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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

You very clearly said an overclocked RX 480 could be around 980Ti, I was not the only one who read your post saying as such.

Don't start back tracking now, be a man and stand up for yourself and honour what you said and intended.

If you did not mean to say that, then you should be checking your threads before posting because I and several others read your posting as suggesting RX 480 when overclocked would rival a stock 980Ti.

Are you now changing your mind or suggesting something else?

Or am I the only one who read your post as suggesting that?

No that is exactly what i said, "overclocked the 480 may match a 980TI" i said nothing about the 980TI being overclocked.
You said there is no way a 480 would match a 980TI no mater what you do to it

If thats what the performance is, fine.

I expected too much from it but i don't think my expectations are unreasonable. its certainly not "over hyping"
IMO thats pretty bad considering they are asking $200 for the blower 4GB one and $300 for the 8GB AIB ones.

Who is this card aimed at? Thats what i want to know.
Its a side grade at best for me at little less than the same money i already spent and too expensive for those a step below me looking to upgrade for their money.
Low performance and over priced.
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Well that was an interesting days worth of posts. Roll on next Wednesday so we can actually have some confirmed info to make a reasoned buying decision. Although it sounds like it won't max out some games at 1440, I'm interested to see how close it gets on Tomb Raider with AA off. Had to stop playing it as I'm sub 30fps now on my 780, becoming unplayable the further I go through, so itching for something new (can't justify the absurdity of the 1070 and 1080 prices though).
Agreed and part of me was hoping my level headedness was being daft and these could well take on a Titan X and from a keen Youtuber, I wanted it to be the case and run a 480 against my 1080 and say "look at this card for £200 and compared to this card that cost £610, the performance is very close and costs a third of the money". But if it is a 390X performer style card, I don't see the point and would be a silly thing to bench in side by side. Looks like Vega will be that card though, so a few months wait before I can do that and best I start saving some secret cash from the Wife :D

I bet if you did do the comparison you would get a lot of views as if everyone else is comparing them 2 cards on these forums imagine how many people over the world on loads of other computer forums are thinking and saying. You might get a high hitter of a video. I mean it will defo turn out that 1080 has the 480 as a slave and whips its butt but lol people want to compare things for some reason. Besides it actually might be worth a video because of people looking at your video and go hmm so if the 480 does this by its self vs a 1080 what might it be like in crossfire. Bah who knows. Silly comparison yes, will people compare, yes for sure, why, who the f knows. :D
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ive still got a good feeling about 480 crossfire, it has the same feel about it as the 5770 crossfire,a lot of performance for not a lot of money,i may go for it but waiting for reviews before i make my mind up

Wait and see what CF is like bud. Don't jump in at that please, as CF and SLI in lots of newer games is pretty dire lately.
No thats exactly where we thought the 480 would be. The hype comes from leaks showing the 480 AIB cards overclock to 1.5Ghz (20%) and "might" even overclock to 1.8Ghz (40%) just like the 980ti does.

The 390x overclocks mildly - 10% from memory.

So if the 480 matches or slightly beats a 390x at stock, overclocked it could be up to 30% faster. Now that would be an amazing card for the money.
But is the card overclocked to 1.5Ghz at it's max? If the default clock is 1080 then that's still an inpressive OC. To then go up to 1800, well..........
I bet if you did do the comparrison you would get a lot of views as if everyone else is comparing them 2 cards on these forums imagine how many people over the world on loads of other computer forums are thinking and saying. You might get a high hitter of a video. I mean it will defo turn out that 1080 has the 480 as a slave and whips its butt but lol people want to compare things for some reason. Besides it actually might be worth a video because of people looking at your video and go hmm so if the 480 does this by its self vs a 1080 what might it be like in crossfire. Bah who knows. Silly comparison yes, will people compare, yes for sure, why, who the f knows. :D

Tbh it really is a stupid comparison. It might do his rep more harm than good comparing the 2 as it really is a mismatch and will only serve to make the RX 480 look very slow. I think he still has a gtx970 though i might be wrong. This would be a much better comparison and i think it will be what most reviewers will compare along with what AMD have out atm.
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So if they didn't buy a 290/390 at £240, why would the now be scrambling to buy a 480, at the same price and perf?
Well there's still a very good chance it's going to perform better than a 390 and closer to a 390X, if not a bit better. Plus it should have more room for driver maturity than those cards, so the gap could edge out a bit more over time.

It's also got a reasonable probability of being a better overclocker than Hawaii cards.

And then if we're talking more £200-220 range, it's still a cheaper product.

So better performance and a lesser price, even if not by staggering amounts, still makes a good case for a purchase. Maybe 280X/380X owners wont be *scrambling* for one, but you dont need to be rolling around in anticipation to still want to get one anyways.

Frankly, if the 8gb 480 is >£200, it's not a dream upgrade for 380 users, so who is AMD targetting? People who haven't bought a GFX card since 2010?
Maybe users who bought midrange in 2012-2014? People building a secondary, SFF PC. People new to PC gaming. Etc etc.

Also keep in mind that AMD will not continue making Hawaii. Once those 390's and 390X's are gone, they are gone for the most part.
I am looking forward to these cards. 390x/Fury(non-x) performance is a nice upgrade for me considering I have been running crossfire 7970s since 2012 and one of them just died literally 5 days ago. It won't necessarily replace the maximum performance of two 7970s in games that function very well in crossfire but in 80% of the other cases I will have a card that can push greater than 60 fps at ultra settings at 1440p for the games I play (Witcher 3, Doom, Fallout 4). And even higher if I turn one or two settings down and want to take advantage of my 144Hz Freesync BenQ.

In time if I feel the need for more power I can upgrade to Vega down the line or simply buy a 2nd RX 480.
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Tbh it really is a stupid comparison. It might do his rep more harm than good comparing the 2 as it really is a mismatch and will only serve to make the RX 480 look very slow. I think he still has a gtx970 though i might be wrong. This would be a much better comparison and i think it will be what most reviewers will compare along with what AMD have out atm.

If gregster does have a 970 that would be a good comparison vid. I actually agree tbh now that if he did do that 480vs1080 vid if he wants to more pro youtube reviewer it could hurt his rep as you said later as he grows. doubt it will stop him comparing it on the forums tho casually like.
If gregster does have a 970 that would be a good comparison vid. I actually agree tbh now that if he did do that 480vs1080 vid if he wants to more pro youtube reviewer it could hurt his rep as you said later as he grows. doubt it will stop him comparing it on the forums tho casually like.

Yea it's always been the case here. We compare all cards from new to old and high to low.
I bet if you did do the comparrison you would get a lot of views as if everyone else is comparing them 2 cards on these forums imagine how many people over the world on loads of other computer forums are thinking and saying. You might get a high hitter of a video. I mean it will defo turn out that 1080 has the 480 as a slave and whips its butt but lol people want to compare things for some reason. Besides it actually might be worth a video because of people looking at your video and go hmm so if the 480 does this by its self vs a 1080 what might it be like in crossfire. Bah who knows. Silly comparison yes, will people compare, yes for sure, why, who the f knows. :D

I did some Fury X Vs Titan X side by sides and showed exactly how performance was but people ripped me a new one. I didn't have "prefer max quality" set in the NCP and all hell broke loose (I certainly wouldn't make that mistake again). I was an AMD fan, I was an NVidia fan, I was many other names lol and from my perspective, all I wanted to do was show how each performed in games and let the people see for themselves. I looked out my window and there was pitchforks yielding maniacs outside :D
Tbh it really is a stupid comparison. It might do his rep more harm than good comparing the 2 as it really is a mismatch and will only serve to make the RX 480 look very slow. I think he still has a gtx970 though i might be wrong. This would be a much better comparison and i think it will be what most reviewers will compare along with what AMD have out atm.

It will need its rumoured 1600Mhz+ 27% overclock "to have" my 970 if its a <390X level card.
Who is this card aimed at? Thats what i want to know. Its a side grade at best for me at little less than the same money i already spent and too expensive for those a step below me looking to upgrade for their money.
Low performance and over priced.

RX480 for approx price of GTX970
RX480 equal or better than GTX980 in perfromance with less temps/power and new features
X-Fire RX480 for price of high end GTX1070 cards and less than GTX1080 (interesting battle for middle/high ground)
I did some Fury X Vs Titan X side by sides and showed exactly how performance was but people ripped me a new one. I didn't have "prefer max quality" set in the NCP and all hell broke loose (I certainly wouldn't make that mistake again). I was an AMD fan, I was an NVidia fan, I was many other names lol and from my perspective, all I wanted to do was show how each performed in games and let the people see for themselves. I looked out my window and there was pitchforks yielding maniacs outside :D

For the BF4 test there was some IQ issues going on with the Titan X that would have boosted its performance in that case. That was what it was mostly about.
If gregster does have a 970 that would be a good comparison vid. I actually agree tbh now that if he did do that 480vs1080 vid if he wants to more pro youtube reviewer it could hurt his rep as you said later as he grows. doubt it will stop him comparing it on the forums tho casually like.

Sold it sadly to pay for new hardware but that would have been a good comparison indeed.

For the BF4 test there was some IQ issues going on with the Titan X that would have boosted its performance in that case. That was what it was mostly about.

Yer but there was a lot more to it as well and some were proper nasty comments which I removed. I don't mind insults but some were well over the top and if they stood in front of me saying those things, they wouldn't be standing for long. Keyboard warriors hiding behind keyboards and all that.
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I did some Fury X Vs Titan X side by sides and showed exactly how performance was but people ripped me a new one. I didn't have "prefer max quality" set in the NCP and all hell broke loose (I certainly wouldn't make that mistake again). I was an AMD fan, I was an NVidia fan, I was many other names lol and from my perspective, all I wanted to do was show how each performed in games and let the people see for themselves. I looked out my window and there was pitchforks yielding maniacs outside :D

Those 2 cards are comparable even with the Titan X pricing they are both top end cards. Was this not around the time where your BF 4 screenshots look much better on the Fury X. I can't remember but i see no problem with comparing those 2 cards.

With the RX 480 it's like feeding a lamb to the lions (1080) :D:D:D
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