Prometheus 2 aka Alien: Paradise Lost

Take, for the sake of argument, that all this reading, this scripted responses, this backstory was created after the films launch, none of it was available before launch. It simply means they explained away the awfulness after by using whatever helpful fanfiction they could to piecemeal fix the terrible crafting.

It is a truly awful film.
It will always be a truly awful film.
Some minor changes and various scripting changes could have dramatically improved it. The film made piles of money, and helped continue to ruin a franchise.

No, original scripts, deleted scenes etc were not created after release nor is it fan fiction. Script was mess around with to much, then messed around by a director who didn't care about the story.
There is no reason the 2nd move can't be great, it just need a a coherent script, no mystery from what's his face who should never have got any work after Lost anyway.
It's worth getting hold of the deleted scenes, but this video goes to some way to explaining why Prometheus is only a good movie when considered on it's own, away from the Alien Quadrilogy. As much as people say it was crap, I really enjoyed Prometheus.

Only half the alien quadrilogy is any good. Alien and Aliens are among the best films ever made. Alien 3 is a mess, though I gather the director's cut is better. Alien 4 is appalling, just abysmal.
Only half the alien quadrilogy is any good. Alien and Aliens are among the best films ever made. Alien 3 is a mess, though I gather the director's cut is better. Alien 4 is appalling, just abysmal.

It's a hell of a lot better. I've know idea why they brutalized the theatrical release so much.
Only half the alien quadrilogy is any good. Alien and Aliens are among the best films ever made. Alien 3 is a mess, though I gather the director's cut is better. Alien 4 is appalling, just abysmal.

Alien 3 would be alright in its own right (though still dull IMO) but as an Alien movie its terrible - it feels like it was originally intended to be another movie (and I think I read it was) that was shoe horned into the alien universe. (Dunno why but I really dislike this movie - probably because Aliens was one of my favourite movies at that point and I was hoping to see something that built on top of that).

Alien 4 is ok as a "popcorn" movie, Joss Whedon played around with a few elements that went on to be used in firefly in there. Pretty much impossible to take it seriously as a follow up to the first 2 though.
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Alien 3 was meant to be something like half a dozen different movies, depending on at what point you look at it during development

There are something like 2 or 3 complete scripts for it, and they eventually took elements from several different scripts adding and removing stuff.

Alien 4 is similar, I think one of the script writers posted another draft copy of it that was completely different to what was chosen for the end film (and actually came quite close to what Prometheous has with regards to the black goo).

IIRC both 3 and 4 suffered from the studio's wanting a particular star name and that star (and every major studio exec, director and producer who got within arms length) wanting their own ideas in the film, both where much better in the extended/directors cuts.

I think it was either Alien 3 or 4 where one of the early script writers actually won an arbitration case to get credited/paid for large parts of his rejected script making it into the final film (I think it was 3, as the one of the scripts for that had it taking place in a monastery style space ship that bore a lot of resemblance in terms of narrative to the ex prison).
Didn't the director want his name removed from Alien 3 after what the studio did?, I think producers more or less took it over.
Didn't the director want his name removed from Alien 3 after what the studio did?, I think producers more or less took it over.

Yes, Fincher was very unhappy with it and has since disowned it. I was wrong to refer to the "director's cut" earlier - the so called "assembly cut" was made without his involvement.
How can Prometheus have been set in the same Alien world at all. The technology shown was totally different to the other films which were set after it.

If you are going to do a prequel then rule number 1 is get the continuity correct.

Don't you know there is no such thing as absolute time or space?

It's all explained and why it got so messed up in the comic girl video posted, original script just Google.

It doesn't really matter what messed it up, it got badly messed up, and that's what they released.
Their fault, their release, it should be slated over and over, without anyone trying o mitigate it, or add extra bits, or explanation, or backstory.

Take your medicine, director and assembled company, take Lindelhof out the back shoot him several times through the head the torch the corpse and move one.
Its okay... the man who wrote the last Green Lantern movie is writing this one... so its in safe hands.
Prometheus was so bad. One of the worst sci-fi films I've ever seen.

Almost nothing made any sense. None of the characters were believable in the slightest. None of them demonstrated any intelligence throughout the entire film. The dialogue was horrid. Characters reacted to each other like robots. They were as one-dimensional as possible.

Argh. The only thing worse than the movie itself is the number of people who enjoyed it.
Prometheus is in the same league of stupidity as Lucy. It's one of those films where an extra 30 mins would have done wonders to the film. Seemed very rushed.
Isn't it just bad story telling where you have to read a bunch of stuff in order for a movie to make sense? If the two hours are not enough to get whats happening across then maybe don't make a film and make a TV series instead?
Isn't it just bad story telling where you have to read a bunch of stuff in order for a movie to make sense? If the two hours are not enough to get whats happening across then maybe don't make a film and make a TV series instead?

Yeah. I admire what RS was trying with the movie, but he was hamstrung by the rewrites and having to get a movie out on schedule. I know from listening to interviews with him, he takes the job of delivering a product on time and within budget extremely seriously. I'm hoping the second one will be a lot better, and am still holding out hope for a director's cut of the first. It could be a brilliant story, but it's going to need work!
Prometheus was so bad. One of the worst sci-fi films I've ever seen.

Almost nothing made any sense. None of the characters were believable in the slightest. None of them demonstrated any intelligence throughout the entire film. The dialogue was horrid. Characters reacted to each other like robots. They were as one-dimensional as possible.

Argh. The only thing worse than the movie itself is the number of people who enjoyed it.

Watch "Under The Skin" and report back.
Isn't it just bad story telling where you have to read a bunch of stuff in order for a movie to make sense? If the two hours are not enough to get whats happening across then maybe don't make a film and make a TV series instead?

It is bad story telling, but that's what you get for hiring Damon Lindelof. :p

After doing some more searching, it seems that in all fairness, not all the blame should be placed on Lindelof. He was hired to turn Spaihts work into something less like 'Alien' by the studio. Due to pre production work, he had to re-use a lot of what Spaihts had done, but create a new story. Although a better writer would have done a better job I'm sure, asking anyone to rewrite someone else's work into a different film with such constraints would be a tough job. It's far from ideal and the resulting film would have suffered regardless.

Did Fox and Brandywine learn nothing from Alien 3?
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