Quake II RTX

Can't you capture with ShadowPlay?

Having some issues with ShadowPlay and the latest drivers - as soon as I kill any of the telemetry stuff it stops working - possibly intentionally on the part of nVidia :( that and with any kind of resolution worth capturing my 1070 doesn't really cut it for rendering and capturing with RTX on :s
I suppose to be able to tinker with it a bit more but without spending top end, something like the RTX2060 might be an option. Barely more than a side-grade over your 1070 (or my 980Ti for that matter) but at least you could get better performance if you're heavily into Quake 2.

I don't think these 'super' range of cards will shake the prices up much but worth a look once they hit the shelves...

Can't wait until the performance is broadly viable at that or higher quality level and developers start making actual games with ray tracing used at the level of integration in Quake 2.

(Sure you can get scenes that look like that now in games but the level of light interaction in real time is just another thing entirely).
^^ That does look very nice.

I thought we might be much further away from having decent ray tracing options but if they can get 2080ti ray tracing performance down to the masses as a baseline with the denoiser doing a fairly impressive job of approximating a higher level ray count it potentially isn't as far off as it could have been.
Hey I'm kinda new to the forum but I've been following a lot on the RTX release of Quake 2 and just thought I'd put a few tests I've done on a MSI GTX 1080 Gaming X 8G, managed to get 30/31 fps at 1440p, 50% resolution scaling and low global illumination all other settings are on, also my card is underclocked at the moment to 75% power due to using a less than ideal power supply so in theory with the latest release with some compromises you can get ray tracing on the pascal cards to run pretty acceptably but would not want to play anything competitive like this, Alternatively it can run at 1080p with high global illumination at 50% resolution scaling at around 28-37 fps.

System Specs:
i7 4790K Stock, 16GB DDr3 1600Mhz, MSI GTX 1080 Gaming 8G @75% Power limit, MSI B85 (MS-78511) Motherboard) 350w FSP Group 80+Bronze PSU, 2 3.5" 1 TB WD Blue HDDs and a single 2.5" 1 TB WD Blue HDD

I'll try to upload screen shots but having trouble with image capture.
It is about as good as it gets for Quake 2 though - try to add more detail into the scene and it just highlights the limitations of geometry in the engine and lack of ability to use static meshes, etc. RTX also doesn't understand the method used in modified compile tools to do "curved" surfaces via Phong shading so you can't even do things like pipes and make them look properly round.
Just some real quick messing about (I wanted to test something) so a bit rough but with RTX even Quake 2 can look like this hah


Can't wait to see it used properly.
It makes such a difference that it almost looks like a fairly recent game. I wonder what if any additional changes the modding community will be able to throw in?
It makes such a difference that it almost looks like a fairly recent game. I wonder what if any additional changes the modding community will be able to throw in?

Sky is the limit really depending on how motivated people are as the full source is released. Though some things like the BSP world geometry/data storage format would need a complete replacement for some more modern stuff which would be a huge task.

Something that holds the world detail back quite a bit is that there is no support for static meshes - and placing decorate meshes into the game, never mind ones with proper collision data, etc., is a bit limited unless you bake the whole lot as one big mesh which messes with the way a few things work. Each instance of a mesh model in the world requires taking up one entity entry (everything in the gameworld exists as an entity from missiles to weapons, player models, etc.) and there are limits to the number of entities you can have in the gameworld without a complete protocol update - I've broken it very easily with modding :(

Creating a level is more like working in CAD than a 3D modelling package or modern game editor with geometry mostly limited to simple primitives and it gets very funky with finer geometry detail partly because a lot of stuff uses only integer precision - in some cases limited to 8bit precision even.

Texture mapping and projection on surfaces is also extremely limited and doing anything beyond simple 90 degree angles needs a lot of time lining everything up and tweaking the angles by hand.

Contributions from the modding community would probably be things like higher resolution monster replacements with more detail and high resolution skins.
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I have had my current computer for three weeks and from what I've noticed that I used to get better frame rates.

My computer has the following specs on it:

Ryzen 3600X
32GB DDR4 3200mhz T-Force Vulcan RAM.
RTX 2070 Super Stock/Founders edition
Acer 21" 4ms IPS 1080p 75hz monitor
650W EVGA 80+ Gold PSU
GPU driver: 436.15

I run at 1080p 100% resolution scale everything else maxed out. I used to get about 70fps average now I'm getting about 60fps average.

Also I've read forum posts with other people who have dang near close to the same specs and they are getting 40-45fps average with an rtx 2070 super at 1440p. I tried that via DSR and resolution scale and I'm only getting 30 to 35 fps average. I also watched a couple youtube videos where they were using a Ryzen 2600 non X and a regular 2070 and were getting the same frame rate I am. Weird since a 3600x and 2070 super should be at least 15% better or so.

I'm running GPU-Z in the background and it's showing power limitations mainly but the card reports it's still getting 100% power and there's no thermal and VERY LITTLE voltage reliability throttling going on so I know it's not that.

Any possible suggestions? Thank you very much.
I have had my current computer for three weeks and from what I've noticed that I used to get better frame rates.

Can't be sure it is what you are noticed but there was an update about 3 weeks ago to Quake 2 RTX that tweaked the tone mapper and changed other features which reduced performance slightly.

EDIT: Actually it is longer ago than that - 19/06 was the update.

Also make sure you are using the same settings for things like V-Sync - I believe Quake 2 RTX would be almost entirely GPU bound on a Turing card so within reason CPU won't make huge difference.
Another feature update for this today - mostly additions of some photo mode stuff - but recent updates have increased the rendering features quite a bit making the stock maps look a bit nicer than the first RTX release.

Thought I'd try something vaguely Subnautica inspired just for LOLs - unfortunately though a recent update added god rays underwater they've not done it so that the water surface itself can project them underwater so I'll have to fake it up a bit to add some rays.

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