RC Planes

Glue has set nicely for the rudder and elevator, connected elevator and rudder control rods, just in the middle of adding crossweave tape across fuselage up to about half way. Will post pics after of efforts

Edit: pics apologies very bad quality pics, although more tomorrow now






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Just setting up flaps on the tx.

For the flaps I have the control rods going to the inner most bottom hole in the control horn to give the most throw.

On the TX I have set-up 3 mixers on channel 5, assigned to a 3 way switch.

Switch up = Flaps disabled
Switch middle = Flaps 50% (weight 50)
Switch bottom = Flaps 100% (weight 100)

Although I have seen video of people using near 90 degree's flaps in some cases, I cant quite seem to get mine to go any further down.

I have set the flaps to adjust with a slow rating set, so they come out and retract gently and slower, rather than quick.

Will also been configuring crow/speed brake (flaps down ailerons up)

Although my servos make that funny buzzing sound when they are in use, can I stop this? I have noticed other peoples dont do this? I thought if you set the servo to a certain position it will go to that position and leave it there? without buzzing away
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Servo chatter.
Some servos do it when new and bed in.
Also BEC can cause it on digital servos.
Although it can be caused by catching linkages or off centre mounting.
Sounds like the servos are binding.
You need to eliminate this as it will cause excessive drain on the battery.
Has to be a linkage somewhere catching?
Will have a look in a bit, just going some more programming a sec, setting up another 3 way switch for rates and configuring under the taranis input menu

switch up - low rates
50 weight - 40 expo

switch middle - mid rates
75 weight - 40 expo

switch down - high rates
100 weight - 40 expo

on rudder, elevator, ailerons
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Testing rates, flaps, led control, only thing that is being a bit weird with the rates at the moment is the ailerons, it was working but being funny. The Elevators and rudder work with the rates switch

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servos are binding in that video. (will drain battery), just reduce some travel on tx.

you have hell of a lot of movement on that model on all control surfaces. I have movement like that on things like a large saito powered funtana which is a 3D model.

Do not think you will need anything like the amount of movement you have there on your model.
Also that is a hell of a lot of flap deployment. When flying and you add the flaps you will, i'd imagine find the model very uncontrollable / pitch sensitivity.

I really think that kind of model won't need a great deal of control surface movement to enable it to fly nicely.

Certainly be interested in hearing about it when you do fly it.

of course double check your C of G as well.
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What radio gear would people recommend?

The Turnigy 9x seems to get lots of love, but currently the cheapest place is Hobbyking but only via the international warehouse (so shipping cost + time, still cheaper though), seems there's a few places where it's a bit more but in the UK at least...

I'm also possibly thinking a Spektrum one, probably DX6i, mostly because I have a Blade 120SR Heli that I could use it with as well.

Or there's the Turnigy 9XR, more pricey but on Hobbyking at the UK warehouse last time I checked, would need to get a module but could possibly get a DSM2/DSMX one and get the same benefit of the DX6i.

Any other options? Kinda thinking lower end of the market obviously but also want something reasonably good.

Plane will be either the Bixler2 or AXN Floater Jet I think (I want the Bix3 really but same issue with the International warehouse stuffs :p)
How much have you got to spend? is the question.

If you can stretch, go for a FrSky Taranis

If you want a 6 channel, DX6i is resonably priced.

Remember if your going for the bixler, and want flaps, then best get a servo signal reverser and use a Y lead, otherwise you will need a seperate channel for each flap (so 2 channels) total for flaps.

The signal reverser costs a couple of quid and worth it, only need one channel
I forgot the mention the Taranis, I had looked at it yesterday but it does seem to be a decent step up in costs...

I guess if I get into the hobby it'd be worth it, but if I don't it would be a 'waste' of money, which I think is why the 9x/DX6i appeal, not as good it seems but a good chunk cheaper whilst not being completely useless.

The DX6i is a bit limited I guess but do I really need that, again in the short-medium term, if I get into the hobby I could keep the DX6i for the heli(s) and get something like the Taranis for the planes to open my options perhaps.

How does the 9XR (the 'pro' upgrade/expensive version) compare to the Taranis? Again the cost seems lower but not by as much and it appears to at least close the gap?
Anyone got any of this stuff they want to "lend" me for a few quid




This stuff looks pretty decent compared to some of the cheap probably not good performing stuff off ebay

But they are in transit, maybe will see when it will be in stock

Yes. Drop me a trust and I'll show you what I have if you still need some? It's not exactly that stuff but from HK and is blue.
Sent trust, I am waiting on a seller to respond who might have the same stuff, but I just need to confirm as he is selling them in sections, which is useless to me, as I need it in a long strip ready to be cut up after measurement.

If not I will look for other stuff

I am using velcro and ordered some rare earth magnets to do the wing hold mod.
I am thinking of trying some fpv but need a trainer to learn los first. I have loads of sim time.

Would a bix2 be suitable as a los trainer or should I get something easier to get in the air?
Most people seem to rate the Bixler series (as well as similar planes such as the AXN Floater Jet) as decent trainers as well, I'll find out next weekend hopefully :p

I settled on the Turnigy9x and went for the AXN Floater Jet just to be different, got the plane and most of the stuff, should be getting the 9x on Tuesday apparently, looking forward to trying to fly it :)
I have a bixler2 build going on at the moment, not flown it yet, but impressed with the look, its features, the foam frame. Goes together nicely although you will need a couple of mods.

I should be maidenening soon, there are a few more bits I need to do, more control throw checking, got to add some crossweave in a few more areas. I have a decent layer of crossweave across the model which should give it some extra durablility, iv installed rudder and elevator carbon fibre rods.

I need to sort the wing mounting out by adding some magnets which I have, and I need to wait for my velcro to arrive. then I guess maiden it.

I would learn LOS first for sure. Then when you have got some flight time LOS and you are happy you can control, move to FPV if you so wish.
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