Quake II RTX

Did I read correctly that I did this make the 2080ti struggle @@@@ that a old game like this doesn’t run that well .. it just doesn’t work !
How to drop Quake 2 into single digit lows for FPS, with hardware in 2019 costing thousands, with minimal to no improvement in image quality.

Bravo, NVIDIA, bravo.

They don't really show it off at its best - unfortunately without recompiling the map impossible to properly take advantage of what the renderer can do but:


Completely unplayable on a 1070 but those settings should just about be playable with a pair of 2080tis.
Surely one 2080Ti would be sufficient?

Edit: oh, of course, not at 4K. I meant 1440p.

Weird looking grenade launcher thingy.
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So my 1080ti can run this at 60fps...@ 1024*768 @ 90% scaling lol.

1-1 pixel mapping in the control panel makes it look OK ish.
Surely one 2080Ti would be sufficient?

Edit: oh, of course, not at 4K. I meant 1440p.

Weird looking grenade launcher thingy.

I've tweaked a load of stuff it would need more than a single 2080ti to get smooth performance unfortunately static screenshot doesn't do it justice and I can't really record on my 1070.
I've tweaked a load of stuff it would need more than a single 2080ti to get smooth performance unfortunately static screenshot doesn't do it justice and I can't really record on my 1070.

At least you can get to see it working, my 980Ti is obviously a no go. :/

I'd love to see Quake 1 and some other older titles like Unreal adapted for RT. :cool:
At least you can get to see it working, my 980Ti is obviously a no go. :/

I'd love to see Quake 1 and some other older titles like Unreal adapted for RT. :cool:

Quake 1 could look really atmospheric with it - I'll upload a screenshot later when I'm back from work to show what I mean hah.
Quake 1 could look really atmospheric with it - I'll upload a screenshot later when I'm back from work to show what I mean hah.

Doom 3 BFG Edition with HD Ultra texture pack and RTX at 60fps+... Imagine.


I was messing around with another map I made awhile back that is probably more Quake 1 than 2 style and while the RTX flavour completely massacres the lighting (the map was compiled with some misuse of lighting techniques to get its original look) it is quite interesting what could be done with Quake style darker scenes and quite atmospheric:


Pretty picture time. :)

Intel 5820k @stock
MSI RTX 2070 Gaming Z @stock
16Gb DDR4 @2133
Medium setting





It's a good technical demonstration of ray tracing in action on a older lower polygon count game.
But it really only confirms that the GPU horse power is somewhat lacking for it to go main stream anytime soon.

The real question is does realistic lighting sources and shading add to the enjoyment factor of playing this game.
I would have to say no, I much prefer the higher textures quality of the XP mod over what ray tracing brings to the table.

Where and when ray tracing will come into it's own is when game graphics transition to more life like rendering models.
Old flat plain surface games like this don't do ray tracing any justice imho.
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We definitely need both. At the moment the little spattering of rtx in some scenes makes it a alpha demo only.

In 5 years when everything is fully pathed it'll be amazing. It needs to be fully pathed for you to have more of those wow moments jump out whilst immersed in the actual game.
I'm an idiot - well sort of - the sky lighting, if not using the original which isn't default, by default uses your system clock to set time of day and as I'm playing at night its all dark :( changing the environment options sorts that.

I'm feeling the need for a faster GPU:


It's weird yet funny that it reminds me of RTX Minecraft.

Yeah so i ran this on my 5ghz 9700k and 2080 at 1440p 144fps...@ 35 fps and instantly turned off the rtx and switched to open GL for about 3 mins of nostalgia then uninstalled thinking what the actual **** was that waste of my life.

great advertising Nvidia... make me feel like more of a chump spending 600 quid on this card.
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