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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

18 Feb 2015
Ok, first off, that car analogy has been tried a while back and it was ripped apart justifiably.

Cars aren't expected to ...

You missed the point entirely. What people expect is irrelevant, what is relevant is the products that exist and where they are on both performance & price. You can expect whatever you want but that won't make either AMD or Nvidia to satisfy your fantasies. You know why? Because when the customer goes to buy a new card for himself all these expectations about what should be or could be mean nothing, you have a range of products in front of you and you have to choose between them. Either that or give up on it entirely. There's no world in which the 480 will end up being a 8gb 980 for £200.
18 Oct 2002
ppl neeed understand at 4gb this card is better then 970, and great for bang for buck tbh 970 if not better performance and then for simlair price u get 4gb extra ram bit of a no brainer tbh....

will be giving my friend the nod when custom coolers are out so can overclock abit more :p

Yeah, but you are comparing it to a last generation product in a different category.

The 1060 is the 480 competitor, so only then will price, performance and power really make sense to compare.
20 Oct 2005
28 Jul 2006
When the GTX970 released, 780Ti prices had dropped to £300. I dont remember anybody arguing that the GTX970 thus had 'no point'.

You're ignoring that the 390 prices have dropped *because* of the 480.

was hoping for a bit more performance. I have a 270x and looking to upgrade. I had in mind switching to the green team they seem to have more games tailored to their cards.

I also have a nvidia sheild k1 tablet and even though i rarely play games on it would be cool to stream games from my PC to the tablet. Can only do this with nvidia cards.
7 Aug 2013
You missed the point entirely. What people expect is irrelevant, what is relevant is the products that exist and where they are on both performance & price. You can expect whatever you want but that won't make either AMD or Nvidia to satisfy your fantasies. You know why? Because when the customer goes to buy a new card for himself all these expectations about what should be or could be mean nothing, you have a range of products in front of you and you have to choose between them. Either that or give up on it entirely. There's no world in which the 480 will end up being a 8gb 980 for £200.
No man, I didn't miss the point. And what people expect is not irrelevant, because it's based on how certain products historically progress.

Now if you're arguing that things just aren't what we expected and we should just suck it up and accept it, then I think that's a pretty dumb attitude, personally. I could equally say nobody should complain about prices for the 1070 and 1080 because it doesn't matter what you EXPECT. See how that works?

Terrible argument.
27 Dec 2008
Which is so ridiculous when they're pushing DX12, where all the multi-GPU works needs to be done by developers on an individual basis. It is no longer handled largely in the drivers like before.

It's not ridiculous because they can provide support to the developers, which is most likely what they are doing. I'm sure some of them will still work on driver side implementation for DX11 titles which use crossfire.
18 Feb 2015
No man, I didn't miss the point. And what people expect is not irrelevant, because it's based on how certain products historically progress.

Now if you're arguing that things just aren't what we expected and we should just suck it up and accept it, then I think that's a pretty dumb attitude, personally. I could equally say nobody should complain about prices for the 1070 and 1080 because it doesn't matter what you EXPECT. See how that works?

Terrible argument.

No, what I'm saying is you can complain all you want - but it's stupid, because it takes no effort, achieves nothing, and has 0 positive influence on anything.

So feel free to complain about how wronged you feel that AMD haven't released the card you wanted and how unfair life is.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006

Some progress with the geometry engine but still a long way behind Nvidia.

I'd forgotten all about that - bit of a fail IMO after the talk from some parties. Not really surprising though IIRC nVidia can massively parallelise certain aspects of geometry setup overcoming limitations in the design by brute force while AMD has a more serialised but dedicated hardware unit for it - the optimisations with Polaris were supposed to massively increase the performance there but looks like the knock on effect on overall performance is less than stellar.
18 May 2010
Some proper trolls on here, my ignore list is getting used for the very first time in many years, just cba to read the weird posts from trolls that have extremely odd agenda to slate a graphics card, theory is if I add enough people to it I'll only get relevant posts hopefully
31 Oct 2002
Nice, one.
So in short, on average it's around 30% slower than 1070 for less than half price, or 10% slower (5fps average) than 980 for £100 less (50% less).

Looks good value to me.

Have fun gaming at 50DB then.

Custom cards with adequate cooling will obviously cost a lot more, eroding the value aspect of this card, which is the only thing it has going for it.
14 Jul 2005
Just picked off a few prices from OCUK for the NVIDIA and AMD card range, reflecting what I think would be the cards to buy (i.e not the cheapest ones available, although for some models there was only one to choose from).

GTX960 - MSI 4GB £158.99
GTX970 - MSI 4GB £249.95
GTX980 - MSI 4GB £275.99
GTX980Ti - MSI 6GB £389.99
GTX1070 - MSI 8GB £409.99
GTX1080 - MSI 8GB £589.99

380 - Sapphire 4GB £149.99
380X - Sapphire 4GB £179.99
390 - Sapphire 8GB £239.99
390X - Sapphire 8GB £259.99
Fury - XFX 4GB £349.99

Here is the new RX480:

480 - Sapphire 8GB £219.95

Ok so it performs better than the GTX970 in many games I believe, but not in others, and it is cheaper. If the AIB cards are cheaper than the GTX970 then ok, that sits almost in the right place against the GTX970, a little high maybe.

On the AMD side it is 390 performance is that what I'm reading? 390 and GTX970 being around equivalent? So against the 390 price the new card seems not to offer any real difference? And it is significantly more expensive than the card it is replacing, the 380/380X.

But if you were spending around £250 on an AIB card, then looking at those prices you would surely be silly not to spend the extra £25 on the GTX980?

Which existing card, or price point, should this new card be being compared to?
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