RC Planes

been having an absolute nightmare with Phoenix RC and my transmitter since updating to Phoenix v5...

My throttle is all over the place... the orange calibration bars are either full on (full orange bar) or off (no orange bar at all). It's no longer a progressive bar like it was... recalibrated numerous times. :(
Yes I am aware of the bix2, required mods and your build etc. It looks like a great easy to fly fpv plane and whilst I am sure it would be a decent trainer too, I just wonder if I should be buying something a little more resilliant to crashes and easy repair for a 1st plane?

I have a dx6i already from my helicopter although I never got too good at that! so expect to crash this too even though I do well on the sim.
Yes I am aware of the bix2, required mods and your build etc. It looks like a great easy to fly fpv plane and whilst I am sure it would be a decent trainer too, I just wonder if I should be buying something a little more resilliant to crashes and easy repair for a 1st plane?

I have a dx6i already from my helicopter although I never got too good at that! so expect to crash this too even though I do well on the sim.

i think with the most part any foamy trainer will run in to issues of breaking if you hit the deck hard enough. Start off with limited throws, when you first get it up gain altitude staight away and learn to control, also spend time on a flight sim.

Covering areas in crossweave make things much stronger and things can be repaired in most part, good thing with the bix is, is there are loads of spare parts! and cheap.

Iv done some more tonight, iv added some magnets to the wing joins, so they will work with the velcro im going to be sticking on.

Also covered some more of the wing in crossweave tape, it will do the job, but me seeing someone elses job on adding crossweave across most of their model and doing a fantastic job makes me look at mine and think "meh". But mine is fine, just some annoying jobs trying to get it round some of the curves on the wing. I probably wont go right to the wing tips, will be too difficult. But leading edges and the main body of the wings done, which will protect and give some extra strength

Tomorrow I will start looking at where I will mount the battery and COG stuff.





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Over head launch with left hand, jam the throttle open first though, right hand on the right stick.
Away you go!
I tend to just leave the right stick nowerdays, lob with right and just drop hand onto the stick quickly.
If you want you can enter into a little jog to make the speed a bit higher too.
Once you have done it a few times its easy :)
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Nope bugger it. Nose crumpled. I cannot gain control of it after launch.

If I didn't have crossweave tape on the nose it would have been snapped. The elevator and tail also slightly off now

I cant hand launch
did you double check control throws were moving in the right direction?

Hand launching will be easy with that model, full throttle, throw it forwards and slightly upwards with right hand, then hand back onto tx for control of ailerons and elevator. Should fly fine that model.

small control movements, all control surfaces level before first flight, c of g correct. Then trim out when at a nice and safe altitude at half throttle.

If it has been damaged, pretty certain with all the tape you have put on, it will make it easy to repair.

What exactly happened......
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