Wow, the memories coming back from this thread!
I'm just gonna take a trip down memory lane here, if you're not interested in this then don't waste your time reading it
When I was a wee lad in Saffrica I developed a bit of an obsession for RC cars. These were available back then, but Saffrica being Saffrica, they were very,
very expensive. I used to buy a magazine called RC Car Action which was a foreign magazine which could only be bought at specialist magazine shops (very normal in Saffrica, a whole economy over there dedicated to foreign publications). This meant that whereas a local magazine was about R5-R10, these magazines would often cost R150-R200, so it was a real treat and was read cover to cover, even the small print in the ads. Keep in mind that my first job was aged 11, and at one point I was living in a caravan in my uncle's back yard. Money was tight then so getting these magazines a few times a year was a real treat. Occasionally they'd have little bits and bobs in them too, like a servo mount or some tie-rod ends. I used to save all these in a fishing tackle box just like the pros and was keeping them for the day I got an RC car.
The car I initially fell in love with was the Tamiya Stadium Blitzer. This was the car I told myself I was going to buy, sadly it was never to be.
I still remember seeing it at a local hobby shop, right there on the top shelf, but I would never come to own my RC unicorn. Instead a year or two later, having been scouring the local classifieds every week for RC cars, I found a used Tamiya Madcap. It was old, used, battered, had no electronics in it, but after flicking through my magazines until I found a review and determined that this was in fact a good car and not a cheapo box-ticker jobbie, I bought it. Sadly this car was also never to run again as I simply couldn't afford the radio, servos, battery packs and charger to go with it. I've no idea where it is now.
Then at 15 I moved to Holland and got a paper round. My mum and I were living in my gran's attic at the time and money was scarce but I managed to save up enough to buy a Fighter Buggy. This was the cheapest "proper" RC car at the time, I bought it together with a Futaba 2 channel system and built it by myself, eventually bashing with it around my gran's place. I loved that thing, and would go on to buy a few more batteries so I could play with it for longer.
Eventually girls came on to the scene and then scooters, so the hobby fell by the way side. Until someone opened an RC car shop literally opposite my house and reignited that flame. I'd since lost my beloved fighter buggy in a house move and had no more RC stuff left, and blew all my money on scooters. The guy who opened the shop was an official CEN dealer so had all the lovely stuff in there, including the Cen Genesis, later renamed to the CEN GST. This was a 1/8th nitro truck with a 3 speed box and iirc 4ws. It was an absolute beast. He also sold loads of other cool stuff like a Hotbodies twin engine beast, conversion kits for the HPI Savage (Truckzilla, massive engine or twin engines). I could spend hours and hours in the shop.
Anyway, I moved to London eventually and I now own a CEN MG16 and a CEN Mini Madness with a 13t motor in it. It's a bit of a beast, and the MG16 is great fun too. I bought these two because they're 1/16th so quite small and I loved small stuff, one electric and one nitro for obvious reasons. They also share quite a few components which is what I wanted. Love them, still have them in boxes under the bed.
I'll probably buy something fast and electric in the next couple of years, I quite fancy an E-Maxx or a Savage Flux at some point.