Quake champions

Look at that rail. Some clips show people on target yet no hit yet this person isn't on target and they get the kill.


Getting into this now, feels good. But I can't understand why the netcode feels a bit /cl_timenudge -100 lol , everyone is so jittery even when i have ping 15

The higher your fps the more it hinders your latency. I had to cap mine at 105 and it feels awful compared to 125 but I'm hitting more targets.
Look at that rail. Some clips show people on target yet no hit yet this person isn't on target and they get the kill.

Quake live used to be like that for every one early on while they were still adjusting backwards reconciliation - if you shot at the point about 1 player width behind the player you'd get a hit every time - unfortunately doesn't work like that in QC but could be its possible if you have a certain level of latency.
It is terrible how most matches nearly everyone picks Anarki for his small hitbox and Sorlag for her huge stack.
Anarki, Sorlag and Scalebearer most pick. Usually Doom Slayer as well.

I'm surprised how few OcUK members if at all play this. Sacrifice is a real hoot.
Nyx gets a bit of a look in especially late in a selection for duelling due to the ability to ghost walk and maybe evade being killed in the last seconds of a match.
She can be evil. I had some good footage of her fighting then chasing Anarki. I do love her wall jumping though.
I've really never gelled with Sacrifice - maybe they've improved it since I last tried - it felt too much like an afterthought on the maps I tried.

I've kind of given up playing it now unless reports come out that they've magically fixed the underlying engine so that the "netcode" is consistent and responsive. I need to rely on it far too much to play at a higher level with my style of play :(
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I wished I recorded my Sacrifice match last night. It was crazy fun with Americans. Played mostly Galena to help teammates health boost up defending in between setting traps. 1:1 on the second game then went Scalebearer keeping all the Sorlags away going Choo Choo to win the match. 2:1 :D

It was chaotic fun.

I really need to get some recording gear so nothing has any effect whatsoever on latency or input. There has been so many great games. So much footage still to go through from TDM games. I personally prefer the team games rather than mindless spam fragging of FFA.
It is terrible how most matches nearly everyone picks Anarki for his small hitbox and Sorlag for her huge stack.
So why is it not like all the other quake games in the past, where who ever you chouse, big or small all had the same hit box, why they not do that with this game, its so easy to do.
Second map - can't remember name off the top of my head - brings back memories - had an absolutely brutal tiebreaker on that map for the final in one tournament - the middle can be really punishing especially as its a lesser played one so I wasn't as familiar with running it.

Wish I'd got some footage from playing in the NA CTF leagues.
So how come you're never on? I'm on most nights grinding away. I had to setup a new account vfx before the early access since people get confused with voofx and Vo0.

Sacrifice is such a blast. Still gutted I never recorded those games I had. Going to have to record every game just incase. Having to go through lots of footage at the moment to clear some space.
Change in work shifts has taken most of my motivation to play any games :s and "netcode" has been too frustrating.
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