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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

I reckon this will happen sooner than later.

It's a match made in Heaven :D
Depends how packed the transistors are together, Amd packs them tighter together from what I heard but I could be wrong.

Polaris is an architecture designed for 14nm. Pascal is basically Maxwell again just re-printed in a smaller font-size. Probably has something to do with it.
If you said to me:

"Here is 1 million, bet on which company will be dominate in GPUs in 10 years time. I'd pick AMD"

Now, AMD are a company in a pretty vulnerable state at the moment. Providing they can build on some successes in the next 1-3 years it's going to shore up their long term strategy, which I believe mirrors what AdoredTV spoke of. Nvidia are in the opposite position, short term they're strong but long term they're very vulnerable. Tegra etc has been their approach to address those vulnerabilities but they haven't done well, way to much established competition in the mobile GPU space.

Then again, I also think if AMD ever to realise that long term strategy and Nvidia begin to decline. Intel will buy them and throw so much money and further marketing prowess at it that they could easily bounce back. An Intel owned and backed Nvidia would be a monster - I also can't quite see AMD ever overcoming the lead Intel have built to nullify that..

If nVidia were to go under in that way they'd likely take AMD with them - they can bleed money out so much longer than AMD it isn't even funny in a race to the bottom which it would become.
ppl need to stop having this mentality, today we have good enough APIs to get rid of those problems, now it's all up to the Devs, the community need to stop accepting dx9-11 games, and need to start asking for dx12/vulkan games, the faster we transition to that the better it gets for everyone (well except for Nvidia ;))

Only some games need to bother with low level. Asking for a blanket switchover shows a misunderstanding of the tech.
If nVidia were to go under in that way they'd likely take AMD with them - they can bleed money out so much longer than AMD it isn't even funny in a race to the bottom which it would become.

Indeed, Nvidia would have to go several generations of FX5800 screw ups to be in serious trouble. Plus nvidia's other business areas are experiencing growth overall, so even if they start failing to make competitive GPUs as long as automotive and HPC avenues are successful then they can continue to prop the GPU side up with slim margins.
AMD is either building stock or hype with this end of June NDA. I can't even remember Pascal having this much speculation .

Speculation because AMD aren't releasing much information. Nvidia provided more useful indicators and were fairly prompt in getting reviews out which verified the performance claims.
Or didn't...depending on how you looked at it. ;)

They claimed :
*) 1080 was ~22% faster than a TX, turns out to be 25-40% faster
*) 1070 was 70% faster than 980, turns out it is more than 75% faster
*) 1070 was faster than SLI 980, turns out it is.
*) 1070 was faster than a 980Ti, it is
*) Claims the 1080 is 70% faster than the TX in VR if using multi-projection. Well, we don't really know without games being specially developed to use that feature.
I honestly cant imagine what it must be like to sit there and type those words out and honestly think that. Seriously bizarre.
It's only bizarre if you're a weak customer. Most informed customers know that voting with your wallet as they often call it, is the idea that you push the industry and businesses to adopt the policies / prices you want by not supporting bad practice. Nvidia has had a few with gameworks (good on the face of it but often shipped out flawed and worryingly that is the exact opposite of there normal high quality software so suggests foul play with the amount of times it occurred), ever increasing prices despite strong profits and market share (lets be honest, most companies do it but there's a difference between increasing prices now and again and doing it at every opportunit and spoiling the industry) and there's other reasons to suspect foul play or a need for change. I'm not being overly anti-nvidia here but it seems like you'd have to be a bit daft to recognise that these things along with the way the industry was shaped with gsynch and freesynch pricing etc. don't have an impact on the community. Sure those with enough money can laugh it off but most people would be happier to see the PC gaming community expand and it seems AMD are currently a far more progressive company for that end.

I'd like to see Nvidia lose out and cheaper synch methods, more open source software used, an approach on affordable cards etc. adopted. I sometimes support different consoles depending on what games they have or what tech I want to promote in the industry cos I can vote with my wallet. You don't have to be a blind hater to be an informed consumer and know what way is the best for the industry overall.
At the end of the day thats the thing, everyone on all sides keep saying competition is good.

If this card and its leaked numbers are true it really is a disruptive card, it should force a price drop on Nvidia's side.

Thats good for all of us.

But people have to buy AMD it for it to be sustainable. Just using it to force competitor prices down and then buying the competitors product will only end up with AMD disappearing eventually.
A genuine question here... What should people buy who want great frames and visuals at 1440P or above for example? What would you guys recommend?
ppl need to stop having this mentality, today we have good enough APIs to get rid of those problems, now it's all up to the Devs, the community need to stop accepting dx9-11 games, and need to start asking for dx12/vulkan games, the faster we transition to that the better it gets for everyone (well except for Nvidia ;))
I think that last comment explains why you might be so eager.

Either way, it's just not how things work. Nor is DX12 this saviour that some of y'all think it is. In GPU-bound scenarios, its usefulness is going to be somewhat limited. Thus putting in a ton of extra effort to maximize low-level optimizations is going to have a very poor return on investment, resource-wise. It will be a lot more impactful for those with weaker CPU's relative to their GPU's. Or in other words - people who are more likely to run into CPU limitations of some kind. This is where consoles can get away with the CPU's they have - they aren't nearly as held back by them as a PC would be. Of course it's still a bottleneck in plenty of cases, no getting around low IPC, but it still lets them get away with plenty that their on-paper specs wouldn't be allow in a traditional PC setup.

DX12 will have an impact even on the GPU-front, but it's definitely not anything that can happen overnight. And demanding devs use it would be misguided and certainly very frustrating for them trying to explain to laymen why that just isn't feasible or practical. Tools need to improve. Engines need to be built with the capabilities in mind. Devs need to get more experience working with this in a scenario where they aren't developing for fixed hardware targets.

DX12 is going to be a slow burn. And it's not going to be what many think it will.

It's only bizarre if you're a weak customer.
That's a truly ridiculous term.

I'm not being overly anti-nvidia here
Ha, ok.

Everything I said previously applies. If you want to base your purchasing decisions not on what product/service is best for you, but on feeling good about your principles, then go ahead. All the power to you. Just dont get on others if they would rather just get what product/service they prefer. They are not doing anything wrong in that situation, nor are they 'weak'. lol

And again, if AMD put some properly great products, nobody has anything to worry about, they'll do just fine. Trying to guilt everybody into supporting AMD when they might prefer another product is one of the most obnoxious things I can think of when it comes to this stuff.
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