Sony WILL make BD work. Do you think it is a coincidence that ofter the Betamax/vhs war that Sony moved into the film and music industries? They knew the only way to prevent a new fromat war loss would be to contol the content the media will contain.
There will be no HD-DVD releases of any Sony films. (Unless Blue-Ray nosedives like a kamakazee lead balloon)
Making a 10 year loss on the PS3 will not be an issue if for every BD sold Sony recive a cut. The idea of shipping the PS3 with a BD player is to publisise the format. To make average Joe think that it is the format of choice.
IMO it doesn't matter too much that HD is not fully embedded as each home yet. It is becomming hevily publisised. All information offered regarding buying a TV is to buy a HD ready TV if your budget is £599+ Sky are releasing HD Sky. the next Gen consoles are HD. HD movies are comming out. I would imagine any films made in the last 2-3 years by Sony have been filmed in HD so they will have a large cataloge of HD films ready to sell.
America has already made Several HT tv series.
So lets face it all we need is for people to buy HD tv's. (I would not be supprised if every non HD tv malfunctioned in the next 2 years )
Seriously though. Consumers are thinking about HD TVs there is a fair bit of interest in them. If you get one part of the package (say a console) a lot of people then look for a reason to upgrade the rest of the package to the same or higher standards. With current inflation and interest rates so low it is easier to slap an extra grand (or 5) onto the credit card.
IMO by the middle of this year we will be seeing budget HD tvs being sold in Asdas and Tescos. By the middle of next year 10% of house holds will have a High Definition film player. By the year after the Budget players will be out and the uptake will be about 50%
There will be no HD-DVD releases of any Sony films. (Unless Blue-Ray nosedives like a kamakazee lead balloon)
Making a 10 year loss on the PS3 will not be an issue if for every BD sold Sony recive a cut. The idea of shipping the PS3 with a BD player is to publisise the format. To make average Joe think that it is the format of choice.
IMO it doesn't matter too much that HD is not fully embedded as each home yet. It is becomming hevily publisised. All information offered regarding buying a TV is to buy a HD ready TV if your budget is £599+ Sky are releasing HD Sky. the next Gen consoles are HD. HD movies are comming out. I would imagine any films made in the last 2-3 years by Sony have been filmed in HD so they will have a large cataloge of HD films ready to sell.
America has already made Several HT tv series.
So lets face it all we need is for people to buy HD tv's. (I would not be supprised if every non HD tv malfunctioned in the next 2 years )
Seriously though. Consumers are thinking about HD TVs there is a fair bit of interest in them. If you get one part of the package (say a console) a lot of people then look for a reason to upgrade the rest of the package to the same or higher standards. With current inflation and interest rates so low it is easier to slap an extra grand (or 5) onto the credit card.
IMO by the middle of this year we will be seeing budget HD tvs being sold in Asdas and Tescos. By the middle of next year 10% of house holds will have a High Definition film player. By the year after the Budget players will be out and the uptake will be about 50%