PS3 - Cost and release problems due to Blu-ray?

NokkonWud said:
No, it's not fair enough, you were running your mouth in the previous thread regarding something time and time again. Nothing gives you the right to act high and mighty. I was out of order calling you a clown, but it wasn't unjustified, but it wasn't necessary. For that I appologise.

I may not be out of University yet, but I am anything but dumb, my records speak for themselves. I know people in full time work etc.. who don't work anywhere near as hard as I do.

Knowledge in the industry does actually. I won't say what I know, but it's a lot more than you do. You don't get to my situation without having people in fairly high places. Look at you in 15 years, maybe you may have an idea. My mates are hardcore IT . One, did It security is now millionaire from one job, I know people that work for Sony in Dev labs and also know programmers for Sony and Microsoft. I used to beta test Xp 2 years in advance. So, yeah, I know my stuff. My original post on that thread was because Memphis got on my book, much like you. I don't hang in these forums, I give advice in the more technical arenas and Memphis got on my book a couple of times, that is wrong. I'm sorry if I have upset you but to call me a clown as a thowaway comment is wrong and I will always back up claims. Believe me I know the game a little bit longer than you have and know how things work and have people a little bit more involved than you are. Personally as far as I'm concerned that is an end of it, but when people get on my book for no reason, It will raise my back and you will get what you deserve. That's fair play. If I attacked you in the street, would you fight back? I would and will.
The clown comment was put because your comments lacked backing and were put forward in an aggressive manor.
You may have more knowledge on the IT side of things, but you certainly don't on the games side of things.

I accept any kind of comment, either for or against what I believe as long as it has backing, other posts of yours have had a purpose, that one didn't. I thought you were speaking in an unfair manor and I responded in a way that I normally don't, for that I appologise.
Okay, I respect that, my knowledge may be IT, but I guess when you know Sony Devs under NDAs, then I probably have more knowledge, yet I can't tell you what is going on. However on the gaming front I still know more things than you do. I have a friend in Rockstar entertainment with a bit more info than these boards. This guy moved to the states two years ago and was a technical architect.
I am also a Computer Games Designer. Studying games history, design, production, texture creation, application and creation of 3D assets, characters and full environments.

I may not know more than your friend, but from a games hardware and software side, I feel confident with my knowledge.
Psyk said:
Good point. Except for the fact that the cutscenes in MGS are usually rendered in real time. But I can see the problem for something like Final Fantasy where many cutscenes are pre-rendered. Of course there's still different ways to compress the video. It doesn't have to be in the same format as a DVD or HD-DVD video, they could use something like DivX if they wanted which takes up less space and gives almost as good quality.

always a good point ....the major question is .....

where the final fyntasy games on duel layer ..... (current final fyntasy games)
bluesouljah said:
That's a design degree.

Computer games design. Like I said before :P. It consists of all the above elements. Games creation comes in 2 parts, designers/artists and programmers. I am the former.
I expect we'll see the PS3 in action properly for the first time at E3 this year. If they miss that deadline then heaven help them!

If the PS3 was due for a spring launch then as people have already said, we'd have seen final consoles being played by now. With no such thing in sight, my bet is that it'll get a Japanese launch in September, with a frantic US / Europe launch for Christmas, along with the all too familiar chronic stock problem.

Although if the console sells for around £399 (safe bet I think), the demand will certainly be reduced. And if the Xbox 360 takes off, then the PS3 will be facing an established consoles with a probable Christmas price in that all important sub-£200 price range.
Remember when the PS2 came out, it came out at 300 quid, and at the time DVD drives, cheapest was 300 quid, so its not that unreasonable

You wrong m8, DVD players at that time were only retailing for £120-150 when PS2 was released.

All the big retailers were even doing Sega Dreamcast deal for £300 (Console + DVD Decent DVD Player).

so Like the original poster said, I find it really hard, how Sony will sell PS3 with Bu-Ray under £400.
Noooooooo in 2000 you where struggling to find a dvd player at 120 - 150 quid.
That was way pre supermarketd etc. so i have to completely disagree with you there.
I remember at the time myself, and a few other folk i heard of, took the attitude it was the same price as a dvd player at the time, so u got a console for nowt
In 2000, Sony released its PlayStation 2 console in Japan. In addition to playing video games developed for the system it was also able to play DVD movies. This proved to be a huge selling point because the PS2 cost about the same as standard DVD players but could do much more. As a result, many electronic stores that normally did not carry video game consoles carried PS2s
Thats from the DVD entry in wikipedia, i know not 100 % reliable, but if it is wrong, feel free to edit it
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Noooooooo in 2000 you where struggling to find a dvd player at 120 - 150 quid.
That was way pre supermarketd etc. so i have to completely disagree with you there.
I remember at the time myself, and a few other folk i heard of, took the attitude it was the same price as a dvd player at the time, so u got a console for nowt

Wrong... and wrong and wrong.

Wharfedale DVD-750 out in Jan 2000 only £150-180, there was a Proline and a Bush model and also an Encore DVD Player out at that cost, the list goes on Shinco were another etc etc...
There were plenty of cheaper alternative DVD players on Playstation 2's launch, but it was without doubt a large selling factor for the console.
dont compare a ps2 dvd release with a ps3 bluray one mind because a) how many tvs can display dvds, 100%. b)how many can display blu ray 5%. th demend wont be anywhere near as high
I was reading an article on next gen players and their copy protection, and one of the things it mentioned was that there are currently about 14 million hi-definition tv's sold to date.

I'm not sure if that was just for the U.S. but assuming it is, then that is a very small number of TV's compared to normal models.
The U.S. has about 295 million people, and even if all 14 million sets are still working that is only about 1 in 20 people will have one, probably a lot less (given that the number of sets could include ones going back 4-5 years).
If it was for world wide sales then the penetration is even lower.

Blu-ray/hi-definition DVD's won't make any serious inroads for a fairly long time imo, as for people to take advantage of them you need a suitable display, unlike DVD's where the improvement was immediately apparent on existing displays.

Also, unless the PS3 has a DVI or HDMI output as standard, it seems it won't be able to playback hi definition movies at more than DVD res (but progessive), anyway without the user buying additional cables.
As it seems that one of the copy protection features for the next generation of players will be that studio's can tell the players to limit analogue output to a lot lower than 1080i if they wish, even when the output is capable of delivering 720p or 1080i.
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