Quake 4

Jimbo Mahoney said:
I assumed that was there on purpose as a nod to Quake 2.
Point - just annoying playing decent players when your fighting a slope :p

So Wednesday it is then? Hoping we could play a good game of CTF if we get a few ppl - always some empty servers to crash ;)

ps3ud0 :cool:
matt100 said:
I know it's off topic but hey...


quake 1 completed in 17 minutes :D

17mins? pffft! Last year the QDQ guys knocked out a sub-11min run: http://gamefiles.blueyonder.co.uk/blueyondergames/movies/quakeworld/trr.avi

(for anyone interested there is around 27.5gig of Quakeworld movies here too: ftp://gamefiles.blueyonder.co.uk/store2/blueyondergames/trailers/movies/quakeworld/ . I'd recommend FDE2, TFDE2, QWRE, FDSR, BEF, DDE2 for starters)
ps3ud0 said:
Point - just annoying playing decent players when your fighting a slope :p

So Wednesday it is then? Hoping we could play a good game of CTF if we get a few ppl - always some empty servers to crash ;)

ps3ud0 :cool:

This Wednesday? What time? I'll try and get on for a bit of CTF :D
If you do this again I'd love to join - can't today as I'm a. too busy and b. on a tiny Argos computer desk which only has a tiny little pull-out shelf for the mouse so that I can't play properly :mad:
DaveyD said:
If I get Quake 4 running, I'm up for it... 8pm maybe?
Erm any chance of doing it after the footy?!?

Argentina vs Italy cant be missed tonight...

If I do miss this can we do this another time too this week perhaps if others are up for it?

ps3ud0 :cool:
Make it 10pm tonight then maybe? As I've got to go back to my student house and pick up all my clothes, then watch some stuff that isn't footy.
DaveyD said:
Make it 10pm tonight then maybe? As I've got to go back to my student house and pick up all my clothes, then watch some stuff that isn't footy.
Better rest yourself afterwards then - dont want you pulling anything :p;)

Now that made me giggle :D

P.S. 10 is perfect for me...

ps3ud0 :cool:
I might pop my head in for a while, 10 is fine for me. I'm absolutely rubbish though, add to that that i haven't played for a good few month :o .

Hmm, there's a chance I may not be able to make it, been playing about installing Vista, and don't think Quake 4 likes me at the moment.

Working on it though!
Quake 4 had a good sp but a lame multiplayer, it amazes me that all these years after quake 3 the best they can come up with is the same boring as hell bounce like a tard deathmatch with better graphics. :rolleyes:

Finding a server with people in it is hard enough, doom 3 mp is as bad, think its time for iD to knock deathmatch on the head once and for all and try something new.
Quake 4 was what I was personally looking for, getting back to bouncy old skool deathmatch, as I was tired of teamplay and realism, and I've always been more of a quaker than a UT person... but it isn't to everybodies tastes, but I don't think they were trying to be innovative at all, and I wasn't fussed at all the fact that 95% of the DM was Quake 3 Arena mechanics.
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