Quantum Break PC version confirmed!

Now I have a refund I am ready to rant ;)

My word this game is a massive step backwards for Remedy which makes me sad they have flushed away their PC rep :(
Technically the game just looks very dated. Like a DX9 game overall with very murky/muddy textures in places & terrible FPS issues its not in a state to even be sold right now on PC MS will deservedly get a lot of refunds.

Even when/if they fix the PC optimisation issues the actual gameplay is also very repetitive. The gameplay is Max Payne with Time Stopping abilities....and that's about it no gameplay progression beyond tedious fire fights where your time abilities give you an advantage at all times.

MS must have paid a lot of money to squeeze this onto the XB1 meagre hardware & PR this so heavily must have been expensive to buy all those positive reviews on XB1 but the actual game is another Duke Nukem Forever scenario where its heavily hyphed but a massive let down due to no real innovation :(

Shame for Remedy they are only a small studio unless this sells strongly on XB1 & or MS support them financially I cannot see them funding another Alan Wake on their own. Sorry but it's their own fault for taking the MS funding as that obviously means MS dictate how & when the game is released/marketed.

What where they even thinking with this game it looks so poor like a DX9 era game from several years ago. It needed DX12 amazing graphics to help sell the story it got DX9 & poor optimisation & other technical issues which really hurt the gameplay due to the stuttering & the live action cutscenes are an expensive to produce but bland stuttering mess every few moments it says waiting for content to buffer & or the codec breaks up & reduces the resolution to sub 720P so you cannot even see what is going onscreen. The single cut-scene I viewed fully came across as exactly what it was a low budget amateur sci-fi production with an easy to follow but generic storyline.

Overall this game is just too dated design wise the only unique feature's are the live action cut-scenes & time altering gameplay both wear out their welcome fast. Its certainly not worth paying much for on PC no wonder its free with XB1 MS store purchases :rolleyes:
Who cares, they sold out yet again to Microsoft, they even said that Alan wake coming to steam paid for itself in a matter of weeks, so why not do it again free from all the ties away from the scumbags at MS.
I agree but doubt they have enough money Alan Wake cost something like $30m to make MS paid the entire budget & let Remedy handle the Steam release as they had given up on GFWL by then.

Remedy will probably be an XB1 only dev from now on apart from Alan Wake (they sold Max Payne IP to R*) what else do they have !
It does considering I've just had a Paypal email to say Ive recieved the refund and Im still playing the game :p
MS do not remove the game from your PC its up to you when you uninstall ;) if they ever discover you playing without the licence you revoked with the refund in the T&Cs they will suspend that account without warning until they are paid & sometimes they refuse to unlock your account again so you could possibly lose it including any emails & other content associated with it!

I am uninstalling as soon as they process my refund & I see it has gone through on my credit card do not want to take the chance of playing anymore. Besides the game is so tedious I do not think I can muster the enthusiasm to give MS the telemetry data from me playing on high end hardware ;)
Curious if anyone who got the refund can still play it?
See below MS rely on you to uninstall so play all you want but if they find out by running any DRM checks in the background then your account will get suspended without warning & you could lose the email address & any other content associated with that account. It happens a lot to XB1/Xbox 360 owners who revoke payment & is a real PITA to reinstate the suspended account if you do not live in the US!

I think its unlikely this would happen but MS have been very sneaky of late with all their forced Win 10 upgrades its possible they can find out from data collection on your Win 10 machine.
Someone did a nice video here comparing XB1 to PC they look visually identical for all intents & purposes :eek: looks like Win 10 = XB1 emulator but running files from PC instead of streaming from a physical XB1.

MS masterplan seems to be force Win 10 onto everyone dumb down PC games to XB1 level but make the uneducated think they are getting a true Win 10 enhanced release on PC :rolleyes:
I know it's none of my business but I'm a bit suprised people were still willing to buy a Windows Store exclusive game stripped of basic functionality for 50 quid at release without even waiting a couple of days for some sort of performance analysis. It was bound to run like crap and look average, it practically always happens bar a few notable exceptions.

Glad you were able to get your money back, though.
Someone did a nice video here comparing XB1 to PC they look visually identical for all intents & purposes :eek: looks like Win 10 = XB1 emulator but running files from PC instead of streaming from a physical XB1.

MS masterplan seems to be force Win 10 onto everyone dumb down PC games to XB1 level but make the uneducated think they are getting a true Win 10 enhanced release on PC :rolleyes:

Lmao! :D
Actually,despite still wanting to play it,I'm sacking it off completely. Dosnt feel right to give them any money to play it when they were willing to accept £50 for it in that state
Much as I try to get back into PC gaming properly, stuff like this just puts me off entirely. Was all but ready to buy a new GPU and PSU for the likes of Tomb Raider, Quantum Break and Hitman but with TR coming to PS4 later this year and QB seemingly not worth the bother, that doesn't really leave me with many compelling reasons to spend my money.

Such a shame, looked like the sort of game that could've really shined on PC.
Just found a PC/XB1 comparison video on IGN (I know) and they look exactly the same. Theres people saying how awesome it looks but that did not look like the hot trash which was spat across my monitor earlier today
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