PS3 Impressions and Opinions Thread **Now includes pricing information**

I'm curious whether the motion sensor infringes any of the patents that MS hold following their Sidewinder Freestyle joypad from about 10 years ago? - something that would be rather amusing following the rumble patent debacle! :p
I have a stock market ticker running on my desktop and have just noticed SONY CP ADR stock price dropping - 0.77% in the last few hours :) ... hmm one would think that some investors may not be overly favourable with the PS3 announcements :) Having said that, it is hardly a slamming.

Clearly no-one is really panicking yet (Don't panic Mr Mannering!!!) but an up in the stock price might've been nice LOL :D
Having spent a bit of time thinking about it after last nights mediocre fair here are my thoughts.

PS3 is always gonna sell loads to Joe Public even if sony **** in a box and called it the playstation poo but I saw nothing last night which would make me put my cash down at launch.

The conference was killed by them showing some total garbage for about the first half of the show, they spent ages on that GT:HD knock up which wasnt even worth showing to an audience of journos who've been playing PGR3 for about 8 months which wii'd all over that :p It was embarrasing for them when they had to keep asking for applause as the crowd were so nonplused by it all.

The original dual shock pad was a great design but things have moved on in the last 7-8 years and sticking to the same design looks lazy, not as lazy as cobbling some half assed wii rip off in the pad though. You just know that nowt will use that motion stuff properly for ages after the system launch as no one knew it was even in the pad till yesterday whereas i'd imagine you're gonna see some awesome stuff off nintendo using it in 2 hours time :)

I wasnt a fan of this 2 tier packs when M$ did it but at least theres wasnt taking out fundamental features of the console!! if an xbox 20gb HD costs £70 god only knows how much a 60gb one will cost if you want to upgrade the retard pack :p

and Phil Harrison how does this bloke sleep at night? He comes out shows a pad feature ripped lock stock and barrel off of other companys then shows an online service ripped off of other companies and calls it innovation!!!!! Does he really think people are that thick?

All in all sony will still win the gen wars just because Joe Public doesnt know better than to see through sonys PR stunts but i'll stick to the 360 and wii thanks.
Psycho Ned said:
The conference was killed by them showing some total garbage for about the first half of the show, they spent ages on that GT:HD knock up which wasnt even worth showing to an audience of journos who've been playing PGR3 for about 8 months which wii'd all over that :p It was embarrasing for them when they had to keep asking for applause as the crowd were so nonplused by it all.

E3 crowd arent that big fans of GT. Mario Kart is more popular at e3.

TAll in all sony will still win the gen wars just because Joe Public doesnt know better than to see through sonys PR stunts but i'll stick to the 360 and wii thanks.

At the end of the day they do have all the games and features. Its a trusted brand i cant say the same for the others.
Good question i've not looked into exactly what wires you get with the 2 packs just you dont get the HDMI with the cheap one, you might get a component one though blu ray uses that HDCP protection doesnt it? so you wouldnt be able to watch movies or maybe even play PS3 games using component.

I think theres something about not being able to get 1080p through component (though I might be wrong there) not that this matters to us atm as 1080p compatible screens cost a bomb!
Psycho Ned said:
The original dual shock pad was a great design but things have moved on in the last 7-8 years and sticking to the same design looks lazy, not as lazy as cobbling some half assed wii rip off in the pad though. You just know that nowt will use that motion stuff properly for ages after the system launch as no one knew it was even in the pad till yesterday whereas i'd imagine you're gonna see some awesome stuff off nintendo using it in 2 hours time :)

There is something to be said for - if it aint broke... but at the same time I agree. It seems like they redesigned the controller and got totally phased by the universal slating they recieved over the 'banana' design. I personally have no issues with the original design, it works and if I ever got blisters off it, it's because I played for long periods of time.

Psycho Ned said:
I wasnt a fan of this 2 tier packs when M$ did it but at least theres wasnt taking out fundamental features of the console...

All in all sony will still win the gen wars just because Joe Public doesnt know better than to see through sonys PR stunts but i'll stick to the 360 and wii thanks.

Fat lady... singing...
There is something in the two options or split tier marketing. There is the recognition that some people will buy the console and play the games and use sod all of the 'extra' features. Why pay the extra? Meanwhile, everyone is going on about omitting HD from the lower end package... I don't have an HD TV, won't be able to afford one for quite a while (I spend all my money on my PC) and will not be overly bothered by the missing pixels, I'd suspect there are a few people like me out there who would be happy spending the extra money saved on a new game?
I have to say that Gran Turismo HD must look mighty impressive running at 1080p @60fps. Unfortunately watching it on that tiny streaming video didnt capture the experience.
skullman said:
I have to say that Gran Turismo HD must look mighty impressive running at 1080p @60fps. Unfortunately watching it on that tiny streaming video didnt capture the experience.

Yeah - seems that everyone has been having a go at it and they all seem to have missed the point that it was a 'TECH DEMO' not the actual game. It was made for E3 solely, the actual game is still in Dev.
Still dont see how they have managed to get a game running at maximum detail at about 1900*1200, most dual core, Sli/crossfire PC's would struggle.
SteveOBHave said:
Yeah - seems that everyone has been having a go at it and they all seem to have missed the point that it was a 'TECH DEMO' not the actual game. It was made for E3 solely, the actual game is still in Dev.

As a tech demo I would have expected it to look outstanding, much better than any playable game - which it isnt (unless I'm confusing it with another demo?)

Thats generally the norm for tech demos isnt it? (think back to the PS2 tech demo of GT)
Aye but that was the thing it was a tech demo as you say then in which case it should have blown your socks off showing exactly what the system could be capable off....instead people just went PGR3 did that better 6 months ago so it didnt really do its job of making you want a PS3.

Couple that with the fact you know GT5 wont be out till late 2007 as they always slip miles (wheres that PSP GT mobile which was touted when the PSP first launched....exactly) and it just seemed like filler which wasnt necessary.

EDIT: What ^ said :p
GuruJockStrap said:

HAHAHAHA brilliant

"This is my personal view, not my corporate view, but when I look at those formats, I think it just confuses the audience. They don't know which one to buy, developers don't know which one to create for, and retailers don't know which one to stock." - Talking about XBOX360's
It gets worse...

Remember Tekken 6?

This is the picture that wetted the appetite of gamers at last years E3:


The reality?

Shown at last nights conference:

ben_j_davis said:
HAHAHAHA brilliant

"This is my personal view, not my corporate view, but when I look at those formats, I think it just confuses the audience. They don't know which one to buy, developers don't know which one to create for, and retailers don't know which one to stock." - Talking about XBOX360's

The thing with the PS3 though is that no matter which (overpriced) version you buy you'll still have a harddisk. The only things the developers need to cater for between the two versions is the lack of media card reader/HDMI output (I doubt either will really concern them)

Sony are doing a lot of eating of their own words now though.
McDaniel said:
the HDDVD is only for movies though ithought? so its not like you need one, most people will by a HDDVD standalone

But will HDDVD work on Blu Ray? Blu Ray on HDDVD? The answer is surely no (vhs/betamax anyone) If Sony win the format war then you'll surely need a Blu Ray player. Also whats the cost of a 360 plus a add on HD player going to be?
But removing the HDMI support from the cheaper version is comercial suicide, i thought the whole reason they have delayed the PS3 so much was to release it along with Blu-ray and HD movies. I people cant get a cheap Blu Ray player then HD-DVD has won the battle.
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