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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

It will come and hopefully Vega shakes up the market like the 480 is about to do if it's as good as the leaks suggest. I am still on the fence about just how good it's going to be. Fell for the Fury X hype and won't be doing that again in a hurry.

True that and I need to learn that patience thing. Vega is what really gets me excited if I am being genuinely honest and not that far away. :)
I wonder how 3 480's will stack up, if AMD still officially support more than 2 cards.

3 will only be slightly more expensive than 1 1080. And if AMD's stock is good maybe it'll be a genuine option compared to the drip feed of 1080's :D
Doesn't look like the 470 will be worth upgrading to from the 380. Barely beating out the 380X.

Interested to see how the 480 performs. Would have to be at least 390 performance to be worth upgrading to for me.
Doesn't look like the 470 will be worth upgrading to from the 380. Barely beating out the 380X.

Interested to see how the 480 performs. Would have to be at least 390 performance to be worth upgrading to for me.
are you sure you are reading the graphs correctly :D ?
I think that last comment explains why you might be so eager.

Either way, it's just not how things work. Nor is DX12 this saviour that some of y'all think it is. In GPU-bound scenarios, its usefulness is going to be somewhat limited. Thus putting in a ton of extra effort to maximize low-level optimizations is going to have a very poor return on investment, resource-wise. It will be a lot more impactful for those with weaker CPU's relative to their GPU's. Or in other words - people who are more likely to run into CPU limitations of some kind. This is where consoles can get away with the CPU's they have - they aren't nearly as held back by them as a PC would be. Of course it's still a bottleneck in plenty of cases, no getting around low IPC, but it still lets them get away with plenty that their on-paper specs wouldn't be allow in a traditional PC setup.

DX12 will have an impact even on the GPU-front, but it's definitely not anything that can happen overnight. And demanding devs use it would be misguided and certainly very frustrating for them trying to explain to laymen why that just isn't feasible or practical. Tools need to improve. Engines need to be built with the capabilities in mind. Devs need to get more experience working with this in a scenario where they aren't developing for fixed hardware targets.

DX12 is going to be a slow burn. And it's not going to be what many think it will.

That's a truly ridiculous term.

Ha, ok.

Everything I said previously applies. If you want to base your purchasing decisions not on what product/service is best for you, but on feeling good about your principles, then go ahead. All the power to you. Just dont get on others if they would rather just get what product/service they prefer. They are not doing anything wrong in that situation, nor are they 'weak'. lol

And again, if AMD put some properly great products, nobody has anything to worry about, they'll do just fine. Trying to guilt everybody into supporting AMD when they might prefer another product is one of the most obnoxious things I can think of when it comes to this stuff.
Yeah I'm willing to admit when I went too far, like I said I'm not trying to be rude but just answering your general point. Weak customer was a bit too far, I prefer the uninformed / informed consumer line more as it still divides those that choose to look at the industry or those that just ignore bad practice and buy from crap companies if they offer an fps or 2 more.

You can laugh but nothing in my post was particularly negative, I highlighted some examples to make my point that I'm not just needlessly bashing nvidia or anything but I never said they were terrible problems or to what extent they were bad etc. I prefer to go for a mix of the options of performance and driving the industry. I'd find it a daft position to be short termist and support a company implementing systems I don't like to chase an fps or two that wouldn't matter long term. Everyones of there own mind and that is fine I was explaining how people can think the way you commented yourself as to not understanding. There's no huge debate or slander match going on here, just a bit of informing you as to how others could view things differently. Like I said weak was kind of mis-speaking on my side but there are some weak customers in the Nvidia side anyway, you only have to look at them letting themselves get ripped off with the founders editions cards to see weak customers :D You may have a different opinion but I'm not overly concerned if you fret it and as I said, it's not particularly designed to be a harsh dig but just a general observation and explanation. There can be weak and misinformed customers though.

Who is guilting anyone? it's just an opinion, don't be sensitive just beIcause it doesn't fit your more simple approach. I might equally argue that I don't like companies that operate on bad practices in other industries but do I have to walk on egg shells to not effect those that purchase the products and fear 'guilt'? It's a simple objective view and it was more to explain to you how others can want Nvidia to go down, you questioned why anyone would type it so my post isn't a heavy dig of guilt but rather a few examples on why some might want overall change.
I had a Fury X and great card (I gave it a very good review) but not quite fast enough at 1440p. So you say turn down settings but when there is a card or two out that doesn't require lowering settings but requires £80 more than I paid for my FX, should I accept that or just put the extra cash and have the pretties plus good frames?

Had 2 of them and they were "meh" at best when compared to the 980 ti. I was actually using one the other day in my system seeing if the whine on the pump was the actual pump or coil whine, and for all the waffle about the drivers making it surpass the ti lately i found it noticeably slower in gta 5 for example at 4k. By around 10fps in the area i was messing around in. That being said once again i found the amd colours to be more vibrant compared to the 980 ti.

And when i used the amd optimiser for games it dropped gta 5 to dx 10.1 levels and turned off tessellation entirely, as well as most settings being plonked at medium.
Nvidia are doooooomed :D

In all seriousness though I do think a few are getting ahead of them selfs. I doubt the 480 will reach 1070 stock speed's performance with a good overclock. Maybe a good 5-7% behind with a good overclock. If im wrong ill eat my old mouse mat! And then probably choke the chicken as vega would most likely be amazing.
Nvidia are doooooomed :D

In all seriousness though I do think a few are getting ahead of them selfs. I doubt the 480 will reach 1070 stock speed's performance with a good overclock. Maybe a good 5-7% behind with a good overclock. If im wrong ill eat my old mouse mat! And then probably choke the chicken as vega would most likely be amazing.

That would be nice to see, but looking at AMD's own benchmarks from their slides it would seem it's not faster than the 970.
Who is guilting anyone?
Well, that's how the original discussion started.

And I would argue that saying that people who dont buy from principle are 'weak customers' would very much be trying to guilt people. lol I know you've taken that comment back, but still, it's more or less the gist of the sentiment - if you dont choose to buy AMD, then you're hurting the industry. That's pretty much the definition of guilt tripping people.

Think of it kind of like religion - if you have your own beliefs, great, but dont try and press them on others. Other people aren't 'wrong' or 'weak', they simply have different priorities and preferences than you do. Dont think that people who buy Nvidia dont 'see the big picture', either. I'm sure many do, but aren't exactly going to compromise their own needs to help AMD's cause, which shouldn't be their burden. If you'd like to support AMD then that's cool, I respect that. But it shouldn't be demanded of consumers.
I'm thinking about one of these cards.

I'm currently wanting to make a move to a 4k monitor. I was going to go 1070, however none of the gsync monitors have hdmi 2.0 which is a feature I want.

I quite fancy the LG 27UD68P which is 4k/DP/HMDI 2.0. Now I fully appreciate the 480 will not provide high framerates at 4k with freesync, but I'm wondering if anyone has experience in AMD's upscaling from either 1080p/1440p to 4k. My idea would be run my PC gaming at the lower resolutions for framerate and upscale it to 4k. Next year I can then move to Vega.

Hope this makes sense!

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