RC cars

14 Apr 2014
East Sussex
I've never had an OG Pred.

A mate has build a X22 and it went pretty well to be fair. I think adding roll bars is a bit tricky but not impossible. The X22 seemed to suffer with the diffs not being tight. I believe this has been addressed in the current version.

I'll take some build pics and report back. :)

The Pred is really something quite special to drive, will be interesting to see how similar it is to the X10/X11

This is my X10 XRS that I recently restored to factory condition (well almost):



8 Nov 2006

The Pred is really something quite special to drive, will be interesting to see how similar it is to the X10/X11

This is my X10 XRS that I recently restored to factory condition (well almost):

Wow, these are worth a fortune now! I raced an original XT many many years ago. It broke all the time and I eventually sold it and went 2wd for a few years. I bought a P8 brand new and raced that for a couple of years, it always felt a bit fragile. I went to a yokomo MX4 after that!
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14 Apr 2014
East Sussex
Wow, these are worth a fortune now! I raced an original XT many many years ago. It broke all the time and I eventually sold it and went 2wd for a few years. I bought a P8 brand new and raced that for a couple of years, it always felt a bit fragile. I went to a yokomo MX4 after that!
Yeah prices are mad for Predators. The XRS in the post above has never been run, so it would probably sell for around £800 with a bit of patience. I've got another new build X10 with some X11 parts on it as well - not sure I'd ever want to part with them though.

The X10 and X11 versions are pretty strong compared to the earlier cars (I used to race XK98 and ETQ versions), but you'd have to be pretty bold to try and run one on anything but a special occasion these days. There's a guy who sells most of the Predator parts printed on a MFJ printer - so they should be strong enough to race, but you'd still struggle to source driveshafts, axles, diff outdrives etc.

I also had an MX4 - beast of a car! Interestingly Genova have just done a special edition MX4 - it's a clone of the version that Masami won the 97 world's with rather than the version they actually ended up selling in 98 and is very different, but cool none the less: https://www.gforce-hobby.jp/products/mx4-forever/english/#intro
8 Nov 2006
Yeah prices are mad for Predators. The XRS in the post above has never been run, so it would probably sell for around £800 with a bit of patience. I've got another new build X10 with some X11 parts on it as well - not sure I'd ever want to part with them though.

The X10 and X11 versions are pretty strong compared to the earlier cars (I used to race XK98 and ETQ versions), but you'd have to be pretty bold to try and run one on anything but a special occasion these days. There's a guy who sells most of the Predator parts printed on a MFJ printer - so they should be strong enough to race, but you'd still struggle to source driveshafts, axles, diff outdrives etc.

I also had an MX4 - beast of a car! Interestingly Genova have just done a special edition MX4 - it's a clone of the version that Masami won the 97 world's with rather than the version they actually ended up selling in 98 and is very different, but cool none the less: https://www.gforce-hobby.jp/products/mx4-forever/english/#intro

Oh yeh the XT was a totally different car back then, carbon tub and the gears would last about 30 minutes, they had a thin crown wheel and a tiny metal pinion. I remember people were modifying them to take associated TC3 gears.

The P8 was better, the gears were better but it still needed a lot of maintenance after each race.

I always tried to be a little different with my car choices, everyone ran either schumacher or losi, I raced at a lot of the DMS events near watford and Darren Boyle was out and our Losi guy so everyone ran that. I picked up the MX4 in florida when I was on holiday there, seemed like a pretty unique car.

Not seen that new MX4, thats crazy, like what that UK company are doing with the YZ10R, he wants about £2000 or so for that, bit much to sit on a shelf but ok I guess if you do retro racing still.

A car I should have kept hold of is the BX, you know? that was the last carbon alloy type car before they went all plastic chassis.
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