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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

10 May 2012
IMO there is a 480X there not telling us about, this is the $200 RX 480 and they said "Cards from $100 to $300" its the middle one, which would be interesting if the 480 is at 980> performance, means there could be <1070 performance card for $300. the 480X.
Why wouldn't you show it then?
8 May 2014
to be fair the crossfire of polaris looks really compelling, for 398$, that is 30$ behind the cheapest 1070 msrp, with perfomance equal or better than 1080, total tdp of a 290X, meaning most ppl wont even have to invest on a new power supply, i think it appealing enough for ppl to ignore multi-gpu issues.
the real killer deal would be step up on multi-gpu support on engine side and driver side, i would rather see AMD droping 3/4way altogether like nvidia(i know they didnt drop them but they are more focused on 2way), to just focus on 2way support, they really have the ability to do really really well with polaris, add to that zen, if they have as rumoured a new inter-connect to allow zen to speak to gpu with lesser latency, honestly i see a good 2017 for AMD, only them can make it home or screw it up.
3 Sep 2010
IMO there is a 480X there not telling us about, this is the $200 RX 480 and they said "Cards from $100 to $300" its the middle one, which would be interesting if the 480 is at 980> performance, means there could be <1070 performance card for $300. the 480X.

Yes, implied soon we know more.
2 Jan 2012
I was looking at an Nvidia card, but this price... Will pick one of these up to play with until the real deal high end stuff arrives, if performance isn't better than my Nano will give it to my boys for their PC. I think I might finally be over getting milked :p

Time to sell my current cards before value collapses I think.
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7 Aug 2013
Yup, see it a hundred times a month on these very forums.
Someone asks what card they should get for £x. Everyone says (for example) 390, get a 390, 390 is the best card for that money. even though they all have 970's in their signature. Then the OP goes off, has a think, and buys the 970. It's purely down to Nvidia looking slicker. pure marketing prowess.
It has a lot to do with the fact that in 2014, the 970 *was* the card to get. Even after the 390/390X came out, it still took the Crimson driver updates to really finally get them over the hill and into 'definitely better' territory.

So yes, after a point, the 390 became a better option than a 970 and 390X better than the 980, but it was not like that originally at all.

With a 980TI level card at £350 Its certainly put Nvidia in a difficult position.
Wait, since when did we get official UK pricing for the 3rd party 1070 cards?
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
It has a lot to do with the fact that in 2014, the 970 *was* the card to get. Even after the 390/390X came out, it still took the Crimson driver updates to really finally get them over the hill and into 'definitely better' territory.

So yes, after a point, the 390 became a better option than a 970 and 390X better than the 980, but it was not like that originally at all.

Wait, since when did we get official UK pricing for the 3rd party 1070 cards?

Its $375 that equates to £350.
7 May 2006
London, Ealing
to be fair the crossfire of polaris looks really compelling, for 398$, that is 30$ behind the cheapest 1070 msrp, with perfomance equal or better than 1080, total tdp of a 290X, meaning most ppl wont even have to invest on a new power supply, i think it appealing enough for ppl to ignore multi-gpu issues.
the real killer deal would be step up on multi-gpu support on engine side and driver side, i would rather see AMD droping 3/4way altogether like nvidia(i know they didnt drop them but they are more focused on 2way), to just focus on 2way support, they really have the ability to do really really well with polaris, add to that zen, if they have as rumoured a new inter-connect to allow zen to speak to gpu with lesser latency, honestly i see a good 2017 for AMD, only them can make it home or screw it up.

AMD 3/4 way is much better than NVs 3/4way and 3/4 way has no effect on 2 way development.
23 Apr 2013
The only thing that will mess up this plan from AMD is production issues. It looks like they have that covered though with more than one foundry producing Polaris for them.

OEMs are going to love this GPU and the price will twist many consumers arm when considering VR as a financially viable entertainment platform.
Next to that it's just an amazingly well priced gaming GPU regardless of VR - Period.
11 Jun 2013
Im no fanboy, neither am i taunting. It was AMD themselves who put 2x480's up against the 1080 running an amd favoured game only showing fps counters and nothing else. I buy what i think is the best upgrade i can afford at the time, ive had nvidia and amd but its been amd for a good 15yr. I spent well over £500 last time going with their marketing and 2 of these cards will beat that card for less ££ in actual FACT they didn't, only 1 game supported 2 cards well bf4. This time rnd i went with Nvidia's top card because i wanted something that i know will run my rift - and run it well, not prepared to gamble on amd saying they're gonna support this or that. Of course its the best upgrade by far, my 2x280X's replaced my 6950 and only in 1 game did they shine... 6950 to 2x280X's shouldve been a major upgrade - it wasnt. Ill be happy as a pig in muck with my 1080 for a good few year, then ill go with whatever has been proven to work for the next upgrade be it AMD or Nvidia i dont care which as long as i get my money's worth, sadly the last 2 AMD cards didn't deliver, not because of the cards but the lack of drivers and crossfire support from AMD. Thats the whole thing that ****** me off, they come out saying why have 1 of those when 2 of these do the same job only cheaper??? They dont and haven't, i dont know how theyve got the nerve. Scams.
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18 May 2010
Put yourself if AMD's shoe...how are they suppose to compete with Nvidia at the high-end (financially speaking), even if they brought out a card that can compete on performance (with hardware Async support which add to the cost), but still more people buying the 1080 despite it is skimming on hardware support for Async just because "it is Nvidia" and they keep banging on "more efficiency/lower power consumption"?

It make a lot of sense to go with the entry level market first, to allow them to set a firm footing in the new gen card market. But unfortunately, it also means it will be a longer wait for those of us that already got 290 level card to upgrade.

What I meant was the 390, 390x, Fury and Fury x where in the 970, 980, 980ti performance category.

The 480....

Oh hang on. Does this mean there is going to be a 490 release? Something that IS in the 1070, 1080 performance category?
7 Aug 2013
Nvidia said the 1080 would be $600, they are on sale now for £550 up, more often over £600, with one plastic reference blower at £525.
More than one.

But yes ok. They are £550 and up, except for the ones that aren't.

Oh hang on. Does this mean there is going to be a 490 release? Something that IS in the 1070, 1080 performance category?
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