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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

You very clearly said an overclocked RX 480 could be around 980Ti, I was not the only one who read your post saying as such.

Don't start back tracking now, be a man and stand up for yourself and honour what you said and intended.

If you did not mean to say that, then you should be checking your threads before posting because I and several others read your posting as suggesting RX 480 when overclocked would rival a stock 980Ti.

Are you now changing your mind or suggesting something else?

Or am I the only one who read your post as suggesting that?

A stock 980Ti runs at 1000mhz and boosts to 1070, which puts its performance quite a bit lower than AIB cards that start with a 1200mhz clock.
The whole point is that they are trying to claim back market share, so made a part with a certain price/performance/efficiency in mind. This meant that they could cut back on the size of the PCB, number of memory packages due to improved compression on a smaller bus. Cut back on the size of the power delivery system etc. All savings that would vanish if they set the clocks higher, but AMD have left that side of things open for AIB's to cater too.

The reference card was always about making a card for a certain price at a certain performance. But even then it has been thrown around that the reference card may easily clock to 1400mhz anyway.

I got the colour compression wrong and I have said what you are saying all along. The RX 480 isn't aimed at most of us here and is aimed at those still running a 6950/7950/680/660Ti style of card or looking to get into PC gaming and not blow vast sums of money. At $200, it will be a sweet upgrade/purchase but don't expect Jesus to pop along and turn this into a 1080/70 competitor.
Simby, i think humbug is mainly arguing about current 390x prices not launch prices. He is saying why buy a 480 8gb if it performs at around 390x speeds for £250 ish (non blower versions) when you can just buy a 390x now for £259. I think he was hoping it would beat the 390x by a little bit so was worth upgrading to instead of side grade performance.
Not true, $229 equats to £155, add on 20% Tax = £185, add on other costs and gouging i expect to see them around £220...

Still think its a tad expensive, would be happier to see the Ref models at £200 but thats just me.

I expect to see reference 8GB models retail at £200 and don't think there will be supply issues which would typically cause price gouging. Just check all of the typical retailers on launch day and someone will be selling for MSRP. Custom board prices are harder to predict.
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£230 ^^^

So the suggestion is 960 / 380 owners are interested in this?

if they ain't buying 970 / 390 for £250 over the past year they ain't going to do it over the next year just because its more power efficient.

Get a grip Humbug, seriously.

Firstly $230 isn't £230, it's only that if you let yourself be ripped off, nothing more or less. $699 is £473, + VAT is £567, the cards were £619 on launch which is a SUB 10% markup and still not at all £699. £699 from £619 would have been a further 13% markup that didn't happen. $299 as above is £155 + vat £185, even with the 10% mark up would only be £204. You've gone from elated into crazy and now you're just making stuff up as you see fit. It's £300 because you've decided. Honestly, it's embarrassing reading your "it's epic" "it's worthless" up and down takes on this card where you do a complete u-turn over a bit of information that makes no sense at all.

Secondly, there are several hundred million PC gamers, the MASSIVE majority don't have Maxwell, Pascal or GCN based chips. If you have 500million pc gamers and between 40-80mil replace their GPU per year.... realise that it means that most people don't replace their gpus yearly, the monumental majority don't replace them within 4 years.

A huge portion of the market buys a new PC or a new graphics card every 4+ years and many people with 7870s, 7670s, millions of computers used to play WoW, there are literally 10's of millions of people who only upgrade infrequently and will end up with RX 480s sold inside an OEM computer.

Enthusiast level consumers upgrade every 1-3 years, the majority of the market does not. There are also lots of users with cards like a 960/380x who will upgrade to an RX480 as well.
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Not making it up, i was sure that they hit around 1200mhz, although that might have been from them boosting over their rated max boost rather than a hard overclock.

Yes that is correct, reference stock boost was 1075MHz, but they all actually ran out the box around 1200MHz before being overclocked. :)
Right, exactly, so do you think £250 for this low power 390X is a great thing?

That's what I struggle to understand, I think that's absolutely abysmal.

That's exactly the right question to ask.

The answer depends where you are coming from - if you've been buying high end cards like the 390X already then no, but then you wouldn't be considering a volume part like this anyway, you'd be waiting for vega.

But if you're someone who bought a 7870 for the same kind of price, this looks like a great replacement. There isn't anywhere else that your £250 can go in terms of new cards - you could always buy second hand, b grade, or EOL of course, but looking forward at the choice between a new 480 or a discount 390X I would take the former. I just like these efficient, not-large, chips from AMD - they punched massively above their weight with the 7870 and IMHO the 480 could look like a great decision over time as well.

I'm not sure I'd plump for a full £250 model, but if that could come down a bit once the pound stabilises etc. then yes, I think a £230 480 is a great thing.
Simby, i think humbug is mainly arguing about current 390x prices not launch prices. He is saying why buy a 480 8gb if it performs at around 390x speeds for £250 ish (non blower versions) when you can just buy a 390x now for £259. I think he was hoping it would beat the 390x by a little bit so was worth upgrading to instead of side grade performance.
Well most 390X's are going for more like £300. And if the reference 480 8GB still performs at the 390X-level for £200-220, that's a decent improvement in performance-for-the-dollar.

Ok guys lets play the "8GB 480 Ref Price is!...." game

Im saying £220 @ OCUK
Anymore than £220 and I'll probably be out. Not because more than that will be a bad deal, but as I have a 970, I need it to be as affordable as possible to justify it.
It is the same performance? or you think it is?

No one know what performance it is yet, rumours are as fast as a Fury-Nano / Pro reference out of the box with AIB cards with factory overclocks as fast as a Titan-X

From 1266Mhz to 1500Mhz is an 18% overclock, certainly achievable unless its not a good clocker.

If the rumours are true, in that its as fast as a Fury-Nano at 1266Mhz then at 1500Mhz it should be as fast as a Titan-X https://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/NVIDIA/GeForce_GTX_1070/24.html if not slightly more.

At 1600Mhz it could very well match the 1070. at <£300

The Interwebs could very well explode on the 30'th :eek:

You very clearly said an overclocked RX 480 could be around 980Ti, I was not the only one who read your post saying as such.

Don't start back tracking now, be a man and stand up for yourself and honour what you said and intended.

If you did not mean to say that, then you should be checking your threads before posting because I and several others read your posting as suggesting RX 480 when overclocked would rival a stock 980Ti.

Are you now changing your mind or suggesting something else?

Or am I the only one who read your post as suggesting that?

These are 2 recent posts and you are not wrong, although he did say a Titan X (which is faster than a 980Ti) :D
A stock 980Ti runs at 1000mhz and boosts to 1070, which puts its performance quite a bit lower than AIB cards that start with a 1200mhz clock.

Every reference card boosted around 1200MHz, before an OC irrelevent of the fact they were 1075MHz in the specification.

NVIDIA GPU boost works based on temperature, voltage and ASIC. The only way a card would not boost over 1075MHz if it was in the desert, fans set to minimum and a really poor ASIC. :)

Fact was in the UK customers were shocked and happy how well they boosted out the box and when overclocked everyone was over the moon as the OC potential was huge, even on reference cards. :)
This thread lacks so much common sense at times but thanks for the drama guys!!!

Usual forum practice:
Team Red wants to overhype it and believe the card be beyond totally amazing
Team Green wants to hiss,spit and troll all day hoping it fails to deliver

The average gamer most still on 1080/60 however...
Looking at the crazy prices of the 1070 is scratching his head and will be more than happy if this card delivers anything between 980-980ti performance for its expected price in around a GTX 970 price point.

I can see plenty of people being tempted to get two of these and being more than happy with their purchase. Clearly for those interested in using two cards then they will be in the realms of 1080 performance for much less money. Actually even cheaper than the price of two 980s and see how those compare in SLI then whos complaining? If two of these cost approx the price of the current high end GTX 1070 models then come on its worth waiting to see results.The real question is if Crossfire on the RX480 sucks/has issues or has been improved?

Certainly X-Fire RX480 for upcoming titles like BF1 could be cheaper and better performing package than 980 SLI and in many games outperform a 1080. So really lots of potential for the card and enough power for both the average gamer in one card or some enthusiasts will to go the dual card route and take on-board its potential drawbacks.
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These are 2 recent posts and you are not wrong, although he did say a Titan X (which is faster than a 980Ti) :D

Not just me then, thanks for confirming buddy, sometimes I wonder if I am losing my marbles or some people on here either believe what they post or are just trolling.
oh crap, i really dont wanna call anyone idiot, but i would love to see anyone talking about 220-250£ to break the price down to me from 229$, i understand the gouging is possible , but come on thats like 40-50% markup.

380 cards from newegg and ocUK just compare original price before rebate, usualy 199$ cards end up 170£, and 230$ end up 190£.

just for comparaison purpose, beside it's a US retailer, not like if it's competition :D.
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What you fail to see is most people that use pc's have lower then a 390/970 atm.
Thats the market AMD hope to get with this mainstream card.
Its easy to forget on a forum like this with so many having a 390x/970 up that really thats only a small portion of the market

I'm ready to build my first pc in quite a number of years. Do you think the 480 will be a nice upgrade from a 7850 ? ;)
Not just me then, thanks for confirming buddy, sometimes I wonder if I am losing my marbles or some people on here either believe what they post or are just trolling.

All of this aside, will you be putting the parts up for pre order with prices a few days before launch? or is the NDA supposed to keep everything under wraps till then? seeing how some retailers have put some rough prices up already.
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