Queen Elizabeth II has passed away - keep posts civil and respectful

At least she wasn't trying to do a test drive to Edenborough castle to make sure her eyesight was ok ;)

Slightly more seriously when a doctor tells you to take it easy they normally mean to avoid doing too much and take a break from work etc, so not having to keep to someone else's schedule and spending hours being sociable and professional around people you don't know and may not like is very different to taking some time to have a drive around your property, and doing things like "pottering around the house" as my mum used to call it (basically doing what you want at your own pace).
It will definitely be the end of the era when she finally passes.

I do have a box set saved for the occasion though, as the news coverage will be extensive on most channels, like when Prince Philip died!

I had to do a double take on this... Are you seriously meaning that you'll record onto VHS or optical media as it's broadcast? Do you not have internet? Youtube will archive every millisecond of BBC coverage for hundreds of years after your dust.
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