By the time DX12 is 'the norm', most enthusiasts will already have, or will be buying new cards anyways. It's gonna take quite a while. And I guarantee most of those games listed will see fairly minimal improvements with DX12 and will all have a DX11 rendering path alternative that runs fine. DX12's biggest benefits are going to be those with weaker CPU's relative to their GPU's, not improving performance in GPU-limited games.Huh? Just wait 'til E3 and you'll see that all new titles will be using DX12. Of course DX12 isn't big at the moment, as it hasn't been out that long and game-development takes years. We already have: Hitman, AotS, Warhammer, tomb Raider, Gears of War, Quantum Break, etc. and at E3 we'll probably see even more upcoming titles that are built for DX12, in addition to these: Mirror's Edge, BF1, Deus Ex, ArmA 3 Tanoa, Ghost Recon Wildlands, Watch Dogs 2, etc.
So far, the bigger trend going for AMD is their cards working better than Nvidia cards in general, DX12 or not. They've upped their driver game and it does seem that we're getting a bit more games that actually benefit from having that console-brand GPU relation. I'm not sure that trend is going to take off further, especially as many games are still being built with PC as a decently high priority(including just about anything not AAA) but it might.
I honestly wouldn't consider DX12 performance a top priority unless you wanted a card that was going to last you 3+ years. Otherwise, just look for what performs the best over a full range of different games. As always.
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