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R9 290X Owners Thread

This a good GPU for 1440p and 2160p gaming then?

I'm looking at parts for a new build right now. I'll be using a 1000w PSU in it for future crossfire.

Do you think the prices of the 290x's will drop below £200 when 3 series range comes out?

Not sure if I should buy now or wait..
Hi Guys.

I'm a bit late to the party, but I picked up a tri-x 290x a few days ago.

I'm currently at 1150/1650 @ + 81mv in trixx (about 1.21v shown in GPUZ under load).

With that, I'm hitting 73c core and 81c VRM1 after an hour of Crysis 3 on the stock fan curve, and its pretty damn quiet doing that I might add.

Should I keep pushing for higher clocks for 24/7 use? I had a quick try @ 1200MHz @ +100mv, but it crashes heaven quite quickly, so probably quite far off being game stable.

How much more voltage (if any) should I bump it before its just not worth it?

On a side note. I've never been as impressed with the build quality of a graphics card. The thing is built like a tank, and somehow, despite the length and weight of the card, it doesn't sag in the pci slot at all :)
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currently own a Powercolor PCS+ R290X, went to look for a 2nd one to see how much tey are and the 2 main sellers i use dont stock them any more!

whats gone on?

I don't think they are making them anymore due to the 390x. I'm guessing they made a load of them and the stock ran out and they don't see it profitable to make more. I'm probably wrong though. A few people have found this.
Can you not run different memory sizes on the 290x i have always believed they would be compatible, though will run at the lower memory level. ie 290x 8gb+ 290x 4gb will run at 4gb on each card?

I don't think you can but don't hold me too that. I always thought if you had 4gb you need another 4gb because I've seen people with the 6gb 780Ti I think wanting to sli and but not able to find another as they were a limited run.
I don't think you can but don't hold me too that. I always thought if you had 4gb you need another 4gb because I've seen people with the 6gb 780Ti I think wanting to sli and but not able to find another as they were a limited run.

I think you can run any 290 series card in crossfire 4gb or 8gb.

NVidia on the other hand are a complete pain in the $%^& and you have to use indentical cards.
currently own a Powercolor PCS+ R290X, went to look for a 2nd one to see how much tey are and the 2 main sellers i use dont stock them any more!

whats gone on?

my powercolor pcs+ r9 290 had to be rma and they could not fix or replace so i got a refund makes you think they have stopped production now ready for the 3's
Hi Guys.

I'm a bit late to the party, but I picked up a tri-x 290x a few days ago.

I'm currently at 1150/1650 @ + 81mv in trixx (about 1.21v shown in GPUZ under load).

With that, I'm hitting 73c core and 81c VRM1 after an hour of Crysis 3 on the stock fan curve, and its pretty damn quiet doing that I might add.

Should I keep pushing for higher clocks for 24/7 use? I had a quick try @ 1200MHz @ +100mv, but it crashes heaven quite quickly, so probably quite far off being game stable.

How much more voltage (if any) should I bump it before its just not worth it?

On a side note. I've never been as impressed with the build quality of a graphics card. The thing is built like a tank, and somehow, despite the length and weight of the card, it doesn't sag in the pci slot at all :)

I‘ve awnsered my own question lol.

trying for 1180mhz. up to 121mv so far, but still not stable. fans have become noticeable, GPU temp up a touch, as are the VRM temps. I think Ill stick with the 1150MHz setting.

Might have a little play with the AUX slider to see if I can get a little mem clock for free. Anyone got any tips for playing with the AUX voltage? -31mv and +50mv cause instant artifacts, so I guess I'm playing between those values.
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