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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

8 May 2014
Well we haven't seen Vega yet, would have been nice if they could have brought it forward though to see it later this year rather than next.

yes AMD have to tease with some Vega infos, they cannot let Nvidia parade at the top alone, at least embed the idea of an alternative high end offer to the public, but with no information at all public tend to forget there is something called vega or that it's so far away it isnt even worth considering.
6 May 2015
North London
Edit: I actually said "Meh" after pressing the submit button when ordering :D and then went out and spent £150 on the beer with my Mrs to celebrate 22 years of being married :D[/QUOTE]

Congratulations on 22 years of marriage buddy
8 May 2014
Yeah I think the OC RX480's will be faster than my Radeon Nano and use less power. Also has 8GB version which Kaap keeps reminded people we need :p

So Nano to RX480 will do as a stopgap until Nvidia and AMD get their real high end cards launched.

i am way less optimistic than you regaring performance, i see the 480 barely beating the 970, especialy with this price let alone the 980 or nano, maybe if there is an X variant with extra 20% perf but i doubt it.
which brings me to the TDP i am really disapointed, inbetween 970-980 with 150watt is a bit much, would have been much better around 130watt, and would have made it even easier for ppl to pick a 2nd 480 on a whim and slap it on crossfire.
7 Aug 2013
It could be the other way around. The 480 might be a good chunk faster than the 1060 forcing Nvidia to take heat from there pricing. The 60 variant has not exactly been a strong point for Nvidia since the 460/560. It most likely never effected sales to much though :D:D:D.
It's gonna be damn near impossible for Nvidia to beat the 480 at this level of performance/price. Then again, the 960 wasn't the best in terms of price/performance in its segment either, but I'm sure the success of the 970 lifted the 960's stock in the public mind quite a bit.

I guess the one difference here is that while the 960 and those level cards kind of got lost in the discussions at the time, the 480 is being put front and center as the posterboy for Polaris. It'll be harder to ignore its potentially superior value.
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
Hmm well this isn't what we where expecting was it!

Seems like AMD have said well we cant compete with Nvidia at the high end so we'll go budget and have an AMD card in every home.

Are there any high end cards expected?

This is exactly what most of us were expecting. A very promising and well-priced mid-range card with the high end coming later with Vega. As per AMD's roadmaps and statements all along.
6 Feb 2010
Im kind of hoping that vega will be more 1080Ti territory. there may well be a 490/x that competes with the 1080
I am guessing that 1080Ti will most likely going to be the single GPU king for 4K gaming, with no direct rival on AMD's offering...but Nvidia will definitely going to charge the moon for it.

AMD on the other hand will probably have from top down a card that rival 1080 but with actual Async hardware support, following with a range of cards each tier down (similar to how Fury Nano vs 980 and all the tiers below) for those of us game at 3440x1440 and below.
11 Dec 2014
People always whine and moan about how GPUs are becoming more and more expensive but to have the power of a Nano/Fury at under £200 is damn impressive.

It's getting easier and less expensive to get into PC gaming every year.

Now we just need AMD to compete at the top end.
7 Aug 2013
I am guessing that 1080Ti will most likely going to be the single GPU king for 4K gaming, with no direct rival on AMD's offering...but Nvidia will definitely going to charge the moon for it.

AMD on the other hand will probably have from top down a card that rival 1080 but with actual Async hardware support, following with a range of cards each tier down (similar to how Fury Nano vs 980 and all the tiers below) for those of us game at 3440x1440 and below.
Is there any reason AMD couldn't rival whatever Nvidia do at the top end?

People always whine and moan about how GPUs are becoming more and more expensive but to have the power of a Nano/Fury at under £200 is damn impressive.
Man, this 480 just keeps getting more powerful every hour!

At first it was between 390 and 390X. Then it was faster than 390X. Then it was fast as the Nano. Now it's as fast as the Fury. At this rate, it'll be knocking down the 1080 by dinner.
11 Dec 2014
Man, this 480 just keeps getting more powerful every hour!

At first it was between 390 and 390X. Then it was faster than 390X. Then it was fast as the Nano. Now it's as fast as the Fury. At this rate, it'll be knocking down the 1080 by dinner.

I was just referencing the article. :)

390X performance would be decent. Nano performance would be amazing.
19 Feb 2011
If AMD's marketing strategy this time round is to outprice and outperform equivalent Tiered NVidia cards, what to say they dont drop a 1080 competitor that beats it and is cheaper? and then again at the 1080ti end of things?

People are just going on past history i guess?

Didnt AMD already state that the first batch would be the Polaris "Family" of GPU's followed later by the Vega "Family" of GPU's, to me that sounds like Polaris will have a few cards in its "family" and same again for Vega.

That could mean the 480 is the mid of the Polaris "family", we could see smaller ones and possibly larger ones than the 480, which could hypathetically bring us closer to 1070-1080 performance, as afterall the Nvidia fans will tell you the 1080 is not the "High End" Nvidia card, nope, its just priced that way, but its actually the mid tier, as the 1080ti / 1080Titan is the true high end.

So we could see similar from AMD, Polaris is the low to mid tier, bringing us close to the 1070 - 1080 cards, and then the Vega stuff taking the fight on the ultra high end segment.

Thats my thoughts on it, and if this 480 is any indication of whats to come, then well... looks like i wont need to buy Nvidia afterall
18 May 2010
This is exactly what most of us were expecting. A very promising and well-priced mid-range card with the high end coming later with Vega. As per AMD's roadmaps and statements all along.


But in the mean time Nvidia are selling truck loads of 1070's and 1080's. AMD haven't even challenged this.

I admit I wasn't following the Polaris roadmaps over the last few months. Hence my surprise what they have unveiled.
19 Feb 2011

But in the mean time Nvidia are selling truck loads of 1070's and 1080's. AMD haven't even challenged this.

I admit I wasn't following the Polaris roadmaps over the last few months. Hence my surprise what they have unveiled.

Thing is, people that lob money at 1070 - 1080 tier cards usually have excess wealth they can afford to do such with, and quite often are quite easily led to where the grass is supposedly greener, i had a phase where i kept buying upgrades even though they were marginal because i had spare cash and i could.

I have a wife and kids now ;) that put paid to that lol.

My point is, if AMD come and blow the Nvidia cards away at a cheaper price point, you will get a rush of poeple trying to offload their GPU's quickly while they still have a value (look at the recent 980ti sales on Ebay etc) so people can buy the "next best thing"

This happens with lots of things, cars, Mobile phones, Bikes etc, some people just want the best regardless of costs, most will offset as much cost as possible by trading in.
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