I think that last comment explains why you might be so eager.
Either way, it's just not how things work. Nor is DX12 this saviour that some of y'all think it is. In GPU-bound scenarios, its usefulness is going to be somewhat limited. Thus putting in a ton of extra effort to maximize low-level optimizations is going to have a very poor return on investment, resource-wise. It will be a lot more impactful for those with weaker CPU's relative to their GPU's. Or in other words - people who are more likely to run into CPU limitations of some kind. This is where consoles can get away with the CPU's they have - they aren't nearly as held back by them as a PC would be. Of course it's still a bottleneck in plenty of cases, no getting around low IPC, but it still lets them get away with plenty that their on-paper specs wouldn't be allow in a traditional PC setup.
DX12 will have an impact even on the GPU-front, but it's definitely not anything that can happen overnight. And demanding devs use it would be misguided and certainly very frustrating for them trying to explain to laymen why that just isn't feasible or practical. Tools need to improve. Engines need to be built with the capabilities in mind. Devs need to get more experience working with this in a scenario where they aren't developing for fixed hardware targets.
DX12 is going to be a slow burn. And it's not going to be what many think it will.
That's a truly ridiculous term.
Ha, ok.
Everything I said previously applies. If you want to base your purchasing decisions not on what product/service is best for you, but on feeling good about your principles, then go ahead. All the power to you. Just dont get on others if they would rather just get what product/service they prefer. They are not doing anything wrong in that situation, nor are they 'weak'. lol
And again, if AMD put some properly great products, nobody has anything to worry about, they'll do just fine. Trying to guilt everybody into supporting AMD when they might prefer another product is one of the most obnoxious things I can think of when it comes to this stuff.