Rafa deserves the chance to overachieve with Liverpool again

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You worry all you want :)

I won't be, you're obviously too young to be aware of such things but years ago MU were in mid table struggling through almost every season witha good cup run as the highlight of the season, we were still a massive club.

Look at it this was, if say you took.........Parma for instance and you say to Parma "right you're in the Champions League against a big English team, who do you think they would go for first?


Or would it be more like this Man Utd>Liverpool>Chelsea>Arsenal?

Or maybe "You've got a big German team"

Borissia Durtmund?

Or would they be expecting Bayern?

I think maybe we just have different definitions for big teams, I don't dwell on the past that much so I don't count history in my reckonings whereas you guys probably do, which is fine
Yeh sure why not??..QPR are pretty rich/big due to a certain fat dodgy Italian in charge:p.

Aren't they richer then Arsenal? as such a bigger club? Manchester City dwarf every other club in the world then?

As for being daft ive not said AC Milan arent a big team...they are theres no doubting that...they have plenty of history...probably on par with Liverpool but what im saying is that lately they havent been the team that dominated the early 2000's and 90's.

A.C. Milan are the most succesful side in Europe. Arsenal haven't won it once :(
Well yes i do love Arsenal but ive not said any of my points are FACT have i??..its just how i see it GIMP...much like you see your points as being right. You got your opinion and i have mine but ill kindly stick to mine as i dont need a brummie telling me what to think or not to think:p....and yes i know your from wolves...more or less the same area:p.

You missed my point didn't you, you and jakeke are having the same argument but with completely different points of view.

jakake - AC Milan,Bayern,Juve,Madrid,Barca aren't big clubs because they haven't won anything.

Spawn - Arsenal are a big club because...well........they just are ok!

I don't take kindly to Canadians trying to tell me about football but lets not get personal eh?

I'll only win anyway.
I think maybe we just have different definitions for big teams, I don't dwell on the past that much so I don't count history in my reckonings whereas you guys probably do, which is fine

Yeah you think teams don't need to do anything in Europe (and have no history in Europe) to be a big club :p
I think maybe we just have different definitions for big teams, I don't dwell on the past that much so I don't count history in my reckonings whereas you guys probably do, which is fine

Me and the rest of the World.

There are elite teams in this world that are classed as truly 'big' teams.

Arsenal just aren't there yet :)
I think the top teams from each of the top leagues are the top teams in the world pretty much, Barca/Real/Sevilla/Valencia/Inter/AC/Bayern/English Top 4 those type of teams
jakake - AC Milan,Bayern,Juve,Madrid,Barca aren't big clubs because they haven't won anything.

You be forgetting that Arsenal are one of the "biggest clubs in the world" because they've not won anything.

Spawn - Arsenal are a big club because...well........they just are ok!

I don't take kindly to Canadians trying to tell me about football but lets not get personal eh?

I'll only win anyway.

He will :(
But what meaning does 'one of the biggest clubs in the world' have nowaday ?

People are forgetting Gerrard was about to leave Liverpool five year ago, one of the biggest clubs in the world, to join Chelsea only purely due to the Abramovich funding where in Gerrard eyes Chelsea could compete better at winning things due to the Abramovich money than his beloved Liverpool could. At that time Chelsea globally were not a big club, sure they've improved their reputation and fan base world-wide since then due to recent success.

So, you could argue with that example it didn't matter that a homegrown player was about to leave his 'one of the biggest clubs in the world' tag to a lesser club.

Top players will only join teams that have the best chance of winning trophies, regardless if they are deamed one of the biggest clubs in the world or not.
Top players will only join teams that have the best chance of winning trophies, regardless if they are deamed one of the biggest clubs in the world or not.

I think a lot of players are motivated more by money then winning things.
With Gerrard is what the fact there was quite a lot of cash flashed in front of him.

Steeeeeeeeeeve Gerrard, Gerrard
He kisses the badge on his chest, then puts in a transfer request
Steve, Gerrard, Gerrard.

Nowt to do with trophies.
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