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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

I think the AIB 480 cards will be faster than the fury x. If they are I will be replacing my nano until vega. If not I will hold on to my nano until vega......
There is plenty of stock, so if that price of £250 does show, then that will be for the AIB cards and the ref cards should be cheaper. Anything else is gouging and up to you if you pay it or don't.

Yep. Did the math and the 8GB version should be around £215 including VAT AND import. Anything more and we know we're getting bent over somewhere in the chain in the UK.

I'm guessing £230-50 for AIB versions.
Come on guys, don't gang up on humbug. He's entitled to his change in opinion and with his statements it seems maybe that his expectations are higher than others. From leaks whether they be false or true he even bwnched his 970 against the 3dmark 11 score, so he knows where the polaris might be performing.THis thread is pure speculation and people don't need to get personal.

End of the day people have also commented with similar viewpoints too.
Come on guys, don't gang up on humbug. He's entitled to his change in opinion and with his statements it seems maybe that his expectations are higher than others. From leaks whether they be false or true he even bwnched his 970 against the 3dmark 11 score, so he knows where the polaris might be performing.THis thread is pure speculation and people don't need to get personal.

End of the day people have also commented with similar viewpoints too.

I think less people would be inclined to gang up on him if he stopped contradicting himself every other post. Gregster has linked quotes of humbug's that directly contradict another. And no it's not because he "changed his mind", it's because he got worked up and started believing ridiculous rumours that were never going to be true. Before these rumours he was happy with a 390 level card, now he's suddenly thinking a 390 level card for £200 is a rip off, because he got it into his head that the 480 would be a Titan X killer.

Humbug once asked what people wanted from him. I just want him to shut up now... Maybe a little harsh. How about think before you type?
I should have known really, one of the reasons I own a 970 (Aside from it being a great card) is because after two years of owning a 290 (great card) AMD has nothing for me to upgrade to at the same money I paid for it, other than a 290 under another name.

It is starting to look to me like they are doing it again, which I find incredibly frustrating and bizzar.

Vega is coming later. It's not bizarre. They are going to provide an upgrade path. But they are leading with their mid-range first. The 390/390x was at one point their high-end card. (Same with their 290/290x). Their new cards are mid-range and look to be similarish performance, maybe a bit higher. That is a big step forward - the new mid-range is a modest improvement (probably) on the previous high-end. Why people get so utterly thrown by AMD releasing mid-range first and high-end later just baffles me. Yes, it is a different strategy than Nvidia. It is possible to have a different strategy than Nvidia. Posts objecting that the 480 isn't a big jump over the 390/390x are posts that do not understand that there is more coming.
I think less people would be inclined to gang up on him if he stopped contradicting himself every other post. Gregster has linked quotes of humbug's that directly contradict another. And no it's not because he "changed his mind", it's because he got worked up and started believing ridiculous rumours that were never going to be true. Before these rumours he was happy with a 390 level card, now he's suddenly thinking a 390 level card for £200 is a rip off, because he got it into his head that the 480 would be a Titan X killer.

Humbug once asked what people wanted from him. I just want him to shut up now... Maybe a little harsh. How about think before you type?

He has done it in speculative threads, tonga 285 thread, kaveri, fury.
It's just humbugs way of stating where he wishes the performance to be, then expression of disappointment as leaks show conflicting results. nothing more to it. In this case i agree the 480 seems isn't an ideal upgrade over 390/290 or his 970.
Gregster can post with inaccuracy about specific technical understanding, and he has in the past . The difference is that gregster admits when he's wrong, humbug will not.
As it looks now the rx480 will be around 2000-2100 Danish krones and the 390x can be had for 2600 Danish krones(DKK) so up front if the rx 480 is exactly 390x performance wise im not that impressed either. That said however it looks like the rx 480 will bring major overclocking potential with it and that is to me what makes it worth the 2000 DKK including ofcouse the power saving and hopefully noise reduction..
As it looks now the rx480 will be around 2000-2100 Danish krones and the 390x can be had for 2600 Danish krones(DKK) so up front if the rx 480 is exactly 390x performance wise im not that impressed either. That said however it looks like the rx 480 will bring major overclocking potential with it and that is to me what makes it worth the 2000 DKK including ofcouse the power saving and hopefully noise reduction..

So you're saying you would spend more on a 390x at the same performance, but with more heat and power consumption and noise? Logical
Where are all the leaks? Need moar. :| Only want to see an official screenshot of gpu-z with the card at 1500-1600Mhz (gonna put it under water).
If these cards are greater or equal to a 390x performance for £230 for the 8gb then I will be getting one its a decent step up from my 290 and should hit the 1440 sweet spot.

I ran a quick comparison in specs of 290 vs 390x and was surprised how big a jump it was


I think people underestimate the 390X quite a bit. I understand completely that it has limitatons but it has improved a fair bit with drivers and I do like mine quite a lot. It's definitely not just an 8GB 290X now.
Oh the 390x runs faster clock for clock? I always assumed it was just clocked faster and the 8g ram just prevented the big dips in fps ya get on the 290s when they run out o vram in benchmarks.
Oh the 390x runs faster clock for clock? I always assumed it was just clocked faster and the 8g ram just prevented the big dips in fps ya get on the 290s when they run out o vram in benchmarks.

Technically it is but the drivers seem to have helped it a lot. Unless I am being naive and they have helped the 290X just as much then I would say it has pulled away a bit.
The 390 has existed for years, in the form of the 290 since 2013! How can they expect the 480 to sell on reduced power and size alone?
Because the 290 was lambasted by some for being too big and hot/power hungry. Some people just prefer more efficient cards. But look at it from the bulk order point of view - when you are buying newly released cards, the newly released price of a 290 was far higher than the 480, and required greater packaging/HSF/power concerns for system builders.

~390X performance starting from 179£ for 4Go, 199£ for 8Go, good overclocker, ~130watt.
crap load of stock shipping 2-3weeks before the launch, new exciting features...no competiting cards.
AMD is gonna make a killing on that segment, fans are gonna cheer and haters are gonna hate, thats life :D
Well I don't think there's any solid evidence of your overclocking claim, but the performance is probably right and likewise lack of competing cards (in volume). Prices will probably be a bit higher initially though.

Just not sure the engine can take another 7 days of this will see
It's fun though, right? There hasn't been this much discussion over a GPU release for ages. If AMD are trying to get tech sites on board by giving them traffic/ad-views they're succeeding!

This, one card for another "but its much more efficient" no one here cares more about frugal wattage than performance.
Factually wrong as proven several times. You can say 'I don't care more about frugal wattage' but you can't say no-one does. For instance, I prefer a blend - pitcairn was my perfect chip a while back, despite more performance being available in other, less frugal chips. I very nearly went with the 970 last year for similar reasons, but was put off by the way nVidia handled the memory issue and some of their practises (and the fact the 7870 performed much better than I expected it to - still improved with drivers today!)

Just a reminder to everyone that the RX 480 is the successor to the 380x and not the 390x. Also, it sits at the mid-range price point of $199 USD and will cost less in Her majesties currency.
Indeed, though not sure about the £ prediction, we might be gouged for a little while as we often are for new cards.
Because the 290 was lambasted by some for being too big and hot/power hungry. Some people just prefer more efficient cards. But look at it from the bulk order point of view - when you are buying newly released cards, the newly released price of a 290 was far higher than the 480, and required greater packaging/HSF/power concerns for system builders.

Well I don't think there's any solid evidence of your overclocking claim, but the performance is probably right and likewise lack of competing cards (in volume). Prices will probably be a bit higher initially though.

It's fun though, right? There hasn't been this much discussion over a GPU release for ages. If AMD are trying to get tech sites on board by giving them traffic/ad-views they're succeeding!

Factually wrong as proven several times. You can say 'I don't care more about frugal wattage' but you can't say no-one does. For instance, I prefer a blend - pitcairn was my perfect chip a while back, despite more performance being available in other, less frugal chips. I very nearly went with the 970 last year for similar reasons, but was put off by the way nVidia handled the memory issue and some of their practises (and the fact the 7870 performed much better than I expected it to - still improved with drivers today!)

Indeed, though not sure about the £ prediction, we might be gouged for a little while as we often are for new cards.

Just so people know our landed cost on 8G version is over $200 !!!

Did AMD announce 8G at $199 or 4G?
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