying to organise the computer room so doesn't look like
A bombsite lol
Good thinking
Was going to mount couple ssds on my psu shroud
And make couple holes with a step drill
And shove some grommets on the holes
Too busy right now though
Finally got round to trying to organise the computer room so doesn't look like
A bombsite lol

I took some pics as I was messing about last night, if you have a look where the drive is over to the right, they are meant to provide extra mounting from the other side of the case i think but this way could look a lot nicer. That's just a broken mock drive but if I can do some stand off's and now that ive murdered the case I can sit two drives one above the other with funky purple wiring and it should sit nicely alongside the rad and res. Couple of covers on the drives and some paint and led's that will look funky.

Something to look at rather than just a white space with holes in it.

Got home today all excited as a new part turned up direct from corsair for the 275r the little top cover bit for when you don't want to look at the grills. Anyway I opened it.. what do you guys think? Something gone wrong at Corsair QC quality control? @Corsair Nick ?

Two missing magnets down the bottom there:

Two opposing corners like this:

Two opposing corners like this:

On the wonk:

It can't possibly have meant to be like that... can it? Now I am in two minds, the colour is way off but I didn't intend to keep it white anyway as purple right? But the general QC for a product direct from the manufacturer I almost want to send it back. There are enough magnets of the correct size to use one in each corner but should I have to take a product apart and put it back together in a way that works?
Scrap that noticed the line in the last corner image... magnets have just come out. Doh. Then this will do! @Corsair Nick you can stand down my friend thanks for the assistance!
Got home today all excited as a new part turned up direct from corsair for the 275r the little top cover bit for when you don't want to look at the grills. Anyway I opened it.. what do you guys think? Something gone wrong at Corsair QC quality control? @Corsair Nick ?

Two missing magnets down the bottom there:

Two opposing corners like this:

Two opposing corners like this:

On the wonk:

It can't possibly have meant to be like that... can it? Now I am in two minds, the colour is way off but I didn't intend to keep it white anyway as purple right? But the general QC for a product direct from the manufacturer I almost want to send it back. There are enough magnets of the correct size to use one in each corner but should I have to take a product apart and put it back together in a way that works?
That's pretty dire
#edit oh
That's pretty dire
#edit oh

No on closer inspection it is properly rough and now i've lost a magnet and the other one just falls out, i mean I can glue them back in but a few of them wont stay in they just fall out.

Edit: You know what ive only gone and found it. Im just going to have to take em all out very lightly sand all the excess plastic off of the edges, give it a lick of paint and some glue... bet you it looks a million bucks.
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No on closer inspection it is properly rough and now i've lost a magnet and the other one just falls out, i mean I can glue them back in but a few of them wont stay in they just fall out.

Edit: You know what ive only gone and found it. Im just going to have to take em all out very lightly sand all the excess plastic off of the edges, give it a lick of paint and some glue... bet you it looks a million bucks.
This looks super cool so far! Will sanding down the edges fix the wonk?? Kind of looks like the cover is bent but might just the be angle! Looking forward to seeing more progress. Thank you!
This looks super cool so far! Will sanding down the edges fix the wonk?? Kind of looks like the cover is bent but might just the be angle! Looking forward to seeing more progress. Thank you!

Yea those two missing magnets were what was causing the wonk... I appear to have fixed the wonk and all I need to do next is fix the janky edges and make it so magnets don't fall out. Just been doing that and ill spray it up before bed :)
purple! I was thinking whurple and a transfer as well and messing about but I could very well mess that up and clean is the name of the game. I'm thinking Keep it clean and simple. The white colour match is not good alongside the case so leaving it white is out of the question. It kinda works at the front of the case but like that I think would annoy me. Wife probably wouldn't notice but I didn't like it straight away. Might be better in better light, either way I have made up my mind. It is going purple.

I'm getting my moneys worth out of the purple spray paint.
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Yeah I was thinking
Purple with something white stencilled on
Or vice versa
Hard to say if all purple will be a bit too much or not
If all purple does look too much can just stencil a white dragon or whatever
Over top of some of the purple
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Yeah I was thinking
Purple with something white stencilled on
Or vice versa
Hard to say if all purple will be a bit too much or not
If all purple does look too much can just stencil a white dragon or whatever
Over top of some of the purple

I am pretty sure that there is no such thing as too much purple:

Only the first coat but looks pretty sweet imo.
I am pretty sure that there is no such thing as too much purple:

Only the first coat but looks pretty sweet imo.
Looks great and the wonk has definitely gone! How are you planning on connecting the GPU to the Motherboard by the way? Looks like a long way to travel? I'm guessing it'll be ok. And are you planning on doing anything on the front of the case? Like pint the corsair logo purple at the bottom or is it too fiddly?
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