RC Planes

try and adjust the servo trim on your remote or attach the server to the throttle channel on the esc but dont give it any throttle and it should set it to neutral middle

I ended up moving the servo arm, and resetting all the clevices (?). I also flashed the Turnigy 9x, and programmed it with flaperons etc. A LOT easier than the original firmware!!
Now, with a bit of luck I'll have a combination of good weather AND time this week-end to go and give it it's first flight!

BTW Anyone know where to to go fly around berkshire, without a club membership? I plan to mostly fly in Wales. but I have move between both so it'd be nice to have a flying site in Berks too...
Well, disappointed a bit... I felt it was way too windy this week-end to try the plane. Oh well; did tour the Elan Valley and found a few potential flying spots that should make awesome in-flight video, when the weather decides to behave...
I just fly in public parks and fields.

Built a P51D mustang from scratch while waiting for the Lanc to arrive..

Its been a bit of a pig to get sorted but the Lanc is almost done.
Another build of my own design.
After a few doodles and working on a wing planform that has been floating around in my head for a while now I came up with this:


I'm sure it's pretty obvious where I got the idea for the wing shape from. Birds of prey and many seabirds (actually most birds) have this shape to their wings. In no way does this imply that anything with this wingshape is going to fly well, in fact through many tests aircraft designers have come to the conclusion that it's more due to the need to be able to get their wings out of the way when they're not flying that birds have evolved into having bent wings. The best fliers out there, like the wandering albatross, have very long straight wings but I have always been taken by the classic bird of prey shape.

So the first step was to build a small throw plane to test the concept. To my great surprise it flew really well. Actually I shouldn't have been surprised, as they say, if you have the right COG and enough power, a toaster will fly. Thankfully my idea wasn't at all toaster shaped so power wasn't too much of an issue!


That evening I got to building and I applied some rules (not for any other reason than aesthetics) derived from photography. Namely the rules of thirds. The rules of thirds suggests that the most effective and attractive photos typically have the image split into thirds either horizontally or vertically (over simplified but this is the gist of it). I decided to leave the rudder for now and went with a bank and yank configuration with two servos on the wings so that I could at a later stage experiment with flaperons.

So I give you - The Kestrel

It flies really well once the CG is sorted and has a surprisingly benign stall characteristic. It will basically pancake from the stall and float all the way down. It flies really well fast or slow and is capable of pretty decent roll rates and loops.




Some specs:

A single sheet of 1000mmx800mm Foam Board

Wingspan: 39.5 inches or 1000mm
Length: 33 inches or 840mm
AUW: 30oz or 850g
Wing airfoil: KFM2

Motor - EMAX CF2822
Prop - 9x7 Slowfly
ESC - 18amp Hobbywing Flyfun
Battery - 2200mah 3cell 25C
Servos - 3xTurnigy 9g

Nice work Steve, what components do you use?
Is there a general motor power to weight ratio you should work towards?
What's te cheapest delta mix controller out there?
And how do you wire stuff up for multiple motor craft. Use one speed controller? Or is their special receivers for multiple engine craft.

Well I say delta wing, more flying wing.
Would the spektrum dx5e be fine for that?
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Can someone kindly point me in the direction of a decent charger for my 3s 25c 2200mah battery's.

The parkzone charger that came with my p47 seems really crap.

Can someone kindly point me in the direction of a decent charger for my 3s 25c 2200mah battery's.

The parkzone charger that came with my p47 seems really crap.


Turnigy Accucell 6 from the Hobby King UK warehouse. Couple that with a 12V, 5A laptop power supply and you have a decent charger for 3S 2200mah packs. It's not much good for larger batteries, but it's great for small packs.

Now, can anyone spec my a kit for my Stryker F27Q electronics? I flew it through a tree this morning and it's beyond repair. It'll cost me £85 to fix it, but the whole plane only cost me £110 delivered brand new so I want to try something different with the bits I have that still work.

Here's a pic for those that want to see the carnage once I'd found all the bits.

At least it was all on the floor and I didn't have to climb a tree.
Makes me sad to see broken RC planes :'(

Is anyone here flying FPS planes? I don't have one myself but I've seen quite a few videos online and it looks amazing, although a little expensive in the setup costs.
Wassup dogs.

Gonna get back into this - got over excited about getting into planes, smashed it up and then didn't return to it - despite spending quite a lot of money on it. :)

I think the problem was focussing too much on FPV, and not having the cash to support it.

What about a cheap park flyer/3D plain? I have everything - TX/RX, charger, batteries and what not. Also got a motor that I can use, which is pretty potent, so could use that also.

Something cheap, possibly from the UK? Alternatively I'll just wait for a few years for stuff to arrive from HobbyKing. :p
not all of it is badly made and no one ever complained about the batteries

Lipo's are the only thing I buy from them now because I'm a cheapskate but even they carry a weight penalty against similar mAh/cell quality brands.

The HK heli's are the worst, occasionally you'll get lucky and end up with a model that has accidently hit the right tolerances but the odd's aren't in your favour, I went through a couple of 450 TT pro's from them which were utter rubbish, I ended up forking out for a real Trex 450 Pro and the difference in quality is like night and day.
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