Thinking of getting my 8 year old a Raspberry Pi for Christmas this year. I've been covering some basics of Python with him and he's a wiz at scratch. He loves building things, and I like the idea of trying to do some interesting projects with it based around the use of sensors and perhaps servos. Now I'm not very wise with all things in this space, but is there a good starting kit with a good amount of sensors bread board and servos? Or is there a better way to approach this? I did notice crowdpi which looks interesting, but pretty pricey.
# uncomment to increase signal to HDMI, if you have interference, blanking, or
# no display
Have you tried the RPi connected to a different TV, elsewhere in the house & confirm the fault follows the Pi?
Does it matter what is plugged into the other socket that's switched on/off? It could be voltage spike/drop from loads changing (especially if any of them are highly inductive/capacitive). This would normally be resolved by the PSU smoothing this ripple, but it sounds like it's more than what either of your PSUs are able to handle.
Can you try either of the PSUs on another Pi to see if it exhibits the same issue?
No, but I've plugged a different RPi into the TV and the problem goes away.
I can only guess for the downstairs, but it's likely the kettle or the microwave in the kitchen. Upstairs I've tested with a halogen heater. Both of these do cause the blank screen.
I've now tried a couple of other, lower powered devices (Amazon Echo and Logitech Steering Wheel), and neither of them seem to cause the problem so it would seem your assumption is correct.
While I do have four RPi's, only one of them is an RPi 4 (which has a USB-C adapter); the others are all micro USB. I did however buy an official RPi 4 adapter to test last week (see above) but it made absolutely no difference.