***Quest Pro Owners Club***

Now if they set the Quest Pro to 1.7x render resolution, as to the maxed VD mode -God-Mode, the Quest Pro would trump the Pico 4 in picture quality and clarity. They didn't do that, and I feel they have manipulated their viewers in thinking the Pico 4 is superior.

Now to compare Apples to Apples, they should be using the native apps, which at current the Pico 4 looks like trash with the native PCVR HD render setting.
Also though can you run and sustain decent framerates at 1.7x in games, especially SIMs

You get very few reviews that provide objective data it's all subjective and wildly open to personal taste... Show us settings and framerates in DCS and Skyrim not just the cut down standalone games or the highly optimised HL:Alyx
This is so tempting as the through the lens shots look incredible.
Also apparently the Quest Pro is far more glasses friendly so there's not as much need for prescription lenses (though apparently eye tracking doesn't work amazingly well with glasses).

I can't justify a 4090 as I'd need to get a new PSU as well which would add another £150. I already have a 3090 which is still very good for VR.
This is so tempting as the through the lens shots look incredible.
Also apparently the Quest Pro is far more glasses friendly so there's not as much need for prescription lenses (though apparently eye tracking doesn't work amazingly well with glasses).

I can't justify a 4090 as I'd need to get a new PSU as well which would add another £150. I already have a 3090 which is still very good for VR.
Someone is going to be giving walkabout mini golf a good workout soon with his new quest pro headset and 4090 that he can't justify...
Someone is going to be giving walkabout mini golf a good workout soon with his new quest pro headset and 4090 that he can't justify...

I'd play the quest native version of Walkabout! No need for a 4090 :p

I'm wanting to replace my Index with something more modern, so I hope to be able to sell that to recoup some of the cost of a new headset as it's in excellent condition.
I do experience disappointing binocular overlap and yes the glare can be strong in certain scenes but depth perception and edge to edge clarity is decent for me it looks like the Quest Pro videos. Is that a face head shape thing, an IPD/vision thing, bad design or simply quality issues on a defective unit? Impossible to say as a consumer...

We need some VR physical retail stores to test different headsets but ideally test/check the actual product you end up purchasing and take home.

I think face and head shape might make things better or worse to some degree. For example, compared to all my other headsets, the Vive Pro 2 is physically much larger. By default I was getting so much light leakage that during daytime hours I could actually see my bookcase behind me reflected onto my screen so clearly I could make out individual book titles. I had to swap out the facial interface and put one from VRCover meant for the Quest 2 into it just to block the light leakage out. It makes me assume that if I had a larger head my experience would have been better.

With Oculus/Meta headsets the opposite is true, their headsets are for smaller head sizes, the Rift S (which was perfect for me) was reportedly unusuable for people with IPDs greater than 70 as it couldn't be adjusted, and the Quest 2 3rd IPD setting actually goes past the physical lenses themselves so people with IPDs larger than 70 will see black bars at the edges of the screen.
Kjaye767 said:

Thanks! I only joined to comment on this thread! To be honest Sebastian's content and some of the other Youtubers really grates me, they genuinely have people thinking the Pico 4 is better than the Quest Pro which is mental. The problem is that Meta are not liked, and are so monolithic that they are subjected to a far greater scrutiny than anyone else. It's just easy to hate on them. The irony though is that they placed into our hands probably the best consumer headset released so far. It's absolutely magnificant for PCVR, I have had it since launch day and it still wows me everytime I put the headset on. I loaded up Lone Echo today to compare the visuals to MRTV's through the lenses and oh my god it looks incredible, her spacesuit if perfectly orange, not red like in his videos, and the overall image absolutely blows away how its looked on any of my other headsets. It somehow looks more 3D and lifelike. Your own through the lens footage does a better job of conveying what its like, and especially your photos.

The reality is, Oculus software has been worked on since the DK2 days, so it is very optimised and works well. Pico is lacking in the software, so people are resorting to Virtual Desktop to get a better experience. You then have the Audio issues, image warping issuse, the list goes on.
So although Pico 4 sold out at first, most were returned due to these issues. Youtuber Karl Gosling speaks about this.
Regarding MRTV running Lone echo, I'm not sure how he is capturing the content, but it is not from "through the lenses" could well be the capturing from the desktop window preview, I'm not sure.

I'll be sure to make some more videos and take more pictures over time, but even then these don't give the true reflection of what you see with your eyes, so it is very hard to show it off, unless you just experience it for yourself.

I do experience disappointing binocular overlap and yes the glare can be strong in certain scenes but depth perception and edge to edge clarity is decent for me it looks like the Quest Pro videos. Is that a face head shape thing, an IPD/vision thing, bad design or simply quality issues on a defective unit? Impossible to say as a consumer...

We need some VR physical retail stores to test different headsets but ideally test/check the actual product you end up purchasing and take home.
Honestly, with a camera lense, it is not focusing at all points to give the true edge to edge clarity that these lenses offer. You are not just looking through a small sweet spot on the lenses like you do with the fresnel lenses where you have to line these up dead centre, the pancake lenses are the sweetspot, if that makes sense? (Compare it to looking through a peep hole where it takes a little adjusting to get the sweetspot, and the other is a window...)

Inner circle is the sweetspot in fresnel lenses below. - Pancake lenses is like the below image.

Now as I mention, my camera, even when using multipoint focus, does not relay back how clear it is with the eyes. There is no blur, out of focus parts with the Quest Pro on. The images I've posted does not give the Quest Pro justice, as it is not a true representation of what you see with your eyes. Trust me, it is far better than what I can reproduce!
Also though can you run and sustain decent framerates at 1.7x in games, especially SIMs

You get very few reviews that provide objective data it's all subjective and wildly open to personal taste... Show us settings and framerates in DCS and Skyrim not just the cut down standalone games or the highly optimised HL:Alyx

Absolutely, even in that video I posted, I was well over 60fps with 1.4X and GPU was 69% usuage, so I was clearly CPU limited. 1.7x helps use more GPU.
Lets not forget MSFS and ACC are very demanding VR Titles, so it is't like I'm cherry picking to what works best with what hardware etc.

I can do this, but then I would be recording the preview from the desktop window, which is not represatiing the true "through the lense" experience.

Your last bit is like saying, can it run Crysis 2007, when the game was so unoptimised... But sure, I can run both. I didn't own Skyrim VR, but I have just Purchased it for testing.
Hoping to upgrade to a 4090 in a year or 2 with possibly a Q3 or pro to match but we'll see. Looks good though!

I bought my 4090, knowing I will be keeping it for a good couple of years, sell it jsut before the new GPU's come out, and use that to outlay the cost of the next upgrade.
Quest 3 will be great for standalone with the newer SOC, but they will be making cut backs to keep the cost low. The Pro is premium priced for a reason. The displays and lenses are amazing!
Also having an open type HMD, I now prefer VR without the blinkers, as I don't get any reflection in the lenses where I sit in my room. Makes it easy to use the Desktop in VR and type on my keyboard. As I mentioned before, as the air can circulate, no fogging of the lenses, no sweating, or feeling hot, comfortable to wear in that aspect. You just need to find that sweet spot on your head where it is comfortable, but the software is great at showing you how to adjust it so you get the perfect fit and veiwing.
This is so tempting as the through the lens shots look incredible.
Also apparently the Quest Pro is far more glasses friendly so there's not as much need for prescription lenses (though apparently eye tracking doesn't work amazingly well with glasses).

I can't justify a 4090 as I'd need to get a new PSU as well which would add another £150. I already have a 3090 which is still very good for VR.

I wear contact lenses, but as the front rest is adjustable, you can easily wear glasses in there. You will just lose a bit of FOV. I like my eye lashes to almost brush the lenses so I have the rest set as close as it can go for that sweet FOV.

As for a 4090, I have a Corsair HX750i (This is the older version which is compareable to the new HX850i) And I have no issues running my 4090 at over 500W for benchmarks using the new Corsair PCie 5 cable.
As a daily use, as i like a cool and quiet PC, I have my 4090 running an undervolt .925v at it's default boost of 2685MHz - it barely goes over 300W, more around the 270W range depending on the game RT ON/OFF DLSS ON/OFF.
Just look at the video I posted time stamp 2:54 where I show my OSD and the PSU for full system was only drawing 336W, GPU was around 220W, as I was CPU bottlenecked at 1.4x render resolution Medium settings. GPU usage 69%.

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I agree that the worst thing about the Pico is the system software and library just isn't comparable to the Quest. I have a huge Quest library so that makes sticking with a Meta headset better for me.

I see VR optician are now offering Quest Pro prescription lenses. Will be interesting to see if they interfere with eye tracking.
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I missed some of these reviews when the Pro came out. These guys are massive PC gamers and were blown away with it.

I keep seeing comments that people expected to send it back but ended up keeping it and getting rid of their Vive pros, and Varo Aero's.
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I'm pleasantly surprised how many gamers are pleased with the Q Pro, i thought it would be not very good for games.
I agree that the worst thing about the Pico is the system software and library just isn't comparable to the Quest. I have a huge Quest library so that makes sticking with a Meta headset better for me.

I see VR optician are now offering Quest Pro prescription lenses. Will be interesting to see if they interfere with eye tracking
Everyone can hate on Meta, but thet are the ones spending big investments in VR to make it mainstream. Which the Quest 2 was well recieved and sold ~15million.
Now everyone expecting the Quest Pro to be priced higher, but not £1500. So the backlash gave it a lot of negative light, and reviews reflected that.

Now what is funny, the Varjo Aero didn't recieve this negativity for it's higher price, and it doesn't even work unless you pay extra for base stations, controllers, is not standalone, and then import taxes depending on where you live, it soon mounts up.
Quest Pro then looks very reasonable between the two, which is how reviewers should have reviewed it, instead they put it against a Pico 4 and Quest 2, and slated it for it's price... Not really a fair comparision.

On top of that, these reviewers want you to buy using their affiliate link, and they will make more money selling more of the cheaper headsets compared to the Quest Pro.
So this is why I take many reviews with a pinch of salt and source from multiple places to make a desicion.

I may invest in some prescription lenses and test this out when eye tracking becomes the norm.
I missed some of these reviews when the Pro came out. These guys are massive PC gamers and were blown away with it.

I keep seeing comments that people expected to send it back but ended up keeping it and getting rid of their Vive pros, and Varo Aero's.

This is clear that you can't just go off the likes of your favourite Youtubers, and shows how adverse some reviews can be to a product when not tested to it's full protential.
I'm glad more reviews like my findings are coming to light.

Yeah, I've been reading many comments of the same thing.

I'm pleasantly surprised how many gamers are pleased with the Q Pro, i thought it would be not very good for games.

Yeah, it's good to see there are a lot more people out there that have concluded to what I see and expressing here.
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Definitely shows you can't trust some of the main reviewers.

Does the headset fit in the Q2 case? The form factor looks very similar to my Q2 plus battery strap.

Also i have a spare broken Q2 battery strap, so it'd be interesting to see if I could detach that battery from the strap and attach in some way to the Pro to extend battery life.
Definitely shows you can't trust some of the main reviewers.

Does the headset fit in the Q2 case? The form factor looks very similar to my Q2 plus battery strap.

Also i have a spare broken Q2 battery strap, so it'd be interesting to see if I could detach that battery from the strap and attach in some way to the Pro to extend battery life.

I don't have a case for mine, as when I'm done playing in VR, I leave it on it's charging dock. I can't see why not if the case supports the elite strap attached to it. But don't take my word on it.
I'm sure it will work, as I assume this just plugs into the Type C port?
I do get charge from my PC via PCVR Link, but I wouldn't say that it gives it a substanical longer life. Truth is I haven't had a full play from fully charged till it switches off, as I do some testing, but the HMD down, it charges a little, I do some more testing and so on.
So I will need to have a proper test of it's true battery life.
I'm kind of surprised at the availability of this - you can get it from various outlets, including high street shops. For the price you'd think this'd be an Oculus site exclusive.
I'm kind of surprised at the availability of this - you can get it from various outlets, including high street shops. For the price you'd think this'd be an Oculus site exclusive.
Yeah, it's so easy to get hold of! :)

40mins or so I will have a new video uploaded with DCS through the lenses of the quest Pro, 1.7x Render Resolution, High setting, and a solid 90FPS. Hopefully YouTube compression won't destroy it as it is 4K and nearly 4GB for a 5min clip...
I just realised one of my favourite games - In Death Unchained will really benefit from the new controllers. I often find I lose tracking in that game when firing arrows quickly, due to the cameras losing sight of the controller.
@BigBANGtheory As requested, you wanted to see if 1.7x render resolution is playable in the like of DCS, and with what settings are being used.
90FPS High setting with AF set to x16.

4K is still processing, but hopefully this gives a good example of through the lenses of the Quest Pro.

@BigBANGtheory As requested, you wanted to see if 1.7x render resolution is playable in the like of DCS, and with what settings are being used.
90FPS High setting with AF set to x16.

4K is still processing, but hopefully this gives a good example of through the lenses of the Quest Pro.

Nice finally some proper analysis showing settings as well, good job :)

What was interesting as well is you could see the runway clear and in focus when it was at the edge and wasn't the centre of attention, that is something neither the VP2 or G2 can do
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