Haha yeah I thought that the other day and I've not really used mine in anger yet..
I wonder how hard it would be to have some sort of additional storage built into a small USB 'thing' on the port on the side with a passthru so you could still use the port for charging etc, given the headset is Android based, cant be that hard surely, just have something that allows media and screen shots and so on pushed to the external storage like we used to do in the old days where the OS would know the storage was there and gave you the option to use it as the default save location..
Good luck in trying that, if you do

From what I have understood, very little so far, Meta are quite restrictive on what they allow to communicate via that port. Perhaps someone with greater experience could add to that.
Whilst I perhaps should do this anyway, but I'm trying to make sure my PCVR titles are Steam based rather than Meta, for the least storage needed on the headset. Benefits are also post processing, if supported, for the PC version and sometimes improved textures etc.
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