Raspberry Pi - $35 Linux computer

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Nokia AC-10X is like £3.50 or free if you already have a Nokia phone you no longer use :p
Would have thought a lot of people would have old Nokia phones around, or at least used Nokia phones in the past. I have. Can I find an old Nokia charger? No flipping way! :D:o

Still £3.50 isn't that much. :)
I bet one-off sales of chargers have gone through the roof recently :p

Very interested in the Pi still and do a lot of Python at work anyway. I'd be interested at some point in doing some home security with one, but that's probably something for the future. Shall wait a while and hopefully the cases, mods and accessories will pick up a it more :)
Anybody tried using (any) HTPC software, e.g. raspbmc, to convert TruHD/DTS-MA to multichannel lossless LPCM over HDMI?

I know downmixing DTS-MA to stereo may be too much for the RPi and I suspect this is too.

May well have to buy one of these to play with. Anyone know if you can log in with remote X ok?

Can see me hooking it up to my TV to stream stuff, but log into it from my desktop to play with it.
Mine was despatched today, I'm in work all day tomorrow though so I will probably miss it, Gutted

Farnell are sending them out by Royal Mail in boxes that fit through a normal sized letter box. I didn't have to sign for it so it was a nice surprise when I got back home from work one day.

I'm not sure how RS send theirs out, but I've seen pictures of their packaging and I don't think it'd fit through a letter box.
The RS box is about 2 inches high (by 3.5 wide, 5 long) and then in a jiffy bag on top, so unlikely to fit in most - parcelforce knocked and got me to sign for mine.
Farnell are sending them out by Royal Mail in boxes that fit through a normal sized letter box. I didn't have to sign for it so it was a nice surprise when I got back home from work one day.

Thanks for that, I've just a delivery confirmation for a currently empty uni address, thinking it would take ages to arrive, so that's a load off my mind! :)
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ordered mine a few days ago... can't wait.

takes me back to the days of the BBC Micro computers - playing and experimenting with BASIC and external devices - making clocks and timers etc. :D

I've got a good grasp of linux and have a very, very basic grasp of programming i.e. how to structure programs etc. how hard is to start programming in linux, building up over time to getting the software to talk to external devices, obviously it's not in the same league as sending a "blip" to an LED on a circuit board with the BBCs of the 1980s.
You may be surprised how easy it is to toggle physical ports from inside Linux. As long as everything is pre-configured then you can just make library calls from within your program, or even just direct output to a file...

echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio<<<number>>>/value
would set the specified GPIO line to high, or
echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio<<<number>>>/value
to set it to low.
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