Quest 3 owners etc

26 Apr 2004
Milton Keynes
To be honest I just updated AMD drivers on the wife's PC to the latest and this time everything just kinda worked with Steam Link. Genuinely not sure if it was the headset, her PC/drivers, or something in the steam vr settings but that's progress for sure and immediately set encode to maximum (350mbps) as our wifi can more than handle it, and looks like setting the per eye resolution to 200% approx makes a nice visual difference, and it automatically recognised 120Hz which is nice. Assuming Valve keep the Steam Link app up to date, I'd also rather use that over the Meta software, if they're trying to kill it.

Gotta say if this continues to work I much prefer it to the official quest link stuff. Much easier to work with, and the fact Steam will categorise all your VR stuff is really handy, just seems a little janky at times.

Fingers crossed it just continues to work, as that will make our PC VR life much, much easier, and then the few dedicated VR Oculus/Meta only titles we decide to buy direct will just run on the headset anyhow.

So far Phasmo, Labyrinthine and Assetto all work, although it's a bit of a head **** that some of them just work with the VR headset controls whilst some need a controller (Assetto so far). Half Life 2 VR mod also looks fantastic and with that set to 200% and 4x AA on in it's settings, it genuinely does look good.

Will have to pickup Alyx and Beat Saber etc in a sale, and go from there.

As a 40k and Star Wars fan, I can see myself picking up Battle Sister and the Vader titles on Meta, and maybe also looking into getting Gamepass/Epic version of Star Wars Squadrons working also.

Only downside I'm seeing of the headset itself is at everything's supposed 100% I can see the pixels quite clearly, and it also seems to have a fairly specific seating point on the face and if it goes up or down much at all it gets blurry, fast haha.
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18 Jun 2018
Isle of Wight
It's a screen that's at most a couple of inches from your face. You'll be able to see pixels, but once you get into a game, that should be less of an issue.

I've not tried steamlink, but mostly use VD, it has quite a few settings, but I don't play with it too much.

Some will just work, some will need fiddling etc, different people seem to have different experiences too (perhaps tolerance for slightly lower performance etc).

As for the suggestion that Meta is trying to kill off pcvr, that's basically nonsense in my mind. Yes, they're pushing standalone because that's where they have a walled garden, but I've not felt (Since owning the q2 on release) that PCVR was made deliberately difficult. Never owned a rift etc, but from what I've read, they could often take a load of fiddling around to get going. Truth is, meta has done more for VR, and in turn, PCVR, than anyone else at this stage, VR is now genuinely in the mainstream in terms of recognition.
15 Oct 2005
Earth, for now
For the first time I used Wabberjack and downloaded the FUS mod for Skyrim VR, at around 78GB it took some time, somewhere near 940 or so mods.
It didn't end well, the installation borked at the start due to one mod not being updated for the installation. Not knowing where to go from there, I kinda gave up and have been adding some mods manually to Skyrim VR. Nice to have more than just disembodied hands, lol.
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