Quake II RTX

Its hilariously bad in some ways. I mean I know I only have a 2060 but it does beg the question as to exactly what is the point of marketing the technology so aggressively to sell high end cards if it is basically far too taxing for even top end cards to handle. I know that down the line RTX will mature and in a generation of two it will likely be amazing but right now it's just a tad pointless. I get that the amount of rays being rendered is crazy, but at this point if even a 2080ti is being eaten alive by it what is the point right now.

I didnt buy my card for RTX, I just got it because at the time it was a decent deal and I needed a decent mid range card and it more than fits that bill. RTX on a 20 year old game and it melts though :) For the record I can play it on 1080p with GI on low and get 60fps. Medium its like 30-40.

Whether or not it actually looks like Quake should is another matter entirely though ;)
Its hilariously bad in some ways. I mean I know I only have a 2060 but it does beg the question as to exactly what is the point of marketing the technology so aggressively to sell high end cards if it is basically far too taxing for even top end cards to handle. I know that down the line RTX will mature and in a generation of two it will likely be amazing but right now it's just a tad pointless. I get that the amount of rays being rendered is crazy, but at this point if even a 2080ti is being eaten alive by it what is the point right now.

I didnt buy my card for RTX, I just got it because at the time it was a decent deal and I needed a decent mid range card and it more than fits that bill. RTX on a 20 year old game and it melts though :) For the record I can play it on 1080p with GI on low and get 60fps. Medium its like 30-40.

Whether or not it actually looks like Quake should is another matter entirely though ;)
It has to start somewhere. I mean getting RT to developers and customers all helps further development. NV have been working closely with the software houses that have implemented it and no doubt taking feedback on board for future R&D to consider and the game devs are getting experience at using it now rather than further down the line where they may end up struggling with it. I only consider this gen of RT GPU's as a taster of what's to come. Nice to try out I think. Hopefully next few gens at least take a nice leap forward.
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I wouldn't worry, it has no real wow factor.

It looks good in the promotional video, IMO. I like a lot of these old-school fps games so it appeals quite strongly, especially with what will no doubt follow as time marches forward. On one hand, I don't want my card to go pop, but on the other... :D
Darn, I get this and the game doesn't start. This is with Steam and the Nvidia download versions.

Not a good start - may be due to the Nvidia drivers failing to install and I have to use Device Manager to install them right now.

All my other games run fine.

I'm getting a solid 60FPS with my GTX1070... at 640x480... for some reason the sky lighting isn't working right which might be helping the framerate though - all the other lighting is correct - I've tried messing about with the environment options but anything other than the original env map is pitch black and the original env map doesn't seem to be properly emitting light.

The framerate absolutely plummets above 640x480 though - even 800x600 has me down to the 40s and above that 2560x1440 is just 6FPS.

EDIT: Seems it is working it just takes quite a few frames on a 1070 for the sky lighting to process and start updating properly.
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Ray Tracing should be scrapped until a time it doesn't cripple a entry level gaming card. Currently even a 2080ti struggles to hit 60 fps. It's a bit of a joke tbh. Still some people will defend the technology regardless but the cost for the performance of rtx is just insane based on the cost to push Ray tracing upon us.
Unfortunately the RTX version doesn't understand the custom lighting format on one of my custom maps LOL though still produces interesting results:





Ray Tracing should be scrapped until a time it doesn't cripple a entry level gaming card. Currently even a 2080ti struggles to hit 60 fps. It's a bit of a joke tbh. Still some people will defend the technology regardless but the cost for the performance of rtx is just insane based on the cost to push Ray tracing upon us.

Still needs a lot of work but anything but a joke IMO when it is sort of mostly rendering the original pre-baked radiosity lighting in Quake 2 plus effects that were never in the original in realtime - the original lightmap generation could take literally days to compile a Quake 2 map.
Try setting windowed mode. This completely freezes my machine. fun!

1920x1080 in high runs at around 15fps on 1080Ti. Big hit for some slightly better lighting

At least it reminds me of playing Quake 2 back in the day playing it at 15-20fps on a 2mb on board graphics and Pentium 133mhz, haha.
It really flew when I got a Voodoo 2 and AMD K6-2 450Mhz a few years later
I'm an idiot - well sort of - the sky lighting, if not using the original which isn't default, by default uses your system clock to set time of day and as I'm playing at night its all dark :( changing the environment options sorts that.

I'm feeling the need for a faster GPU:

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It has to start somewhere. .

On a game thats over 22 years old..........

Buy a £600-£1000+ card, load a 2 decade old game and marvel at the Ray Tracing and the fact it plays on just like the computer you had back in 1997 ! Think I had a Voodoo Banshee when I played this first time round. Who would have thought it Quake 2 making a come back.

You have to admit its kind of crazy in the 21st Century albeit fun to play and bring back the memories.
On a game thats over 22 years old..........

Buy a £600-£1000+ card, load a 2 decade old game and marvel at the Ray Tracing and the fact it plays on just like the computer you had back in 1997 ! Think I had a Voodoo Banshee when I played this first time round. Who would have thought it Quake 2 making a come back.

You have to admit its kind of crazy in the 21st Century albeit fun to play and bring back the memories.
No, no, the question was raised about RT generally, whether at the moment it's pointless, or not. That was what my reply was regarding, not just about it being used in Quake 2. It's interesting seeing it in Quake 2 but that indeed does seem a little bit pointless, although it's still interesting to see what they've done with it, and also shows how much further R&D and hardware power is needed to improve it generally. It shows very clearly that it's so very early days. RT will improve now for many years.
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