Ramadan Mubarak

The thing people are saying is though is that you can't debate because you'll just be bombarded with either people calling you a troll or people telling you to do one because this is a thread only for "People greeting each other".

Yes it's very amusing to me to see all of the Judgmental idiots in here complaining at being judged.

Whilst I appreciate the mods doing their bit in keeping the thread clean, I'm also a little disappointed that the cretins who display their utter backward views are not still on display for reasonable people to point and laugh at :(

I'll live I'm sure.

I don't understand how it's so difficult for some people. I consider myself as a pretty staunch Athiest and will gladly debate until the cows come home, but I also realise there is a time and a place for such debates and will not purposely express my views to cause offense to anyone including thiests.
I'm pretty sure this is what the 'people' that complain about religion complain about right? "I don't mind religion or religious people as long as they don't shove it in my face" But it's ok to berate religious people when they are not doing the previous?

Well done.... you're really excelling yourselves.
Wow a lot of babies in this forum, how can one get annoyed by a few words.

Baby Skates.

Typical scenario here in the U.K, Muslims cry and people bend over backwards for them for them. Moderators are scared ****less in case they get called 'racist' and other nonsense.
Typical ill-informed ignorant **** from the Daily Mail comment section .

You're not even on the same forum are you?
Who is crying?
And please feel free to name some Moderators that are scared? As far as I can see the Mods have done a decent job of deleting the usual drivel in this thread.

A muslim is not permitted to say Merry Christmas. This because saying it is as if you are condoning the celebration and you are a part of it even though in Islam it is not permitted, therefore a non muslim should not say Ramadan Mubarak.

Serious question.

Given Jesus is recognised as a prophet by Islam, why would celebrating his birthday be haraam?
Serious question.

Given Jesus is recognised as a prophet by Islam, why would celebrating his birthday be haraam?

You have posted 27 times in this thread, all off topic. Obvious troll is obvious

And above, wrong on so many instances i dont know where to begin....

Only 2 hours to go! Really facy a KFC today, dying for some fries!!
Serious question.

Given Jesus is recognised as a prophet by Islam, why would celebrating his birthday be haraam?

You have posted 27 times in this thread, all off topic. Obvious troll is obvious

And above, wrong on so many instances i dont know where to begin....

Only 2 hours to go! Really fancy a KFC today, dying for some fries!!
You have posted 27 times in this thread, all off topic. Obvious troll is obvious

And above, wrong on so many instances i dont know where to begin....

Only 2 hours to go! Really facy a KFC today, dying for some fries!!

Do you have a halal KFC near you? Lucky :)
Friday is my favourite fast day, have all family around, nieces/nephews/sisters etc about 20 of us and all sit round a huge table toghether, open fast toghether, go to the mosque toghether, is just awesome. Food is incredible, although must admit we do over do it on occasions.

Its like that xmas feeling but everyday for 30 days!
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