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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
I come back to this thread to read the same drama queen still posting up, well, drivel, really. Making sweeping generalisations about what he thinks others want, and he can't even remember some the stuff he posts because he has changed his stance so often.

he says he wants a reasoned debate on the subject? How the hell can you have a reasoned debate with a guy who one minute claims it would be great at 390 performance and the next minute he is calling it rubbish. Who said that nobody would buy 4GB now and the a few posts later said he would buy the 970 instead of the 8GB 480. And not only that, but also claimed his 970oc was near 980ti performance!!

Could go on, but, you get the point. How can there be a reasoned discussion with that???

I am fully in agreement with Seanspeed, It's all some kind of act.

Humbug, stop with the sweeping statements. Don't include me in your bizarre rants.

Nobody wants 4GB
Wrong, lots of people will buy 4GB cards and they will be perfect.

Nobody cares about power useage,
Again wrong, lots of people do, especially in this segment of the market.

Nobody will want these cards
Care to bet? Come on put your money where your mouth is.

I'm sure your right and there are people who want low power 4GB cards but in context I think that number is small in the grand scheme of things.

The 390 is 8GB and little more than the 480, the 970 is low power, the two are not currently in combination but with the price for performance being broadly similar its far from good, that is certainly not going to stop the rot with AMD's market share.

That's all i'm saying, only without the "not to be taken absolutely literally" disclaimer that's normally not needed.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
BTW I think that's enough trying to get me to react, its getting increasingly personal.

I really hate RTM'ing but the fact that I haven't done it so far seems to be an indication to some that they can do whatever they like.

This forum still has moderators and still has rules that are there to keep everyone abiding by them happy, so please don't make me start RTM'ing.

Lets just talk about the subject.
24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
I come back to this thread to read the same drama queen still posting up, well, drivel, really. Making sweeping generalisations about what he thinks others want, and he can't even remember some the stuff he posts because he has changed his stance so often.

he says he wants a reasoned debate on the subject? How the hell can you have a reasoned debate with a guy who one minute claims it would be great at 390 performance and the next minute he is calling it rubbish. Who said that nobody would buy 4GB now and the a few posts later said he would buy the 970 instead of the 8GB 480. And not only that, but also claimed his 970oc was near 980ti performance!!

Could go on, but, you get the point. How can there be a reasoned discussion with that???

I am fully in agreement with Seanspeed, It's all some kind of act.

Humbug, stop with the sweeping statements. Don't include me in your bizarre rants.

Nobody wants 4GB
Wrong, lots of people will buy 4GB cards and they will be perfect.

Nobody cares about power useage,
Again wrong, lots of people do, especially in this segment of the market.

Nobody will want these cards
Care to bet? Come on put your money where your mouth is.

I understand where you are coming from and Humbug hasn't done himself any favours in this thread but I hope the bulk of people interested in the 480 can see the card for what it is and know that 390 performance for $200 is a sweet card and anything over is a bonus. Remember that the 390 launched for $329, so I feel AMD have pulled a blinder with this card at $200. Those who want the performance can grab a 1070 or 1080 and obviously pay a fair chunk more for it or wait it out for Vega. It isn't like there are no other options, so I don't understand the mentality.

$200 for a 480 or $379 for a 1070 and either of those cards will do what is intended and play games with ease.

@humbug - If you feel any of the posts are personal attacks (or whatever), you should report them. The mods will act if they deem them out of order :)
8 Aug 2003
So just some self researching....

Credit to image below from old 390 review on Eurogamer.

Looking here on this website the 390X has been slashed in general with £100 off the original prices. Now selling from £260 - £278
So as a consumer seeking a card under £300 clearly the RX480 at an estimate of £239 or £229 being possible and at worst likely still under £250 is welcomed. For me to buy a GTX980 for @£299 I'd rather wait and spend the extra on a 1070 and really if the RX480 can indeed match a GTX980 then thats plenty performance for the price.

A question I have is could a 8GB card be used with a 4GB card in X fire?
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8 Oct 2015
My 2gb 7870 is running games like dark souls 3,witcher 3,forza 6 really well at 1080p,with setting med/high,the 4gb 480 would allow me to max out them games.
All though most of the time i cant see much difference between med/high and ultra settings.
i paid £270 for the 7870 when it came out,so getting a card thats over twice as fast and using less power for £170 to £200 would be amazing.

I am sure i could get 4 years out of the 480,just like i have with the 7870 and 4870 before that.
18 Oct 2002
Any news on UK pricing? I'm hearing frightening prices like £250 thrown around for the 8gb model. This would be ludicrous price gouging and really put me off the card.. :(
24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
Any news on UK pricing? I'm hearing frightening prices like £250 thrown around for the 8gb model. This would be ludicrous price gouging and really put me off the card.. :(

There is plenty of stock, so if that price of £250 does show, then that will be for the AIB cards and the ref cards should be cheaper. Anything else is gouging and up to you if you pay it or don't.
8 Oct 2015
Any news on UK pricing? I'm hearing frightening prices like £250 thrown around for the 8gb model. This would be ludicrous price gouging and really put me off the card.. :(

The 4gb 480 reference should be about £170.
The 8gb 480 reference should be about £200
Then the custom cards,with more power sockets and better coolers should be
£230 to £300.
Thats the price without the retailers adding extra to the price.
30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
How low can this place get?:mad:

Vocal or not provided he sticks to the rules humbugs allowed an opinion like the rest of us-but the amount of trolling/baiting/ganged bullying aimed his way is simply deplorable!

Disappointed that no one has stepped up to draw a line under it tbph, this place is getting worse by the day with all the personal attacks-simply pathetic, should be ashamed of yourselves!
8 Aug 2003
I guess we will see in 7 days time,but your proberly right,im just hoping there wont be much gouging.

Good stock availability makes all the difference but as Gibbo said earlier IIRC expect 30-40% on $ price and potentially after first batch a drop of £10 - £20 being possible.
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Edit, hey thanks Tommy :)

I guess we will see in 7 days time,but your proberly right,im just hoping there wont be much gouging.

Reference ones don't appeal to me but if a lot of 'down playing' has been going on and the performance is there after-all the AIB cards at <£300 are not bad at all. IMO and i would buy one.

But it does need to be there as some cheaper AIB 1070's are starting to appear at well under £400.
8 May 2014
199$ = 179£
229$ = 199£ to 205£
299$ = 269£
price include VAT, shipping, import and extra markup for retailer, this price is average it could be 10£ lower or gouged 10£ extra
28 Nov 2006
N Ireland
I would love to get a hold of AMD, Basically scrap Crossfire, Fire everyone and make them all audition for a new slimlined brand. One single polaris 480X, And crossfire changed so it renders portions of the screens. And thus simply let people use two cards to split screen the rendering. Two 480X could be offered at a really agresssive price because it would not only be for you, But for the 4K consoles too.

The only difference would be you can use two, Or maybe even four but i would not even offer big Polaris 10, 4GB cards or the current junk crossfire mode. It is all a complete waste of time i mean if you are struggling, Like a Hollywood movie you start chucking crap overboard to gain speed. They are not a high end brand so why bother with a second place big Polaris 10 instead of two 480's? You could have even put HBM on the 480x you fools!!
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8 May 2014
I would love to get a hold of AMD, Basically scrap Crossfire, Fire everyone and make them all audition for a new slimlined brand. One single polaris 480X, And crossfire changed so it renders portions of the screens. And thus simply let people use two cards to split screen the rendering. Two 480X could be offered at a really agresssive price because it would not only be for you, But for the 4K consoles too.

The only difference would be you can use two, Or maybe even four but i would not even offer Polaris 10, 4GB cards or the current junk crossfire mode. It is all a complete waste of time i mean if you are struggling, Like a Hollywood movie you start chucking crap overboard to gain speed. They are not a high end brand so why bother with a second place Polaris 10 instead of two 480's? You could have even put HBM on the 480x you fools!!

it's possible to have perfectly good multi-gpu, just need to ask Devs to start using DX12/Vulkan, and get rid of DX11 crap.
so either start a movement online asking developers, or buy AMD GPUs to increase market share, both should lead to better m-gpu.
nvidia wants to drag dx11 as long as possible, so right now unless you need high end gpu, getting one of their cards is counter productive to PC gaming :D
thats my honest opinion :p
28 Nov 2006
N Ireland
it's possible to have perfectly good multi-gpu, just need to ask Devs to start using DX12/Vulkan, and get rid of DX11 crap.
so either start a movement online asking developers, or buy AMD GPUs to increase market share, both should lead to better m-gpu.
nvidia wants to drag dx11 as long as possible, so right now unless you need high end gpu, getting one of their cards is counter productive to PC gaming :D
thats my honest opinion :p

I doubt if it is ever possible to have perfect m-gpu maybe perfectly good but not perfect. The only way i know is to use split screen because nothing matters about sync thats the issue for a competitive/sensitive gamer at high fps split screen is perfect. It sucks they all whine and cry about the performance hit from 4K and VR yet again split screen plays perfectly into both expecially VR one gpu per eye is a perfect scenario.

I do not think the performance scaling is quite 100%, And here is the reason people are so dumb they think the false numbers in the current m-gpu solutiuons matter when infact we now now what we said all along before it was fake and it felt fake compared to a single gpu. But if Nvidia or AMd swapped i bet they would moan about a performance loss. Which would be laughable because its fake and it doesnt work in all games. Split screen should in theory work with every title previous or past due to the simplicity.

So its not even worth it i do not think i just sigh and save the pennies for the 1080. At least i know im covered in games like Just Cause 3! :p
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
So just some self researching....

Credit to image below from old 390 review on Eurogamer.

Looking here on this website the 390X has been slashed in general with £100 off the original prices. Now selling from £260 - £278
So as a consumer seeking a card under £300 clearly the RX480 at an estimate of £239 or £229 being possible and at worst likely still under £250 is welcomed. For me to buy a GTX980 for @£299 I'd rather wait and spend the extra on a 1070 and really if the RX480 can indeed match a GTX980 then thats plenty performance for the price.

A question I have is could a 8GB card be used with a 4GB card in X fire?

It's not a good idea to CF cards with different memory capacities and speeds as it will cause micro stutter.
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