Quake II RTX

Yeah I think they did a Vortex II as well - I was kind of jealous initially of people who had them but they didn't really come to much sadly :( ending up a bit like the PhysX accelerators.

It is a shame as I've mentioned before I got to play with one of the late tech demos before it all fell apart for them and it really does something for the immersion when surface materials (using actual world geometry) and things like doors, etc. are modelled in the sound engine.
I wish they'd remaster RTCW - I spent far too many hours playing that and had an immense amount of fun.


Obviously there is the new Wolfenstein games but I think ETQW having limited success kind of put a damper on RTCW style follow ups.

Enemy Territory was one of my favourite games.
Return to castle wolfenstein was an incredible game. The new one is (was) garbage

Ah i remember when the multiplayer demo of that came out, the beach level and how it was pushing the quake 3 engine hard to render large outdoor areas. People on the allied side would run to the hill on the right and snipe the bunkers, watching from there you could see flamethrower effects which were amazing looking for the time. Hard to believe that was nearly 20 years ago :(.

Never realised the console versions came with an additional prequel level set in Egypt.

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Just messing about so plenty of room for improvement but the path tracer is surprisingly capable - though some refraction/light scattering through glass is missing though I think it is an omission for time rather than performance as it works from a source casting out but not through.

How much work is it to change a texture for RTX? I remember reading for Minecraft they added layers which sounds like a lot of work but I'm guessing that a lot can be automated.
How much work is it to change a texture for RTX? I remember reading for Minecraft they added layers which sounds like a lot of work but I'm guessing that a lot can be automated.

It uses a basic material system - you have to add a single line entry in a CSV file specifying various properties and then provide images for the various layers such as normals and emissive light, etc. - there is some use of the alpha channel involved I'm not 100% up to speed on as well.
So it's a lot of work, really? You've got to redo every texture several times? No wonder people think they want more VRAM.
So it's a lot of work, really? You've got to redo every texture several times? No wonder people think they want more VRAM.

I misread you a bit above - as far as ray tracing goes it depends - you can just use a single stage texture and nothing else and you just get very limited effects - or you can use various material approaches which have effects which interact with the ray tracing process to do interesting things or at the top end of it you can even completely integrate surfaces into the ray tracing process and not even have textures in the traditional sense.

The path tracing implementation in Quake 2 works fine with a simplified version of a physically based material system as used by stuff like Unreal Engine (without ray tracing).
Obviously there is the new Wolfenstein games but I think ETQW having limited success kind of put a damper on RTCW style follow ups.

Quake Wars was **** though, the maps were too open and jump packs were lame not to mention they did away with the realistic WW2 theme. All they really needed to do was keep updating Enemy Territory and add more maps etc, the 24/7 64 player Market Garden servers were terrific. ET should have had a subscription model like WoW to keep it going long term, it's amazing to think this day and age that they released it for free.
Quake Wars was **** though, the maps were too open and jump packs were lame. All they really needed to do was keep updating Enemy Territory and add more maps etc, the 24/7 64 player Market Garden servers were terrific.

I quite liked it, though it needed more work really, but a lot of people didn't seem to be able to get their head around it and some maps felt unfinished.
I never really gave it much chance it just struck me as poor compared to Enemy Territory, ET still has communities now which goes to show how good it was.
Multiplayer - I demand an RTX version of Unreal Tournament (original)
Single player - Unreal 1. I have a feeling it would it be easier to implement it on UT
Just a bit of fun but slowly working around the engine geometry limitations and getting my head around the material system used a bit (though I'm no artist)

Looks good. The glass is too dark though, its absorbing too much light... is the material set to be clear ?

Should be whisky glasses though ... then you could call it a whisky shot ;-)
is the material set to be clear ?

No - for several reasons I think the renderer is optimised for thick glass (due to the age and geometry limits of the engine the original levels have like 8 inch thick windows) but I need to play around a bit more with it.

EDIT: Also got a screwed up alpha channel on one of the stages - not sure what happened there.

EDIT2: Was mostly due to a screwed up alpha channel - the shader needs some other adjustments as well as the distortion is a bit high I think but I'm just messing about at this point to see how stuff works:

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Now that I have my 3080 and I have Quake 2 on Steam. Can i use TrenchBroom2 to make a map for Quake 2 RTX AND play with it? or are there limitations?
@Rroff I see you've managed to get hold of a 3070. :)

Seeing as your 1070 is/was similar in performance to a 980Ti, how are you finding the boost in performance? Pleased with it?

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