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R9 290X Owners Thread

Right, that didn't seem to help :(

The screen switched itself off, went black, mouse got laggy and this happened..


Then the machine rebooted.
Have you tried without the side on your case?

Yep, this was with the side panel off, and temps don't exceed 70c on load.

Apologies for all the posts, just want to give as much detail as possible to help

I just ran heaven, and AMD overdrive reported idle clocks and 0% activity on both cards, then it froze up.

Also, on idle, card 1 is running full clocks at 0% activity, then I access CCC and it froze.
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Sounds like one card is not kicking up to 3D clocks. Are you running full screen mode? If so can you try pressing ALT+Tab once or twice to see if that kicks it in.

Ooops my bad, been a stressful day and forgot it was in windowed mode = no crossfire :)

I tried to load it up in full-screen and got this.


This is the same screen when I click play game on Steam and sometimes it just comes up with this.

Thanks for all your help Matt, It's appreciated.

Changing the BIOS switch made things a lot worse lol
Switch the bios back then. :)

I wonder if perhaps you can test each card on it's own for a day or so to see if either card gives you problems. Please also ensure your whole system is at stock.

Idle problems usually indicate something is unstable somewhere if the systems works fine under 3d load, just need to try and find out what it is.

I also find it odd that disabling ULPS locked your system up.
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