Only a small update today, I had to wait for my 16awg wire which arrived this morning, so I extended the ESC wires by soldering the extensions on, I then soldered 3.5mm female bullet connectors on, so I can connector to the motor wires.
I glued the motor and motor mount in, however run in to an issue with excess glue going over the motor, so In the end I cleaned it off, and glued in the plastic motor mount only. I will threadlock the screws and screw in the motor when this has set.
Only thing I am worried about is using two screws to screw the motor to the motor mount, as the mount will only line up to two of the holes to the motor threadholes as the same time. Not sure why they dont this, but apparently other people have been fine with two screws in. As long as this is the case. Then fair enough
I applied a small sticky piece of velcro to the bottom section of the under cockpit compartment, and the other side of the sticky velcro on the back of the ESC, so I now have a removable ESC platform.
Tomorrow I will solder XT60 battery connection on to the ESC power + - wires, and then work out if there is anything I havnt covered so I can start gluing the fuselage together. I am using the stock glue that came with the kit.
Everything else should be accessable through the cockpit container where the battery, reciever and any other modules that I will be using, although I just want to ensure that iv covered everything before I stick it together.