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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

6 Feb 2010
What in God's planet is this rubbish:confused:

Nvidia announce early may and ship end of May.

AMD announce way June and may or may not ship end of June.

Yet some how the latter is not a paper launch. There is a word for people like you.
I think the issue is people are referring to the 1080 FE and 1080 at the same card, but in reality they are in a way two different category of card with same spec, but launch at time and price.

Nvidia has hard launched the "rip-off 1080" that's not the card people way, whereas the "slightly better priced and better 3rd party custom 1080 cards" are still stucked at paper launch state.
28 May 2007
Word of advice. Stop making it worse for you, I can't stop laughing at your posts.

Next time think before Making such ridiculous comments.

Seriously it's you who really does not have a clue. Google the definition of a paper launch and then have a look back at nvidia's release. It's not rocket science. Why are you so Butthurt of this?
18 Oct 2002
Except they haven't.

In the past actual paper launches have been where a product is lifted from NDA on a certain day, samples are made available to reviewers, but the general public have been unable to buy.

Unless I've missed something with the RX 480, there are no reviews and it isn't actually launching until 29th June.

I have no idea about 1080 as haven't really been following it.

No, a paper launch is when you announce a product and a non-coincident release date, exactly as AMD have done.

Both launches are identical, in fact it looks.like AMD'S launch is slightly more drawn out.

Not that it matters in the slightest, paper launches are the norm and perfectly undrstandle as the time frame is reasonable
28 May 2007
I think the issue is people are referring to the 1080 FE and 1080 at the same card, but in reality they are in a way two different category of card with same spec, but launch at time and price.

Nvidia has hard launched the "rip-off 1080" that's not the card people way, whereas the "slightly better priced and better 3rd party custom 1080 cards" are still stucked at paper launch state.

They still did not hard launch the FE as reviews were out on the 17th of may and you could not buy until the 28th. That's a paper launch.
25 Jul 2014
I did think AMD would need a 4870-like moment where they'd offer a big step up in performance for a low price.

Looks like they may have just done that, but I have no doubt that Nvidia have enough cash from selling all those 970s to price cut. That's why competition is good.
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
Nah, 29'th Jun, unless we get tangible leaks before then.

I want that Scottish guy to do an analysis, he's good, is he around these parts?

I can't remember his name either, but I agree. The last video review by That Scottish Guy where he tore strips off all the review sites that don't account for boost speeds was excellent.

Hopefully That Scottish Guy will get his hands on one of these new cards and review it.
21 Nov 2014
South Wales
Personally I'm very disappointing.

It's like they haven't even tried to better the Nvidia offerings.

Last Gen they where competitive. This gen, it's literally cards for the budget conscious.

I really am beginning to wonder if you just dip in and out of here without actually reading anybody elses posts. How many times have people got to say the same thing in here for someone to actually listen. AMD are trying a different approach this time and going for market share in the biggest market sector.

If this does indeed happen then hopefully they will have a few more dollars to go around for this years Xmas party and beef up the rest of the company.
Also it helps them to go this route because they are having to wait for HBM2 to mature and be ready for market.

Give me strength :rolleyes:
10 Oct 2012
What is a paper launch? In general, the phrase is used to denote product announcements that explicitly compare the "new product" with other actually available products, despite the fact that the newly announced product is not actually available to consumers. We've seen a lot of this in the CPU and video card markets: 8 reviews come out on the same day touting X or Y, but it will be weeks (if not months) before the product is actually available.
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
Yep, so AMD ahhave paper launched.

Stop digging your own grave, it's hilarious.

I wouldn't call what AMD have done a "launch". What Nvidia did was a launch - technical details, price, reviews. And it was paper because you couldn't buy it.

AMD have said "we're putting out a card called this pitched around here in performance, details available when the NDA expires at the end of June". That ain't a launch paper or otherwise. It will launch at the end of the month and AMD have said you'll be able to buy it then. I.e. hard launch.
28 May 2007

Yep. All the main sites reviewed the 1080 well before you could buy it. Nobody has reviewed a 480 yet and probably won't before the Nda on the 29th when it should be available to buy.

I wouldn't call what AMD have done a "launch". What Nvidia did was a launch - technical details, price, reviews. And it was paper because you couldn't buy it.

AMD have said "we're putting out a card called this pitched around here in performance, details available when the NDA expires at the end of June". That ain't a launch paper or otherwise. It will launch at the end of the month and AMD have said you'll be able to buy it then. I.e. hard launch.

19 May 2012
Spalding, Lincolnshire
No, a paper launch is when you announce a product and a non-coincident release date, exactly as AMD have done.

An announcement isn't necessarily a launch though - never has been.

Zen has been announced. It hasn't been launched though.

Historically Paper launches always were when a product was announced, sent to reviewers but not available to the general public (or not in any significant quantity) - e.g.
The P4 Extreme Edition when Athlon 64 launched, was reactionary, sent out for review, but not available for some time afterwards.
Same thing with ATi PE edition cards back in the day - reviews went out and they stole the performance crown, but being specially binned versions of cards there was no availablity for weeks or even months.

The trend may be that product announcements and product launches are now more separate, or that more information is now provided at product announcement.
5 Nov 2013
whatever we call it, paper launch or not. The simple fact is that we can't see reviews of the product before being able to purchase it.

that doesn't sit right with me, whether right or wrong it simply makes me think they want less exposure before people start paying.
if it was amazing, hats being blown off news, you would want to hype it a bit before selling surely?

I saw the same with a few games released before where embargod reviews were lifted on day of release, i think the division did it and AC unity?
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28 May 2007
whatever we call it paper launch or not the simple fact is
we can't see reviews of the product before being able to purchase it

doesn't sit right with me, whether right or wrong it simply makes me think they want less exposure before people start paying.
if it was amazing hats being blown off news you would want to hype it a bit before selling surely?

You will see reviews at the exact time you can buy it. You will have all the information needed on the day of release so can make an informed opinion whether you want to or not. This has been standard practice for the majority of launches over the years from both companies.
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