Ramadan 2020

If it's anything like the UAE, you need to request a pass online from the police, you can go out once every 3 days and it has to be medical/food - around a 2k fine if you break this.

That's the way to do it, fair play.

Changing the subject slightly, I've never seen a Muslim post disrespectfully on a thread about Christian celebrations on this forum.

Sort it out, ffs lads. You're embarrassing the rest of us Christians.
You can mock Islam all you like.
No you can’t. look at some of the other threads relating to Christianity or other non Islam religions. Most of the pro supporters of the religion get hammered - mockingly called believers in sky pixies/sky fairies and other such comments.
If I posted some of the things from those other threads in here and directed them towards followers of Islam, at best the posts would be deleted, at worst I would get banned.
I’ve a great belief that everyone should be treated equally and fairly, whatever their faith. But as demonstrated in this thread already you cannot mock Islam or rather those that practice it but you seemingly can mock those that practice other religions.
And for what it’s worth I’m not having a pop at anyone practising Islam I’m simply pointing out a fact.
As I said, I have the greatest respect for those that are participating in Ramadan and wish them well.
No you can’t. look at some of the other threads relating to Christianity or other non Islam religions. Most of the pro supporters of the religion get hammered - mockingly called believers in sky pixies/sky fairies and other such comments.
If I posted some of the things from those other threads in here and directed them towards followers of Islam, at best the posts would be deleted, at worst I would get banned.
I’ve a great belief that everyone should be treated equally and fairly, whatever their faith. But as demonstrated in this thread already you cannot mock Islam or rather those that practice it but you seemingly can mock those that practice other religions.
And for what it’s worth I’m not having a pop at anyone practising Islam I’m simply pointing out a fact.
As I said, I have the greatest respect for those that are participating in Ramadan and wish them well.

Ah sorry my reply was a general comment.
Ah sorry my reply was a general comment.
It’s cool. I meant no offence and hope I gave none.
I’ve the greatest respect for those that can follow the teachings of their chosen faith even when it means great personal sacrifice, such as fasting.
When I was a kid I couldn’t even go off crisps and sweets for Lent!!
No you can’t. look at some of the other threads relating to Christianity or other non Islam religions. Most of the pro supporters of the religion get hammered - mockingly called believers in sky pixies/sky fairies and other such comments.
If I posted some of the things from those other threads in here and directed them towards followers of Islam, at best the posts would be deleted, at worst I would get banned.
I’ve a great belief that everyone should be treated equally and fairly, whatever their faith. But as demonstrated in this thread already you cannot mock Islam or rather those that practice it but you seemingly can mock those that practice other religions.
And for what it’s worth I’m not having a pop at anyone practising Islam I’m simply pointing out a fact.
As I said, I have the greatest respect for those that are participating in Ramadan and wish them well.

Im curious is it people raised in Christian countries like the UK who are now atheist like myself who are mocking Christians or Muslims doing it? If it’s Muslims then of course it should be fair game. I’m guessing it’s not Muslims though and it’s people like myself. I don’t mock anyone’s beliefs unless they are on the extremist end of religious belief or they start proselytising in which case they are fair game. I’ve never had a Muslim try and convert me and I’ve a handful of Muslim friends and have worked with lots over the years. I’ve had more than a few Christians try it but I know far more Christians. Also having worked in Lebanon during Ramadan I respect anyone who can go all day without drinking. It wasn’t in any way enforced when I was there as there is a large Christian community. Still a couple of people I worked with observed it and it was 25c+ outside and we were outside all day. They had to watch us eat and drink.
So to those observing it good luck and enjoy your celebrations.
Have you been to the UK since we've been on lockdown? If so, how does it compare to the curfews in Saudi?

No I've not been back but I absolutely 100% know that the various curfews here, all of which are massively more restrictive than anything in the UK, are also far more respected than what I see in the news about the UK. This seems to be mainly because of two things -

1. The punishment here is far more severe than anything in the UK at a punishment of £2k fine and 30 days in Jail for the first offence and ramping upto to a £600k fine and 10 years in Jail for continuing offences.
2. The locals have a different mindset towards what a westerner might consider "authoritarian" measures so there's no protest, no argument etc, they just get on with life accepting the current "normal" until it's over.

As an idea of how strict our curfew are - There is zero travel allowed city to city without a very rare permit which needs to be signed personally by head of local government (usually Prince level), there is zero travel allowed outside of your "postcode" area within a city (these are way bigger than UK based ones - from 1 to 8 square miles) unless for medical reasons, there are police roadblocks every 500m - 1km checking every vehicle, essential workers need a permit stamped by the local "council" to get them through roadblocks and no stamp (even if you have the permit) means a fine and jail time, food has to be bought from a local area shop so no trips to a supermarket outside your area (not too bad as Saudi has shops everywhere and "postcodes" are massive) and all of this is for 24hrs in almost every major city.

This huge lockdown and the response from the population is possibly one of the reasons Saudi cases are still quite low (mainly death) as we went into full 24hr curfew about 3 weeks ago but were in some other form of curfew for about 3 weeks before that for for around 6 weeks movement has been heavily restricted.
Surely a great man turns the other cheek and just ignores what's being said instead of getting wound up? Which tbh, most of the people in here seem to do. The other option is to engage in useful debate.
What's not useful or big is to go crying or get angry because someone challenges your belief.
Poor guy doesn't want to learn or engage meaningfully, or even honestly, simply antagonise.

Leave these guys to their festival, allow them to enjoy it in peace.
Im curious is it people raised in Christian countries like the UK who are now atheist like myself who are mocking Christians or Muslims doing it? If it’s Muslims then of course it should be fair game. I’m guessing it’s not Muslims though and it’s people like myself. I don’t mock anyone’s beliefs unless they are on the extremist end of religious belief or they start proselytising in which case they are fair game. I’ve never had a Muslim try and convert me and I’ve a handful of Muslim friends and have worked with lots over the years. I’ve had more than a few Christians try it but I know far more Christians. Also having worked in Lebanon during Ramadan I respect anyone who can go all day without drinking. It wasn’t in any way enforced when I was there as there is a large Christian community. Still a couple of people I worked with observed it and it was 25c+ outside and we were outside all day. They had to watch us eat and drink.
So to those observing it good luck and enjoy your celebrations.
It’s kind of irrelevant who does the mocking. You clearly can mock the followers of some religions on here but not others.
And yea I agree, fair play to anyone who manages to observe Ramadan, especially in the conditions you describe!
Congratulations to those doing this and good luck. Also good for those non-Muslim forum members who are contributing positive and intelligent comments to this thread. Unfortunately there are always a few who have to stick their oars in with critical comments for no other reason than stroking their own egos. I've only fasted for one day and that was tricky. It would be hard enough doing it for a prolonged period, at least the days are getting shorter for those observing Ramadan.
It’s kind of irrelevant who does the mocking. You clearly can mock the followers of some religions on here but not others.
And yea I agree, fair play to anyone who manages to observe Ramadan, especially in the conditions you describe!

Well yeah it kind of is. Some people will come in here and looking at the moderated posts, have come in here to mock or derail a thread that is about a Islamic holiday. Now if this thread was about how certain aspects of Islam like punishing gays, treatment of women in certain areas of the world etc etc that would be different but it isn't. It's just about Ramadan and how people are spending it.

If any Christians here started a thread about Christmas and the religious side of it I'd never dream of mocking it. However if they started about how they have a problem with abortion or gays in the clergy or any other subject like that where they are forcing their religious views on others then they are fair game.
Well yeah it kind of is. Some people will come in here and looking at the moderated posts, have come in here to mock or derail a thread that is about a Islamic holiday. Now if this thread was about how certain aspects of Islam like punishing gays, treatment of women in certain areas of the world etc etc that would be different but it isn't. It's just about Ramadan and how people are spending it.

If any Christians here started a thread about Christmas and the religious side of it I'd never dream of mocking it. However if they started about how they have a problem with abortion or gays in the clergy or any other subject like that where they are forcing their religious views on others then they are fair game.
Ah, sorry I’m generalising rather than talking about this specific thread nor indeed am I directing my posts at you - I’ve no idea nor any interest in whether or not you’ve mocked other faiths and it’s followers. But I have seen it plenty of times in other threads where those with strong christian faith get mocked (without having posted over zealous crazy talk) and nary a post deletion or warning occurs. But any way I don’t wish to derail what this thread is actually about.
Good luck and best wishes to those celebrating Ramadan.
But I have seen it plenty of times in other threads where those with strong christian faith get mocked (without having posted over zealous crazy talk) and nary a post deletion or warning occurs.

I got you bro...

There were two white christian men, Adam and Jack, whose plane crashed into a desert. Luckily they survived unharmed. As they traveled through the hot desert looking for food and water, they gave up and sat down, thinking of what to do.

As the dust in the air settled, they suddenly could view a mosque ahead. They became very hopeful. But then Adam said ''Muslims are there. They might help us if we say we are muslim.'' Then Jack said ''No way, I won't say I'm muslim, I'm gonna be honest''.

So Adam and Jack went to the Mosque ahead and were greeted by an Arab Muslim, who asked what their names were.

Adam thought of a Muslim name and said, 'My name is Muhammed'. And Jack said 'My name is Jack'.

The Arab man said 'Hello Jack.' And told these other men to take Jack and give him food and drink.

Then he turned to Adam and said, 'Salaam Muhammed. Ramadan Mubarak!
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dont understand why it would be a risk? intermittent fasting is esp beneficial as it boosts your blood cell count..

Lots of people seem to get rather tired/suffer from sleep deprivation etc... probs not a good idea to dehydrate yourself either.

If you're working in the NHS and at high risk of catching the virus then it's not a good idea (there are possibly a disproportionate number of BAME healthcare workers getting worse outcomes already possibly from things like vitamin D deficiency, higher prevalence of other risk factors etc.. you don't really want sleep deprivation added to the mix too).

Ditto for older people.

I guess if you're young and healthy and not an NHS/Key worker then it's down to the individual - AFAIK there are workarounds for situations where it isn't feasible to fast etc..
I’ll be starting my Ramadan from tomorrow. Bit gutted that the mosque will be closed for prayers, but I am looking forward to it as always.
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