Rate the last movie you saw thread.

And theres me thinking the thread died :p

Kill Bill - 8/10 - Pretty good action movie with an ok story. Lots of gore and fighting... i like it :)
Went to the cinema today.

V for Vendetta

Not a particularly great film. The plus points seem to be that it has some good set action pieces, which you would expect from the Wachowski brothers. But it's 'The Matrix' all over again, it's confusing and a bit too long imo. I started to get bored after an hour.


P.S. I noticed a lot of people mentioning serenity and firefly. Well if you get the Region 4 version of Serenity it's a 2 disc version. Just check out my pics below. :D

Tin Case
DVDs & Case
Duece bigalow male gigalo - 7/10

Doesn't try to be anything its not. A comedy thats fairly shallow but has a humerous storyline, with some great situations the duece is put in. Proberly the best out of all the 'Adam Sandler'-esque comedies.
The Matador.

Can't comment on it properly because we walked out half way through. It's the only time in my entire life that I've ever walked out of a cinema before the end of a film, which gives you an idea of how poor it was.

-Poor acting
-Poor casting (god, they even had Pierce Brosnan calling people 'limeys')
-Nothing much happens for at least 50mins
-Stupid jokes that aren't funny

I'm loathe to judge a film having not seen it all, for example the end of the film might help to make more sense of things, but at the end of the day, if a film can't get any kind of hold on you in the first hour, it doesn't fit my definition of a good film.

edit: I see Revolver got mentioned above. That was very confusing and poor, but at least we saw that one through to the end (gf still doesn't forgive me for dragging her along to that).
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Ichi the Killer - 9/10

Definatly a film to watch, very stylistically appealing as well as some eye candy torture scenes. It kept me entertained and gripped the whole way through which is a must for a movie.
Pirates of the Caribbean - 8/10 - Decent story. I love the period it's set in, such a cool time in history. And Pirates just rock :D
Saw V for Vendetta tonight. Really liked it, the trailer didn't do it justice. I'd recommend seeing it if you get the chance. Action packed but with some material which you can actually engage brain for if you desire - quite refreshing.


An interesting look at several seperate strands of the oil industry "tapestry". Could have been executed better and assumes far too much on behalf of the viewer to make it accessible to all. But nonetheless a good film, 7/10. :)
28 days later -- watched it and thought ok, some cool scenes, but storyline wise...wtf!!
I then googled the storyline of it and its hidden little meanings here and there and made me think wow, thats actualy very clever. So dont do what i did and get to the end and think well what a load of crap that was, think about it a bit :rolleyes:

((btw, first 1/2 half to hour - remind you of half life 2 anyone? :p ))
Last night...

Brothers Grimm.

Was looking forward to seeing this as I thought it'd be a good fantasy... but proved to be very dissapponting, average acting and mediocre script/plot.


Lord of War.

Was looking forward to seeing this and it didn't dissappoint. Poignant and very relevant storyline and Cage was very much on form. Acting all-round was more than capable and the script was well-written.

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Kronks new Groove - 6/10. Not as good as The Emperors New Groove. SImple as that really! if the Emperors new Groove was never made, and this one was a standalone film, it may have got 7, its a good watch, but just doesnt compare!
lucky number sleven

1/10. Simply the worst film i have ever seen (which include babe 2: pig in the city). I find quick chat, witty retort funny when perhaps one character does it, but when the whole cast does it makes me want to kill myself!
Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire.

Despite the acting being cringeworthy in some instances and the plot missing chunks every other scene this movie was great. Brings out the magic of the books fantsatically especially the first 10 minutes. Evoked the same kind of feeling as watching the first LOTR movie for me!

Some catching up for me to do...

V for Vendetta
Superb. Portman was great, despite the slightly dodgy accent. It was very well done and a nice change from the usual comic book blockbusters. Actually the Empire review perfectly summed it up for me: http://www.empireonline.com/incinemas/review.asp?FID=10585

The Wedding Crashers
Very fun movie. The two leads are very likable and Isla Fisher is great also. Keeps a good pace and doesn't drag in many places, and although the ending is somewhat predictable it doesn't exactly spoil the movie. Good for a cozy night in with the other half and some pizza :)

March of the Penguins
Poor. There are much better shows about the remarkable life of the Emperor Penguin. This just glosses over a lot of the interesting stuff and somebody with an enquiring mind would end up with a ton of questions by the end of it. I suppose the kiddies will like the cute baby penguins, but for anybody looking to watch an interesting documentary.....forget it.
I watched Withnail and I last week.
Despite the fact its over 20 years old its regarded by many as a cult classic and had totally passed me by , I picked it up in a sale for £2.99

I thought it was rubbish , I liked the scene in the coffee shop but thats about it.

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